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Sunday, March 14, 1999

|Duffus 2000 reunion|Duffus Privateers|E-Mail|Anna Duffus|Arthur Duffus|George Duffus|Innis Duffus|Family tree of James Duffus of Forgue|John G. Duffus|John Gerard Duffus|Kevin Duffus|

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Duffus 2000 Reunion!!!

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Saturday, July 1st and Sunday, July 2nd, 2000.

I am currently making arrangements with the National Trust for use of the Castle grounds. George Duffus has contacted a Scottish pipe band which has agreed to play for us on the evening of July 1st.at the Duffus Ceilidh. Plans are for dinner at Duffus Castle. We estimate tickets to cost approximately $50.00 per person for the weekend and anticipate having at least 200 Duffuses on hand for the festivities.

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Click here to listen to audio message from George Duffus!

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New Zealand

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Photo of Arthur Duffus - Keeper on the
Blavil Estate

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I assume Arthur is pictured on the left!

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Kevin Duffus filmmaker and historian featured in the
Island Breeze


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The search for the man
who built the Hatteras Light

The Island Breeze - March 1999


This year, 1999, has become the year of the Lighthouse, as local, national  and even international  attention are all focused on the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, which is being moved by the National Park Service to protect it from the encroaching Atlantic Ocean.
   Television and print media folks are churning out facts about the famous and much photographed sentinel. The National Park Service is handing out media kits and brochures on the lighthouse and project to move it.
   Barely mentioned in this avalanche of information is the man who was in charge of building the lighthouse, Dexter Sexton of Nahant, Mass. Historians have known his name and some details from his stay on Hatteras Island but little else about his life. And, ironically, 1999, the Year of Lighthouse, also marks the 100th anniver- sary of Stetson's death.
    How is it that Stetson fell into the background as we celebrate our nation's best known lighthouse? Why do we know how many steps the tower has, how tall it is, why and where it was built yet cannot tell our children and visitors anything about the man who built it?
   Questions such as these led North Carolina filmmaker Kevin Duffus of Raleigh to launch a search last year -- a search to find the man who built the Hatteras light.
   Duffus proved himself as a historian and researcher and turned up more informa- tion than previously known on Dexter Stetson. It turns out that Stetson was a pol- itician and government servant, a talented builder, a husband and father, who iron- ically, died in 1899, exactly, a century before the lighthouse he built was jacked up and moved in a blitz of media attention. " I was dismayed that this man could pass through North Carolina and no one knew anything about it," Duffus, said.
   The producer of the popular video documentary, "The Cape Hatteras Light -- America's Greatest Sentinel," Duffus speaks from experience. He spent  a year re- searching the history of the lighthouse and noticed precious little information was turning up on Dexter Stetson.
   After the video's release, Duffus 44, realized the mystery of this man was con- suming him. "I felt compelled by some unseen force, the spirit of Dexter Stetson, to get him the recognition he deserved," Duffus said. "I've stood at the bottom of the lighthouse and thought about the pride he must have felt when the light first came on."

The search

   One of the places that Duffus began his search was in Raleigh at the North Carolina Division of Archives and History, where he found censuses for about 20 states. Knowing that Stetson was in North Carolina in 1870, the year the lighthouse was completed, he started there.
   Unfortunately, it was a dead end. The nest step was a review of the census in- dexes. More dead ends.Finally, Duffus' break came in the 1850 census index of Massachusetts. There, in that book, was D. Stetson.  It listed two pieces of infor- mation: first, Essex County, and second the town of Lynn.    "It just happened that the Archives  had the Massachusetts census on microfilm. But, the names were handwritten in pencil, and were very faint. Also, they were not in alphabetical order," Duffus said.
   Lynn, Mass, northeast of Boston, at  that time had a population of about several thousand people. It was a shoe manufacturing town, and the census listed name, age, sex, and occupation.   "After many hours and hours of name after name, I finally found "Dexter Stetson, age 34,'" Kevin recalled. In a town of nearly several thousand cobblers, here was a "builder." Duffus had his man.

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Dexton Stetson moved this former steamship terminal, above, across town in Nahant, Mass., to be his home. He is seated on the porch, along with daughter and sisters-in-law.

