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(see Thomas Duffus of Mount Plenty, Jamaica family tree and Jamaica Telephone Directory)

|Dr. Lee Duffus|Lisa-May Duffus|Seminal Influences|


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Professor of Business at the University of South Florida

Office: Florida Gulf Coast University                      Home: 1377 Currier Circle
College of Business Fort Myers, FL 33919               19501 Ben Hill Griffin Parkway
Phone: (941)  433-0531                                                  Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565
                                                                                         Telephone (813) 590-7401

E-Mail: [email protected]




 Academic Philosophy



 University Leadership

 Professional Leadership

 Civic/Community Leadership

 Fund raising

 Business/Administrative Experience

 Honors and Awards





Associate Professor of Marketing, University of South Florida, Fort Myers Campus, Fort Myers, Florida (Tenured), June 1985 to present.

Visiting Professor of Marketing, University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, April 1995.

September 1979 to May 1985 - Assistant Professor of Marketing, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Graduate Instructor, Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, Indiana, January 1979 to June 1979.

Lecturer in Marketing Management, College of Arts, Science, and Technology, Kingston, Jamaica, October 1973 to July 1975.


Business/Administrative Experience

President, Strategic Marketing and Planning Services, Inc., November 1977 to present.

 Chemical Sales Manager, Jamaica and Sales Coordinator for additives and plastic sales throughout the Caribbean - Esso Inter-America, Inc., March 1974 to November 1977.

 Manager, Cayman Islands, Esso Standard Oil, SA Limited, March 1975 to August 1975.

 Economics and Planning Advisor, Esso Standard Oil S.A. Limited, Kingston, Jamaica, March 1, 1971 to March 1974.

 Founder, Owner and Manager, Wooden Products and Accessories, Ltd., Kingston, Jamaica, October 1971 to January 1977.



Referred Publications

"Career Planning as an Element of the Introductory Marketing Course: Students Perspective on its Usefulness." Submitted for inclusion in the 1998 Proceedings of the American Marketing Association, October 1998

 "Securing Community Buy-In to Efforts to Create a Peer Culture of Excellence Among Minority students: A Marketing Oriented Approach," accepted for the 1998 Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association, November 1998.

 "Marketing Change in Public Education: Seamless University Recruitment Grades 3-12," (with Madelyn Isaacs), 1998 Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Urban/Multicultural Issues, April 1998

 "Assessing the Ethical Perceptions of Marketers: Practitioners Versus Students" (with

Hudson P. Rogers, Mohan K. Menon, 1998 Proceedings of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, March 1998.

 "Busing for Desegregation: A Marketing Dilemma," (With Madelyn Isaacs), 1995 Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association, November 1995.

"Seamless Achievement," (with Madelyn Isaacs), Research Bulletin, FERC, Vol 27 Number 2, Spring 1996

 "Scholars’ Club, A Culture of Achievement Among Minority Students," (With Madelyn Isaacs), The School Counselor, January 1995.

 "Seamless Recruitment - The opportunity for a K-Post-Secondary program with PSEP," (with Madelyn Isaacs) 1994 Proceedings of the Minority Student Today Conference, October 9-12.

 "An Assessment of Self-Concept and Values Variables Concerning the Importance of Education for Minority Student Success." (with Madelyn Isaacs) 1994 Proceedings of the Minority Student Today Conference, October 9-12.

 "Minority Education Intervention: The Experience of Two Programs with Middle School and High School Students and Their Families" (with Madelyn Isaacs), Research Bulletin, FERC, Vol. 22, No. 4, Spring 1991.

 "Correlates of Consumer Service Satisfaction in the Residential Real Estate Industry", 1991 Proceedings of the Southern Marketing Association, November 1991.

 "Physicians Say 'No' to Advertising by Physicians but 'Yes' to Advertising by Hospitals", Hospital Topics, December 1990.

 "Despite Personal Opposition to Advertising, Physicians Believe its 'OK' for Hospitals to Advertise", Marketing News, Vol. 24, No. 20, P. 19, October 1, 1990.

 "Female versus Male Real Estate Salespersons: Are They Perceived Differently by Consumers?", 1990 Proceedings, Southern Marketing Association, November 1990.

 "The Impact of Foreign Exchange Deficiencies on Export Planning by Caribbean Firms", 1987 Proceedings, Southern Marketing Association, November 1987.