   A subsequent phone call to the Nahant Historical Society in July 1998, yielded a helpful conversation with a historian there named Calantha Sears. She was knowledgeable about Stetson but knew nothing substantial on him at Cape Hatteras other than he built the lighthouse. Intrigued with Duffus' inquiry, she provided a wealth of biographical material on Stetson.
   He was born in Durham, Maine, on November 8, 1815, the son of Charles and Abigail (Dennison) Stetson of Freeport. His father was a blacksmith, and the family siblings numbered seven brothers and sisters: sisters Asenath and Almira, and brothers Charles, Washington, a sea captain, Albert and Solomon, both of who died in infancy.
   On July 6, 1846, in Lynn, Dexter Stetson married Ann Maria Hood of Nahant. She was from an influential family with real estate holdings and the couple operated Stetson's Boarding House on property he purchased from his in-laws. They had one child, a daughter, Helen Louse, who was born April 4, 1847, in Nahant and died in 1920. Helen Stetson never married and had no children.
   Stetson learned the carpenter's trade in Durham, Maine. Soon after his marriage and the birth of his daughter, he became active in politics. In 1853, he listed as selectman, the equivalent of commissioner, in Nahant.
   Duffus expanded his search to the Outer Banks last summer. He wondered if, by chance the Stetsons in Wanchese might be related to Dexter Stetson after a friend in Buxton suggested he check with W. S. and Caroline Stetson.
   The next day he met with Caroline Stetson at the family's business in Wanchese. She thought there might be a connection since an ancestor, family tradition says, might have been a shipwrecked survivor, possibly around the time of the Civil War, if not sooner. Anyway, she indicated an aunt had a book on the Stetsons in America and she would look into it for him.
   "It seemed to me that if he had a relative stranded here at the time of the Civil War, and then he shows up three or four years later to build the lighthouse, it might be more than a coincidence," Duffus said.

Dexter Stetson, builder

   Stetson's reputation as a skilled and talented contractor was solidified in 1851 when he built the original Village Church on Nahant Road in Lynn. Its purpose was to serve Protestants of many different creeds. This was a prestigious project, and won Stetson respect and influence. Soon afterward, he was elected to office of selectman in what amounted to complicated and emotionally charged politics. In habitants of Nahant, including Stetson, desired to organize their own town, separ- ate from Lynn. Understandably, many residents of Lynn were opposed to this change. Nevertheless, in April, 1853, the residents of Nahant assembled to organize their own town and elected Stetson as a selectman. This foray into civic activities and local politics won him some influential contacts in state and federal government.
   From his boarding house, Stetson had a pleasant view of Egg Rock, in Nahant Bay where the federal government just happened to be building a lighthouse. In 1855, he became acquainted with the construction foreman and was able to participate in the building of the Egg Rock light.
   Toward the end of the 1850's, Stetson was able to use his contacts to land a government contract building many storehouses and wharves down in New Orleans, La. He was in New Orleans when war broke out in 1861. As a U.S. government agent and a Massachusetts native, it didn't take Stetson long to figure out that New Orleans was no place to be at that troubling time.
   Not only was he concerned for his personal safety, Stetson had to figure out a way to return his valuables and money back to Nahant. In particular, he had a valise full of gold coins belonging to the federal government he needed to get back home with. It was likely he was able to secure passage on a vessel out of New Orleans to Boston.
   "It's ironic that Stetson passed Cape Hatteras and the first lighthouse there, not knowing seven years later he would be building the tallest brick lighthouse in the world to replace it," Duffus said.
   After the war ended, Stetson returned to the south and help build lighthouses on the Florida coast.
   Stetson served in government duties for 30 years in high standing. Upon his retirement, he received many complimentary letters and commendations from officials of the Army and Navy for his integrity and efficiency.