 "Nationalism and the Consumer: Is it Really Important?" 1987 Proceedings, Academy of Marketing Science, May 1987.

 "Strategy Studies and Entrepreneurship", with Gary Roberts and Lloyd Southern, 1987 Proceedings, Association of Private Enterprise Education, April 1987.

 "Research into Entrepreneurship as a Form of History", with Gary Roberts and Lloyd Southern, 1987 Proceedings, Association of Private Enterprise Education, April 1987.

 "Content Analysis of Business Related Papers published in RMCLAS Proceedings: 1977-1985", with Gary B. Roberts, 1987 Proceedings, Business Association for Latin American Studies, February 1987.

 "Comparison of Buyer, Seller, and Realtor Assessments of Realtor Characteristics", Marketing in an Environment of Change: 1986 Proceedings, Southern Marketing Association, November 1986.

 "Strategic and Public Policy Decisions Facing Caribbean Exporters", 1986 Proceedings, Business Association for Latin American Studies, Estes Park, Colorado. Also published in JACQ: The Jamaican-American Quarterly, Winter 1986.

 "The Foreign Exchange Dilemma in the Caribbean: Implications for Export Planning", 1986 Proceedings, Business Association for Latin American Studies, Estes Park, Colorado. RECIPIENT OF THE AWARD FOR "OUTSTANDING PAPER".

"CEO’s and the Caribbean Export Firm", Roger Calantone (Ed), 1984 Proceedings, Mid-Atlantic Marketing Association, Orlando, Florida.

 "Empirical Investigation of the Effects of Foreign Exchange Shortages on Caribbean Export Perceptions", Richard E. Wokutch (Ed), 1984 Proceedings, International Council for Small Business, Chicago, Illinois.

 "Economic and Social Barriers to Successful Export Marketing: A Look at the Caribbean Basin Nations", Garth M. Hansen (Ed), 1984 RMCLAS Proceedings, Center for Latin American Studies, Tucson, Arizona.

 "Small Business, Entrepreneurial Effort, and the English Speaking Caribbean", Richard E. Wokutch (Ed), 1982 Proceedings, 27th World Congress of Small Business, International Council for Small Business, Knoxville, Tennessee.


 Significant Non-Refereed Publications

A Preliminary Evaluation of the Mobile Magnet transportation Program (with Madelyn Isaacs & Lynne Lampila), School District of Lee County, Fort Myers, FL., June 1995 

Economic Empowerment Program for Public Housing Residents, Fort Myers Housing Authority, August 1993-July 1994.

 STARS Program Evaluation Report - 1989-93, City of Fort Myers, Division of Parks and Recreation, August 1993.

 1993-94 Evaluation Plan: STARS Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, July 1993.

 Economic Feasibility Analysis and Business Plan for the Dunbar Shopping Center, City of Fort Myers, Community Development Agency, February 1992.

 An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Advertising Expenditures in Southwest Florida, Southwest, Florida Regional Medical Center, Fort Myers, FL August 1992

 An Assessment of the Need for Management Training and Development in the English Speaking Caribbean, (with Edward L. Fenton Jr., John N. Doggett, John C. Edmunds, William E. Renforth, John I Reynolds, Eric St. Cyr and Cheri Waters), Caribbean association of Industry and Commerce, U. S. Agency for International Development, August 1985.


 Unpublished Working Papers

"The Tourism Industry in Jamaica: Mass Versus Differentiated Marketing", working paper no. 105, The University of Tennessee, 1981.

 "Nationalism and Behavior--An Empirical Demonstration of Congruence", working paper, College of Business Administration, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, November 1980.

"The Jamaican Economy in the 1980's--A need for a Policy of Strategic Retreat from Reliance on Petroleum", working paper, College of Business Administration, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, November 1980.

 Other Publications

Understanding Jamaica, manuscript under preparation, 1998, 193 pp.

 Seminal Influences: Legacies of a Jamaican-American, manuscript under preparation, 1998, 317 pp.

 The Cuban-Jamaican Connection (Novel), Kingston Publishers Limited, Kingston, Jamaica, 1982, 349pp.

 Jamaicanisms: The Jamaican Language from A to Z (a booklet on Jamaican dialect), LRMD Publications, Knoxville, Tennessee, DLM Enterprises, Kingston, Jamaica, 1983, 45pp.

 Training The Trainers: A Manual for Beginner Soccer Coaches, LRMD Publications, Knoxville, Tennessee, DLM Enterprises, Kingston, Jamaica, 1984, 48pp.



Editor: Index - Articles published in BALAS Proceedings 1977-1987, Business Association of Latin American Studies Proceedings, 1988, 48 pages.

Editor: Marketing and Small Business/Entrepreneurship: Conceptual and Research Directions, with Gerald E. Hills and David J. Barnaby, Proceedings of conference sponsored by AMA and ICSB, The University of Tennessee, 1981.



(Chair): African-Americans and West Indians Socio-Economic Perspectives, Twenty-Third CSA Conference, May 1998

 Miscellaneous Reports:

"Lee County Residential Unit Occupancy Study", a project funded by a grant from the Gannett Foundation, December 1, 1986.

 PSEP Transitional Strategic Plan, (with Madelyn Isaacs), January 1995, USF at Fort Myers/FGCU.

 PSEP Strategic Business Plan: 1993-96, (with Madelyn Isaacs), January 1994, USF at Fort Myers.

Over 10 other unfunded reports to private and government agencies between 1995-98.


 Work in Progress:



Scholarly Articles

  Selected Presentations at Professional Meetings

(Excludes presentations where the work was published)

 "Differences and Similarities Between African Americans and west Indians: Some Marketing Implications," Antigua, Twenty-third CSA Conference, May 1998

 "Developing a Peer Culture of Success Among Minority Students: A Creative Marketing Challenge," Twenty-third CSA Conference, May 1998.

 "Export Marketing Activity Among Small and Medium Size Firms from Developing Countries: An Investigation of Caribbean Firms," (With Hudson Rogers), Twenty-third CSA Conference, May 1998.

 "The Public Schools Enrichment Partnership: College-For-A-Day", (with Madelyn Isaacs), Florida's Conference on Improving Education, September 1993.

 "Scholars' Club: A Culture that Fosters Academic Accomplishment Among Minority Students", (with Madelyn Isaacs), Florida's Conference on Improving Educator, September 1993.

 "Strategic and Public Policy Decisions Facing Caribbean Exporters", 1986 Annual Conference of Business Association of Latin American Studies, Estes Park, Colorado.

 "Structural and Economic Environment: Entrepreneurial Growth in Developing Countries", 27th World Congress of Small Business, sponsored by the International Council for Small Business, Knoxville, Tennessee, June 1982.

 "The Art of Making Conference Presentations", with Max Wortman, University of Tennessee. A paper presented at the 27th World Congress of Small Business, sponsored by the International Council for Small Business, Knoxville, Tennessee, June 1982.

 "Export Marketing and the US Economy: Why, How, and With What Results", East Tennessee International Commerce Club, September 1981.

 "Entrepreneurial Curriculum in Business Education: A Survey of the Business Programs Offered by 83 Black Colleges and Universities", Education in Entrepreneurship Conference, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, June 1981.

 "Marketing Curricula: A Role for Small Business and Entrepreneurship", Marketing/Small Business Entrepreneurship Workshop, ICSB, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, May 1981. 

"Nationalism in the Marketplace: Jamaican Consumer Source Perceptions", Eastern Regional Meeting of the Academy of International Business, New York University, New York, April 1981.



Over 150 PSEP-and marketing related presentations at schools and civic organizations throughout southwest Florida each year.

Developed and coordinated a series of televised Community Forums under the heading "Crisis in Minority Education" to call attention to alarming performance disparities between racial/ethnic groups enrolled in the public schools of southwest Florida (1995).

Coordinator and Panelist, Education and Economic Development Tracts, Leadership Lee County, 1993.

Coordinator and Panelist, Social Issues and Economic Development Tracts, Leadership Lee County, 1992.

Group Facilitator, Regional Educational Executive Issues Forum, West Central Regional Management Development Network, Tampa, 1990.

Keynote Speaker, "Marketing Challenges and Opportunities Facing Human Resource Professionals", Annual General Meeting, American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), April 1990.

Panelist, Second Annual World Share Showcase, World Trade Council of Southwest Florida, April 1990.