Stetson in Hatteras

   The stereotype about the relationship between the northerners and southerners leads us to the sunrise that this accomplished builder with Yankee ingenuity would run into stiff resistance from poor, proud, and suspicious residents of an isolated barrier island off the coast of North Carolina.
   However, the historical record and local tradition indicate that this was not the case. Instead, Stetson found himself in like-minded company, people who supported the construction of a first-class lighthouse. After all, islanders understood the importance of maritime aid and welcomed the government attention in their remote locale.
   Besides, they needed jobs. Even thought he Civil War had ended and other parts of the country were beginning to reap the benefits of expanding commerce, times were still lean on Hatteras Island. Fishing produced only a small income at best, and the call for local laborers at the lighthouse site promised a steady paycheck.
   Stetson arrived at the Cape, as Buxton was then called, on November 4, 1868, on a United States Lighthouse Service vessel from Baltimore. Anchoring out in Cape Channel about three miles offshore in Pamlico Sound, he and his skilled laborers likely boarded the small freight scow of Farrow Scarborough, an established village merchant, for transport to the village landing behind the present-day post office.
   According to lighthouse historian Francis Ross Holland in "A History of the Cape Hatteras Light Station," a report done for the National Park Service in 1968, his first task was to immediately set about building the necessary facilities he needed to properly undertake the construction work.
   "In the meantime," Holland wrote, "Stetson rented a house on the beach where the work crew could live until they completed their barracks. Stetson and his crew went about their work with a will, and their accomplishments were summed in the 1869 Annual Report of the Lighthouse Board as follows:

Suitable buildings for workmen's quarters and massroom were erected; a blacksmith shop built; a house in which to store ce- ment and other perishable materials put up; two derricks erected; a wharf built on the south of the island, distant 1 1/4 miles from the station, this being the nearest point accessible to the scow lighters; two decked scows and one open one, built to serve as lighters, and a small boat and crane on wharf for unloading heavy stone. Also, a tram railway, of Peteler's design, laid from the wharf to the lighthouse, upon which to transport materials.

   Early correspondence of Stetson to the lighthouse superintendent indicates the the winter of 1868-1869 was a hard one. The weather was bad and the timely delivery of building materials and provisions was not working out. Also he was concerned about malaria and other sicknesses and wanted to drain the ponds at the lighthouse to get rid of mosquitoes breeding grounds. Fill would then be brought in to cover up wastes from the Double Keeper's Quarters overtop part of the pond.The drainage never occurred, and the threat of malaria concerned Stetson his entire two years at the lighthouse.
   Two young Cape youths who signed on as laborers were 14-year old Benjamin F. Jennette, grandfather of Unaka Jennette, the last keeper of the Cape Hatteras Light, and 17-year old David Barnett. Oral history passed down to their grandchildren indicates that the two youths were part of a crew that went into Cape Woods to retrieve yellow-pine timbers cut to 6-by-12 inches and layered on top of each other for the lighthouse foundation.
   The task was complicated, Holland writes, by the fact that the foundation pit was below the water level, and water seeped in, but Stetson resolved this problem by throwing up a coffer dam and keeping the pit pumped out with powerful steam pumps to rest the light's granite foundation upon.
   Jennette and Barnett took great pride many years later that they had contributed, as did many islander laborers, in the construction of the finest lighthouse on the American coast. Stetson earned the respect of his island laborers not only for his resourcefulness and ingenuity, but also for his unselfishness and blue-collar work ethic. Local tradition says that Stetson was not above laying bricks when sickness decimated his off-island laborers.
   A direct benefit of the lighthouse project to Hatteras Island and the Cape was the re-establishment of a post office at the village, where the post office is today. According to Holland, Stetson and Lighthouse Board Engineer, J. H. Simpson, took the lead in this task.
   Stetson and Simpson learned much from the locals and the steamers, the Ellen terry and Louisa Moore, made weekly runs between New Bern and New York through Hatteras Inlet and stopped at Hatteras village. The two men forwarded a petition from the people of Hatteras requesting a post office. Finally, on December 29, 1873, an official post office was established with Farrow Scarborough as postmaster.
   It's likely that the Lighthouse Board or its agent set up a charge account with Farrow Scarborough for necessary miscellaneous needs at his store on the back road, located where Loran Midgett now lives. Loran's father, Kit Midgett, was the adopted son of Scarborough. Kit Midgett inherited the house that Scarborough built about 1851, the one Loran lives in. It is the oldest standing house in Buxton today, located 100 yards southwest of Coastal Redi-Mix.
   In November, 1870, Holland writes, as the  tower was nearing completion, excess brick and lumber was used in part to build a keeper's quarters because the double keeper's quarters was only big enough for two families and not three as was necessary for Cape Hatteras. In just only two months, the dwelling was complete, as was a boardwalk to the tower.
   As dusk, December 17, 1870, the lamp was lit and construction at Cape Hatteras ended.
   Next up for Stetson was construction of Bodie Island Lighthouse 35 miles north. He dismantled the tramway, derricks and crane and extra materials for transport to that site.
   Unfortunately, the historical record at Hatteras doesn't offer much more on Stetson at Cape Hatteras, but Duffus is optimistic that, as the search for Dexter Stetson continues, more information will surface on this enigmatic, mysterious man.
   "I'm confident that Stetson's papers will surface," Duffus said. "He had to be proud of his letters of commendation and accomplishments, but right now no one seems to be able to get their hands on them. Hopefully, "it's just a matter of time."
   One item that has come to light as Stetson's story develops is his obituary, which Duffus was able to obtain only last month. Duffus also hopes to obtain a portrait of Stetson through his contacts in Massachusetts including  Calantha Sears.
   "Stetson had a paralytic stroke in 1895." Duffus said. "He spent the last few years of his life in pretty poor health. He died on December 1, 1899, in his sleep."
   Meanwhile, Stetson's Outer Banks connection has also taken a step forward. Duffus located a graveyard on Colington Island west of Kill Devil Hills that is the resting place of several Stetsons. At first, he was unsure of any local links to Dexter Stetson but subsequent visits to the Outer Banks History Center and recent discussions with Caroline Stetson have proved to be of the same lineage as the Stetson's of Maine and Massachusetts.
   "I see my efforts just as someone helping to fill in the gaps," Duffus said. "It's not that the information is inavailable, it's just that no one has made the effort to honor Dexter Stetson."