Keynote Speaker, "Demystifying the Export Marketing Process", First Annual World Share Showcase, World Trade Council of Southwest Florida, April 1989.

Organized Clinic on Health Care Marketing in Southwest Florida, Guest Speaker, Janet Guptil, Vice-President - Marketing, The Sachs Group, Spring 1989.

Panelist, Southwest Florida Regional Economic Conference, Chamber of Southwest Florida, October 1989.

Presented Recognition Award to "Small Business Leader of the Year", at the Second Annual MBA Forum, Sonesta Sanibel Harbor Resort, Fort Myers, Florida, May 1989.

 "Management Training Needs in the Caribbean", a presentation at a symposium on the English-speaking Caribbean - FROM EMPIRE TO EDEN, University of South Florida at St. Petersburg, February 1987.

Organized and hosted, "1985-86 Marketing Forums" at the University of South Florida at Fort Myers. Forums involved guest lectures by business executives.

"Marketing and the Home Health Industry: An Alliance Dictated by New Economic Realities", presentation to Health Care Professionals, Redi-Care Inc., Fort Myers, Florida, February 1986.

 "Marketing Planning, and the Manufacturing Community", keynote address to the Lee County Manufactures' Association, Fort Myers, Florida, February 1986.

 "The Role of AISEC in Fostering Global Leadership and Understanding", keynote address to the 1985 Southern Regional Conference of AISEC, Fairfield Glades, Tennessee, March 1985.

 "Marketing and Economic Development in the Black Community", invited university presentation, Knoxville College, December 1984.




"Media Must Maintain Commitment" Guest Opinion, News-Press, Sunday, May 26, 1996.

"Crisis in Minority Education", Guest Opinion, News-Press, Sunday, November 25, 1995.

 "Disadvantaged Business Council’s assignment a painstaking process", Guest Opinion, News-Press, Sunday, June 11, 1995.

 "Some Lee County Students To Go To School on Wheels" (with Madelyn Isaacs), Insight, News-Press, Sunday, May 22, 1994.

 "Buses Could Become Centers of Learning Instead of Controversy" (with Madelyn Isaacs), Guest Opinion, News-Press, Sunday, February 14, 1993.

Results of Lee County Occupancy Survey were published in both the Fort Myers News-Press, Sunday, March 15, 1987 - "Study Tracks Elusive Tourists", and University of South Florida, Close-up - special Research Issue, "It's Always the Season to visit Fort Myers", No. 2, page 10C, 1987.

 "Reconstruction of the Jamaican Economy--Export and Managerial Barriers", Public Affairs, Jamaica Daily Gleaner, October 1981; Jamaica Weekly Gleaner--North American Edition, November 1981; Jamaica Weekly Gleaner--European Edition, November 1981.

Interview/Review contributions to innumerable news stories. See for example attached press clippings of some news stories "Edison Festival Shines on Commerce," News-Press (February 12, 1998), "Marketing Reels in Clients – and Helps Keep Them," News-Press (November 17, 1997), "Road to Success: Student Wins Opportunity of a Lifetime," and "Club Helps Students in Need" (Fort Myers News-Press, Sunday, October 13, 1996), and "Lee Awaits 3-Pronged Progress" and "Franklin Park Honors Successful Students." (Fort Myers News-Press, Sunday, January 5, 1997)



"New University Tries to Be a Model in Use of Technology," The Chronicle of Higher Education, Vol. XL1V, No 16, December 12, 1997

 Founder and publisher of PSEP News, a bi-annual newsletter to the business and donor communities of southwest Florida, 1994-present (see attachment).

 Principal Researcher, Publisher, Southwest Florida Business Outlook, October 1992.

"Survival in the 1990's," Florida Business Southwest, December 1989.

"Management Education and Training Needs in Jamaica" JACQ, Fall/Winter 1986-87.



Over 25 live appearances between 1996-98. Sample video of interviews will be provided on request.



Founded the PSEP Research Council which during its first year, 1998-99 will award faculty research grants totaling $10,000.

 Founder, Academic and Community Liaison, Public Schools Enrichment Partnership

PSEP serves as an umbrella for several public school based programs whose aims are to enhance achievement and attainment of opportunities for minority and disadvantaged students in Southwest Florida. Principal programs are College-For-A-Day and Scholars' Club.