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Letter from Innis Duffus

15 Charlotte Street • DUNDEE • DD3 8QP
Phone O1382 826602


David Duffus
P.O.Box 5026
NC 27858

20m January 1999

There are quite a few documents which may be of interest and I felt that post would be the best way to let you see them.

Firstly I was proud to have the honour of marching in a procession to a Service of dedication marking tile opening of the new Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh on St Andrews Day 1998.

I enclose documents showing details of tile event, along with the order of service in St Giles Cathedral. The Queen officially opened the Museum the following morning

I was there as a representative of the Hammerman Incorporation of Dundee and as a member of the Bonnetmaker Craft of Dundee.

We had a splendid day, which the Dundee contingent finished off with a supper at a hotel in Kinross on the way home.

Of such things is history made and ancient traditions maintained I would be grateful if you would return the copy, of tile Order of Service. The Booklet about the museum and other papers you are welcome to keep for your collection.

Of interest to you also would be the commemorative booklets on the opening of the University of Abertay Librarv in Bell Street Dundee by the Queen a flew weeks ago. I would be grateful if you would return these booklets also as theywill very quickly become collector's items.

I also enclose a copy of the extract of Register of Deaths with a connection to your side of the Dundee Duffus'. You may well have this on file already.

Your newsletters continue to bring many items of interest and I look forward to hearing of your plans for future events.

Harry tells me that come over from time to time and perhaps next time you are in this part of the world you will let me know, so that we can meet and perhaps break bread together in some suitable hostelry.

Yours aye


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Letter from John G. Duffus

John G. Duffus
3 Kingsway West

19 February 1999

Dear John,

Many thanks for the CD and other information you sent me.

Why have you changed my tree? I am a little skeptical at the moment as to the reputed father of William Duffus Clark as being either John H. or George Duffus. Do you know something that I don't?

I see you have now changed your own tree with the parents for John H. as stated on his death certificate. Where did you get the ones you had before?

About the 'original entries in the OPR': The baptism register I looked at is I believe, the original book (microfilm) and not a copy made some years later. I think there were two registers written at the time, one was kept by the church, the other was sent to the records' office.

More on your tree, George Duffus was born m 1823.

Regarding the children of John Duffus and Janet Stewart: Nellie and Helen are the same person. Jane and Jeannie are the same person. She was born 1864 - you have 1874. The following appeared in the Dundee Courier on February 22nd 1965:

DUNDEE WOMAN DIES AT 100. Miss Jeannie Duffus, who died in Kings Cross Hospital on Saturday, was the younger of two Dundee sister centenarians

She was 100 on June 13th last year Her sister Mrs Johanna Short, celebrated her 105th birthday in Bexhill-on-Sea, Surrey, on February 4th.

Miss Duffus formerly lived at 2 Gowrie Place, Hawkhill, but moved to Cidhmore, the Salvation Army Eventide home, Perth Road, in 1963.

She was transferred to Kings Cross Hospital about a month ago for extra medical attention.

Her father, John Henderson Duffus, kept a tailor's shop at West Port, and Miss Duffus studied dressmaking after leaving Harris Academy.

The Duffus family were members of Ward Chapel, and in 1885 Johanna Duffus married Mr Robert Short, son of the minister of Ward Chapel at the time.

She was buried on 'Tuesday 23rd February in the Western Cemetery.

Did Johanna spend the rest of her days at Bexhill-on-Sea? There was no obituary for her in Dundee.

Isabella Anderson Duffus was born 1866 you have 1864. She died at 2 Gowrie Place, Dundee. There was no obituary for her, although it appears she never married Isabella was buried on February 26th 1949 m the Western Cemetery.

1 have made a mistake on the Baptisms I sent you, enclosed is an amended one. I had Jessie Duffus 1847 as being born the month of June it is in fact May.

I will try in the future to get other census records from Dundee and Angus when time permits.

Looking in the Perth Road cemeteries for a headstone I came across one John Henderson Duffus and his spouses, it reads:

In Memory Of

Wife Of
Born 2® Nov. 1873, Died 12th May 1895 And The Said
Born 11th April 1866, Died 29lh May 1924
Second Wife Of The Said J. H. DUFFUS
Born 6Ih Nov. 1881, Died 24Ih Nov. 1961.

Thanks once again for the CD.



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Duffus Privateers


Privateers were privately owned warships ... today they are an exotic subject, often lumped in with pirates, but in Canada's past privateers were an accepted and respected way of waging war, and often the only means of defence for isolated Canadian communities.   I wrote my MA thesis on privateering and have a special interest in privateers from Nova Scotia.

 Privateer Name Search

This list allows you to search for people involved in privateering, either as crew, owners or agents. For each person, you willfind their position, their privateer ship and a year. At the moment it concentrates on privateers for the period 1793 to 1805, but War of 1812 privateers are being added all the time. Sources: Diaries of Simeon Perkins, Records of the Court of Vice Admiralty at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia and
National Archives of Canada.

Questions, additions or comments? Drop me a line.
Dan Conlin [email protected]


Duffuses engaged in privateering -http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~ac505/privateering.html

Duffus, William - part owner General Bowyer 1801

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George Duffus - Scottish Humorist and Mortgage Manager

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Pictured l - r: Manliffe Goodbody, George Duffus and John Cormack

In June residents of Letham Grange, just outside Arbroath, were treated to an unusual but enjoyable breakfast by Thorntons' Investment Services Division.

Chaired by George Duffus, who combines his stage career with his 'day job' as Thorntons' Mortgage Manager, the Breakfast Seminar was held to raise awareness of the full range of investment management services, such as portfolio management and share dealing, which Thorntons can offer.  Manliffe Goodbody, Director of Investment Services, explained: "We wanted to gather people together to outline what kind of investment advice and portfolio management services the Division can offer." As the event was held shortly after the General Election, Investment Manager John Cormack summarised the potential impact on investment planning, and outlined the expected returns of some of the new government's policies.

If you would like a free initial meeting to discuss your investments, please telephone Manliffe Goodbody or John Cormack on 01241 872683. Alternatively, complete our on-line form


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Date: Mon, 09 Nov 1998 12:44:42 -0500
From: "G. Seth Duffus"
To: davidduffus Subject: William(s)

I finally took some moments to research the ancestorsof James (1796) and in the process connected William of Forgue and William of Pennyburn. They appear the same. He apparently married Elspet Spence and they parented William(1790); John(1794) and James(1796) and they appear in the tree of William of Forgue. No doubt you have already made that connection but I thought I should note it. I was searching for the parents/origin of James of my tree - apparently born in 1796 . It must lead in the direction of John/Helen Cruickshank of Fordoun/Kincardine according to Church data. They parented James(1796); David(1798); Helen(1800): John(1803) and Helen(1808). Will pursue. I recall a grave marker in Malcom,IA. with the name "Helen". Your site(s) are a credit to you - Thanks again and Happy Thanksgiving. Seth D