College-For-A-Day Program

CFAD is a program which brings elementary and middle school students and their parents to the University of South Florida, Fort Myers Campus for a four-hour program designed to demystify the higher education process. University visits are scheduled weekly throughout the academic year, and are targeted to "at risk" public school students from Lee, Hendry, Glades, Collier and Charlotte Counties.

Program Recognition:

Scholars' Club

Scholars’ Club is the premier academic organization for minority and "at risk" students in Southwest Florida. The principal objective is to promote and support attainment of a peer culture of success among students.

As of Fall 1998, there were 57 Chapters of the Scholars’ Club in Lee, Charlotte, Collier, Hendry and Glades Counties in southwest Florida. Other Florida chapters exist in Sarasota, Palm Beach and Hillsborough Counties. Outside of the state of Florida, Chapters exist in New York, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Kansas and Washington.


Program Recognition:




PSEP Funding Philosophy

PSEP is largely funded by contributions from the community. Contributions from the University are minimal, involving only utilities, office space and some equipment support (e.g. computer).

To date, PSEP funding has been shaped by the philosophy that:

    1. the race and ethnic based performance disparities in the school system result from local conditions and should be addressed locally. Thus, there has been minimal efforts to secure national or state funding.
    2. when the need for programs such as PSEP no longer exists, the community will cease to fund the program.


Overall, since 1993, PSEP has been budgeted at ($499,650).  

1997-98: Solicited funding: $127,200 

1996-97: Solicited funding: $129,370 

1995-96: Solicited funding: $101,980 

1994-95: Solicited funding: $73,100 

1993-94: Solicited funding: $68,000

 Other PSEP related funding, not included above, include:




SUS System – State Wide Course Numbering Faculty Discipline Committee, 1998 – present

FGCU – University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 1997-98 

FGCU – (Chair) College of Business Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 1997- present 

FGCU – College of Business Peer Evaluation Committee, 1997-98

FGCU – (Chair) COB, Marketing Department, Strategic Planning Committee, Fall 1997-98

FGCU – COB, Search Committee for Marketing Faculty, (Chair), 1997-98 

FGCU - Search Committee for Marketing Faculty, 1996-97 

FGCU – Marketing Department Coordinator, Fall 1997

FGCU - Development of Marketing Curriculum, 1996

USF - Fort Myers, Chairman, Faculty Council, 1993-94.

USF - Fort Myers, Member, Search Committees for Accounting, Management, Psychology and Accounting and Education Leadership, 1992-93.

USF - Tampa; Search Committee, Marketing Department Chair, Spring 1991

USF - Fort Myers; Search Committee, Management Professor, Spring 1991.

USF - Sarasota; Member, Search Committee, for Accounting, Spring 1991.

USF - Fort Myers; Member, Search Committee for Endowed Chair of Nursing Candidate, Summer-Fall 1990.

USF - Fort Myers; Member, Selection Committee for Associate Dean, Spring 1990.



Member, Board of Directors, NationsBank, 1998- present. 

Member, Board of Directors, Barnett Bank of Lee County, 1995-1997.

Member, Advisory Council, Southwest Florida Regional Medical Center, 1991- present.

Member, IRB Board, Southwest Florida Regional Medical Center, 1992 - present.

Member, Steering Committee, Leadership Lee County, 1992-93.

Member, Lee County Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Council, 1991-92.

Chairman, 1992 - 1998

Member, Curriculum and Instruction Committee to develop long-range strategic plan, The School Board of Lee County, 1992 - 93.

Founder & Chairman, Board of Directors, Dunbar Chamber of Commerce, 1991 - 1997.

Founding member, Board of Directors, Lee County Horizon Council. Chairman, Research Committee,
1991 - present.

Member, Board of Directors, Edison Pageant of Light, 1991-1995.

Member, Board of Directors, United Way of Lee County, 1990 - present.



Generate over 100 paid Summer Internship Opportunities each year for Scholars’ Club students enrolled in the public school systems of southwest Florida (see attachment). In Summer 1996, 129 opportunities, generating over $300,000 of summer compensation was facilitated.

Head Soccer Coach for the East Tennessee Region of American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) (1982-84)

Senior Soccer Referee and Referee Scheduler, Lee County Youth Soccer Association, 1986-1990



Vice-President - Government, United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 1987-88.