From - Sun Mar 14 16:57:30 1999 Received: from ns1 for davidduffus with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.12 1996/12/21) Thu Jan 7 16:33:40 1999 X-From_: [email protected] Tue Jan 5 00:17:08 1999 Return-Path: Received: from MNSi.Net (ns1.mnsi.net []) by ns1.greenvillenc.com (8.8.4/8.8.5) with SMTP id AAA22931 for ; Tue, 5 Jan 1999 00:17:08 -0500 Received: (uucp@localhost) by MNSi.Net (SMI-8.6/SMI-SVR4) id AAA13363 for ; Tue, 5 Jan 1999 00:16:09 -0500 Received: from dyn208-28-57-10.win.mnsi.net( by e450.mnsi.net via smap (V2.0) id xma013346; Tue, 5 Jan 99 05:16:02 GMT Message-ID: <000201be386b$2f4bb760$0a391cd0@user> From: "Louise Ross" To: Subject: RE: DUFFUS WEBSITE Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 22:12:01 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0007_01BE382F.41295A00" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.2106.4 X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.2106.4 X-Mozilla-Status: 8011 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01BE382F.41295A00 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

In May of 1998 four of our family travelled to Scotland from Canada. = While researching Ross history in the Elgin Library we were delighted to = find the name=20 of MORRISON DUFFUS. Her name had been mentioned in a letter as being my = husband's gg grandmother. Marriage records show her as the mother = (unmarried)and George Dallas as the father of Mary Dallas b. 1839 who = married William Ross on June 15, 1861 in the town of Keith, County of = Banf, at the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Scotland. Their son James Ross = went to live with his grandmother Morrison Duffus, in a huge castle-like = home, at the age of 9 upon the death of his mother Mary (approx 1871). = We visited the old Duffus castle and St. Peter's Kirk & Parish Cross and = imagined it to be where this had all taken place. Must return for more. Your website is amazing and a pleasure to visit. I could not find our = Morrison Duffus, however will keep looking. Thank you, L. Ross


From - Sun Mar 14 16:58:03 1999 Received: from ns1 for davidduffus with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.12 1996/12/21) Mon Dec 14 10:43:19 1998 X-From_: [email protected] Sun Dec 13 22:16:10 1998 Return-Path: Received: from imo21.mx.aol.com (imo21.mx.aol.com []) by ns1.greenvillenc.com (8.8.4/8.8.5) with ESMTP id WAA30177 for ; Sun, 13 Dec 1998 22:16:08 -0500 From: [email protected] Received: from [email protected] by imo21.mx.aol.com (IMOv18.1) id ATYCa28826 for ; Sun, 13 Dec 1998 22:18:28 +1900 (EST) Message-ID: Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 22:18:28 EST To: [email protected] Mime-Version: 1.0 Subject: Website and Reunion Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: AOL 4.0 for Windows 95 sub 219 X-Mozilla-Status: 8003

I was so pleased to receive your letter in the mail regarding the Duffus family reunion in Scotland in July, 2000. Count us in! My name is Maria Duffus and I live in Dumfries, Virginia. I married into the name nine years ago. My husband is Joseph Duffus (the son of Roy Duffus in Waquoit, MA), and we were joined two years ago by a son, Daniel Alexander Duffus. I was also thrilled to discover the Duffus website. You've done a great job. You obviously spent a lot of time putting it together. I look forward to checking it out every week! Maria


From - Sun Mar 14 16:58:28 1999 Received: from ns1 for davidduffus with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.12 1996/12/21) Wed Dec 9 11:37:14 1998 X-From_: [email protected] Wed Dec 9 10:28:08 1998 Return-Path: Received: from issntmail.issolutions.co.uk (issntmail.issolutions.co.uk []) by ns1.greenvillenc.com (8.8.4/8.8.5) with ESMTP id KAA00434 for ; Wed, 9 Dec 1998 10:28:02 -0500 Received: by issntmail.issolutions.co.uk with Internet Mail Service (5.5.2232.9) id ; Wed, 9 Dec 1998 15:31:33 -0000 Message-ID: From: Marc Duffus To: "'[email protected]'" Subject: Duffus.. Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 15:31:31 -0000 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2232.9) Content-Type: text/plain X-Mozilla-Status: 8001

Intresting stuff !!!