Charter Participant - Leadership Lee County Seminar Series, Lee County, Florida, 1986.

Co-Chair - 27th World Congress for Small Business, Knoxville, Tennessee, June 1982.

Faculty Representative and Panel Member - 12th Annual Albert Herring Symposium, Indiana University, March 1982.


Caribbean Studies Association

Business Association for Latin American Studies

International Council for Small Business

Southern Marketing Association

American Real Estate Society



Recognition of Excellence, The XX Award, 1998, Florida Gulf Coast University  

Paulette Burton Citizen of the Year, 1987, Board of County Commissioners, Lee County, Florida 

Distinguished Community Service Award, 1998, Florida Board of Regents.

Recipient of the Direct Marketing Institute for Professor Fellowship, 1997

Distinguished Leadership Award, 1977, Sprint and the Chamber of Southwest Florida. 

Distinguished Service Award Nominee, 1997, College of Business, University of South Florida.

1994-95 Outstanding Educator, Post Secondary - Lee County, presented by Phi Delta Kappa

Recipient of special award for "Outstanding Service to Youth in the Community," Quality Life Center, 1994.

Selected by the University of South Florida as the Ida Baker Distinguished Minority Educator, (1991, 1993).

Recipient of the award for Outstanding Paper, ("The Foreign Exchange Dilemma in the Caribbean: Implications for Export Planning"), Business Association for Latin American Studies, Estes Park, Colorado, 1986.

Selected as the Best Lee County Youth Soccer Referee, 1992, 1993.

Recognized by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as a "Tennessee Olympian" for being the winning coach of a gold medal Tennessee select soccer team at the 1984 McDonald’s Youth Soccer Olympics.



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Lady Cougars athlete finds her way over any hurdles in her path

by Catherine Taylor
Staff Writer

Most people think of obstacles as burdens, but for junior Lisa-May Duffus, overcoming hurdles is an everyday
accomplishment. Duffus runs hurdles for the Houston Lady Cougars track and field team and has already provisionally qualified for NCAAs this year.

After she began her track career early in life, Duffus realized she had a gift for running. Growing up in Canada, she was encouraged by her brother to take track seriously, and her true talents began to surface. She started
out as a sprinter, but was persuaded by Dave Hunt, her coach at the Cedarbrae Collegiate Academy in Scarborough, Ontario, to switch to hurdles because he saw potential.

The Canada native competed in volleyball and soccer besides track while at Cedarbrae. An exceptional athlete all around,  Duffus played soccer for five years before choosing track as her primary focus. Duffus was the
Canadian Junior Champion in 1993, and represented Canada in the 1994 World Junior Championships.

Duffus said she came to Houston to run for the Lady Cougars because she felt this would be the best place for her.

"I have a lot of faith in the track program at (the University of Houston), and a lot of confidence in the coaches," Duffus said.

Through assistant coach Mike Takaha and professional athletes such as Carl Lewis and Leroy Burrell, Duffus said she has  taken her track career to new levels. She also credited a lot of her success to her friend and
teammate Vernella Rolle. "(Rolle)  has given me a lot of advice and confidence in my abilities," Duffus said.

Duffus is also an honor-roll scholar.

"I keep my grades and my hurdling in balance. They are both very im-  portant to me," Duffus said.

She has been able to balance them well, maintaining a 3.7 GPA last semester while gaining esteem for the Lady Cougar track  team as well.

In her free time, Duffus said she likes to relax by hanging out with her friends and her boyfriend. She said she also likes to  spend time playing with her chow dog, Foxxy.

Though Duffus said she longs for the food and atmosphere in Canada, her time in Houston is important to her. Duffus sets high  standards for herself. She hopes to do well at Nationals this year and to make the Canadian World Team. In addition, she has set her sights on representing Canada in the 2000 Olympics.

Though Duffus excels in many areas, she manages to keep herself focused.

"I love track," Duffus said. "If I go all the way, it is meant to be. I will not lose sight of the importance of education, because that will be important to my future."


WWI Civilian Draft Registrations


Search Terms: DUFFUS (1) from Ancestry.com
Database: WWI Civilian Draft Registrations
Combined Matches: 1

Name Birth Date Ethnicity Birth Place County State
Duffus Dowell 4 Jan 1880 B works in Jackson MS Madison Mississippi



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