Anna Duffus married

From - Sun Mar 14 17:00:18 1999 Received: from ns1 for davidduffus with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.12 1996/12/21) Mon Mar 8 09:41:45 1999 X-From_: [email protected] Mon Mar 8 08:03:46 1999 Return-Path: Received: from praseodumium (praseodumium.btinternet.com []) by ns1.greenvillenc.com (8.8.4/8.8.5) with ESMTP id IAA15242 for ; Mon, 8 Mar 1999 08:03:45 -0500 Received: from [] (helo=[]) by praseodumium with esmtp (Exim 2.05 #1) id 10Jzol-0002LS-00 for [email protected]; Mon, 8 Mar 1999 13:11:36 +0000 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 4.5 (0410) Date: Mon, 08 Mar 1999 07:52:05 +0000 Subject: Re: Your grandfather's grave From: "John Duffus" To: davidduffus Mime-version: 1.0 X-Priority: 3 Content-type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Message-Id: X-Mozilla-Status: 8011

Dear David

Thank you very much for the information from Dundee.

Anna was married on Saturday and is now Mrs Mark Edward Hodson. For her legal work, she will still be Anna Duffus. The marriage, reception and ceilidh afterwards in the Edinburgh City Chambers were attended by 90 guests and a good time was had by all! Victoria was the "best woman" and Mark's friend, Chris Salt was the best man. Dr MacDonald, now retired but the minister of our church when Anna joined (and a former Moderator of the General Assembly), officiated. We were very glad that he was able to take part as his daughter, Sheena, is still in hospital in London after a serious accident in which she was hit by a police car while crossing the road on February 28th. Mark is a geologist working at the Natural History Museum in London. With our best wishes. John --

Dr John H Duffus Director, EdinTox 43 Mansionhouse Road Edinburgh EH9 2JD Scotland, U.K. Tel: +44 131 667 3682 Fax: +44 131 662 0744 +44 131 466 1255 Email: [email protected] ----------


From - Sun Mar 14 16:54:45 1999 Received: from ns1 for davidduffus with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.12 1996/12/21) Thu Jan 14 15:06:02 1999 X-From_: [email protected] Wed Jan 13 20:41:04 1999 Return-Path: Received: from s2-vic-x3.nrcan.gc.ca (s2-vic-x3.PFC.Forestry.CA []) by ns1.greenvillenc.com (8.8.4/8.8.5) with ESMTP id UAA17593 for ; Wed, 13 Jan 1999 20:41:00 -0500 Received: by s2-vic-x3.PFC.Forestry.CA with Internet Mail Service (5.0.1460.8) id ; Wed, 13 Jan 1999 17:30:15 -0800 Message-ID: From: "Taylor, Doug" To: "'davidduffus'" , "'BanffMailList'" Subject: RE: Duffuses in Annals of Banff Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 17:30:14 -0800 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.0.1460.8) Content-Type: text/plain X-Mozilla-Status: 8011


There are a number of DUFFUS's in the "Annals of Banff": 1. Alexander; 1797-1800 measured new prison and town house 2. Alice; 1775 marriage to Alexander JOHNSTON 1777 dau. Isobel born 1779 son Alexander born 3. Francis; maltman, 1686 Honourary Burgess Roll of Banff 4. John; 1747 Baillie of Banff 5. Lord DUFFUS; Oct 29, 1663 - Honourary Burgess Roll of Banff 6. Mary; d. 19 Mar 1826 age 66, her spouse George Reid, mason, d. 21 Mar 1827 age 60, children John, seaman, d. 3 Apr 1824 age 31, James, seaman, d. 1813 age 18 7. Robert; Apr 17, 1678 finded 10BP for "killing of heris and schouting of ducat dowes" 8. William; 1786 treasurer of Banff, deceased. I hope this helps, Douglas W. Taylor Victoria, BC, Canada Researching DIROM & PASLEY (Annan& Banff) MILNE & THOMSON (Aberdeen) LEITCH & DALL (Fife & North Berwick) > ---------- > From: davidduffus[SMTP:[email protected]] > Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 1999 6:36 PM > To: [email protected] > Subject: Duffuses in Annals of Banff > > Doug, > > I am constantly looking for information about Duffuses in order to > update the Duffus web site at "www.duffus.com." Wonder if you show any > references in the Annals of Banff? > > Thank you for your assistance! > > David Duffus > > ______________________________ >


From - Sun Mar 14 16:55:57 1999 Received: from ns1 for davidduffus with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.12 1996/12/21) Wed Jan 13 16:29:02 1999 X-From_: [email protected] Wed Jan 13 15:43:46 1999 Return-Path: Received: from ocis.ocis.net ([email protected] []) by ns1.greenvillenc.com (8.8.4/8.8.5) with ESMTP id PAA31996 for ; Wed, 13 Jan 1999 15:43:41 -0500 Received: from default (dial-84.ocis.net []) by ocis.ocis.net (8.9.0/8.9.0) with SMTP id MAA22063 for ; Wed, 13 Jan 1999 12:15:08 -0800 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 12:17:07 -0800 From: Bill and Jennifer Agar Reply-To: [email protected] X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: davidduffus Subject: Re: Duffuses in Annals of Banff References: <[email protected]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mozilla-Status: 8013

davidduffus wrote: > > Doug, > > I am constantly looking for information about Duffuses in order to > update the Duffus web site at "www.duffus.com." Wonder if you show any > references in the Annals of Banff? > > Thank you for your assistance! > > David Duffus

Most interesting that you should post the day after I sent enquiry to a friend re my connection with Duffus. My father's mother's sister, Mary Chisholm, married an Alexander "Sandy" Duffus in 1920. His parents on the marriage certificate are listed as John Duffus ( born @ 1851/52 in Banff) and Christina Anderson (born @ 1850/51 in Marnoch). Christina's parents may be William Anderson and Christian Lobban (only because one of the witnesses to "Sandy" and Mary's wedding is Alex Lobban). John's parents may be Charles Duffus and Isabel Fetch. I found John and Christina on the 1881 Census for Banff (147, 16, 15 page 00264) with four children. I should look on the 1891 census to see if there are any more. One of his children says that her father was born years after the rest of the family, and eventually raised by two sisters. If his age is right on the marriage certificate, "Sandy" was born @ 1896/97. The family is rather "tight" about this, not really interested in genalogy, so I haven't pushed the matter. However, was wondering if John and Christina fit into your tree somehow. They were married 3 Jan 1874 in Marnoch. By the way, went into your web page - it is really good. Am going to tell these relatives about the proposed "Duffus" reunion in 2000 at the Castle. Won't it be great when the 1901 Census for Britian becomes available!!!! Solve some of these mysteries. Jen in Kamloops BC


From - Sun Mar 14 16:55:24 1999 Received: from ns1 for davidduffus with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.12 1996/12/21) Thu Jan 14 15:06:06 1999 X-From_: [email protected] Wed Jan 13 22:56:43 1999 Return-Path: Received: from ocis.ocis.net ([email protected] []) by ns1.greenvillenc.com (8.8.4/8.8.5) with ESMTP id WAA08913 for ; Wed, 13 Jan 1999 22:56:42 -0500 Received: from default (dial-67.ocis.net []) by ocis.ocis.net (8.9.0/8.9.0) with SMTP id UAA18677 for ; Wed, 13 Jan 1999 20:00:39 -0800 Message-ID: <[email protected]> Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 20:02:39 -0800 From: Bill and Jennifer Agar Reply-To: [email protected] X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: davidduffus Subject: Re: Duffuses in Annals of Banff References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mozilla-Status: 8011

Hi David,

I went through all the family trees on the duffus web site and none seem to fit with the family I am looking for which I find quite interesting. I think I will send for the marriage certificate for John Duffus and Christian (Christina) Anderson 3 Jan 1874 Marnoch, Banff and that should give me their parents names. Then perhaps it will fit with someone from Banff on the website. Jen in Kamloops BC


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