From: Beth ME <[email protected]
Tuesday, May 06, 2003 3:39 PM

To: [email protected]
Subject: Duffus Inn


Hey, I'm doing this project for Bussiness where we're supposed to find out how much a trip to anywhere would cost. So on my trip I wanted to stay at the Duffus Inn but I couldn't find prices. So how much does it cost a night to stay for two people (adults, preferably two seperate beds)? Thanks a ton for letting me waste your time.
                                                                                      Beth Duffus


From: Gordon Duffus
TO: David Duffus
Re: Saint Duthac

(St. Duthus) (1000-1065)

OK, I ain’t no saint BUT………. The ‘football’ team in Tain, the village of which St. Duthuc is the Patron Saint, has ‘St. Duffus’ on their jerseys. Yeah, try to buy one! I have……… no dice!

St. Duthuc, born in Tain, is said to have predicted a raid by the Danish Vikings, saving many lives in the area.

Tain is the oldest Burgh in Scotland (first charter in 1066). The Chapel of St. Duthuc was a point of pilgrimage for many years. When King Robert the Bruce was in retreat, he sent his wife and daughter here for ‘safe keeping’ but the forces of England violated the sanctuary of the church and took the women captive. Bruce’s daughter was hung over a castle wall, in England, in a cage for 7 years. His wife, the daughter of an Irish nobleman, fared a wee bit better.

 St. Duthuc reputedly died in Ireland but his remains were returned to Tain where they were interred in St. Duthuc’s Colligate Church in the 14th century. Around 1560, during The Reformation, the church ‘disappeared’. Bummer!


Gordon D. Duffus

   From: <[email protected]> To: Subject: Hello Date: Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:58 AM Hello i am Stefannie Isobel Sutherland, and i was wondering if there is a chance u may be able to tell me if these people r my ancestors?? Tel me information u might need and i'll get back to you with the details that way u may be able to tell me! i am 17 by the way my family is from Peterhead (Sutherland family that is) This would be much appreciated Thank You Stefannie Sutherland

----- Original Message -----
From: Gordon D. Duffus
To: David Duffus
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Duffus stuff, Motto?


Dear David,
"Butt Sicker" isn't Latin for Sutherland :-(
The slogan is in Auld Scots. "Sicker" means "Sure"........... I don't recall what "Butt" means....... something like 'always' I think. I'm working on it & shall reply to Bonnie (& you) when I get a definitive answer. How could I forget this stuff?
I got a great reply today from a Heraldry website when I posed the Butt Sicker question. The guy RAVED about the Duffus Website & wanted to know why you hadn't applied for Arms from The Lord Lyon. I told him that I would mention it to you.
More later,

David Duffus wrote:

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: Duffus stuff, Motto?

Thanks Bonnie!
Butt Sicker is Latin for "Sutherland." I'm passing your message on to Gordon Duffus in Chester, Virginia. Gordon is the official historian for the Sutherland Clan.
Please let me konow if your family has any historic documents they might want to contribute to the site, e.g. family histories, old letters which you can scan in and email to me.
I am sending out CD's with a copy of the Duffus site to Australian Duffuses. If your family would like to receive one, please send me your parents names and address.
Best wishes,
David Duffus
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 4:38 AM
Subject: Duffus stuff, Motto?


My Name is Bonnie Duffus and I live in Australia, I'm 14 yrs of age and i find all of my background amazing.  I have actually visited Duffus town plus the castle.  I love the site, but am a bit confused by the motto, "Butt Sicker" What does it actually mean???  I would really like to know.  Hope you'll reply soon, thank you very much.
From Bonnie


From: GF Duffus & Co.
To: David Duffus
Subject: Re: It has been a while Date:
Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:39 AM

Hi David: I must confess that I have not checked the web site for some time and do not know if you are still uploading info. I received some information from England which gives us names of all my ancestor (William Duffus's), brother & sisters, plus his parents and grandparents. This would be new to the records previously provided. Si if you want this let me know and I will send it on. So how are you, I bet the Duffus reunion in Scotland took alot of your time. Jack Duffus Weiss tells me he enjoyed it. I wish I could have made it. Any plans in the future for another? My mother turned 85 in September and was doing fine until January when she had some problems. She did have a mild heart attack, but after 12 days of tests and monitoring they did an angiogram and found it was only some restriction in two minor arteries and that the thre main arteries of the heart were fine. It is treatable with medication and there was no damage, so it really was the best outcome possible. I have been in touch with our Australian cousins of late too and even involved with the Cunard connection with the QEII retiring from service to North America but the new Queen Mary II coming to Halifax in September. I hope I get an opportunity to go on board. My new friend is Chairman of the Cunard Steamship Society so I hope he has some pull. Ironically, he owns the Duffus House Inn in Baddeck, which was a fluke, as he did not know of the connection at the time he bought it. As a boy in Montreal his family was close to the NA manager of Cunard and John had inherited his extensive collection of Cunard memorabilia. Hope all is well with you. Hoe to hear from you. Graeme Duffus


From: Gordon Duffus
To: David Duffus
Subject: Russell's Morayshire Register

Received a good website tip from a Moray Rootsweb member this am:

It's a list ("Russell's Morayshire Register: 1852") of all of those in
Moray, broken down by town/parish, who were elegible to vote for Members
of Parliament in 1852.
Among those listed were:

Alexander Duffus, Farmer, 237 High St.
Alexander Duffus, Cabinetmaker, 11 South College St.
James Duffus, Cabinetmaker, Jenkin's Close 50 High St.

John Duffus, Plasterer, Caroline St.
Alexander Duffus, Plasterer, North Back St.

St. Andrew's-Lhanbryd:
Alexander Duffus, Farmer, Tyockside



----- Original Message -----
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Latest Issue of Duffus Sunday News

We are thinking seriously about attending the reunion in 2005. Please put us on the list of live prospects.
Best regards,
Alice and Roy Duffus
[email protected] or [email protected]



---- Original Message -----

From: Margaret Duffus
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 12:35 AM
Subject: Re: Latest Issue of Duffus Sunday News

David,  Yes.... Neil & Margaret are keen to  attend another reunion. Will bring the kids too, are now aged 14,12 & 9 years.



From: <[email protected]
To: David Duffus
Subject: Hello
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2004 7:58 AM

Hello i am Stefannie Isobel Sutherland, and i was wondering if there is a chance u may be able to tell me if these people r my ancestors?? Tel me information u might need and i'll get back to you with the details that way u may be able to tell me! i am 17 by the way my family is from Peterhead (Sutherland family that is) This would be much appreciated Thank You Stefannie Sutherland


From:Gordon Duffus
To: David Duffus
Re: Nathalie Forgue's question question about Forgue

Dear David,
   I have to admit to not knowing ANYthing about Forgue........ and couldn't find any reference to it in my books (?) which was strange. I did manage to locate it in a UK road atlas so at least I now  know  where it is.Aberdeenshire locations aren't one of my strong points.
   I requested (& it's done) that your Duffus website be listed on the Moray OPR's site as a link to Parishes in Moray. It also fit a few more categories on the site but that's where it was placed  :-(
   Checking that link today, I noticed the new addition to your photo of the castle (I use the 'old' photo as my Screen Saver... thank you). The inclusion of Kenneth was brilliant!
   We are going back to Scotland next summer. Are you planning on a second reunion then? I had thought that I might ask my retired RAF mate in Forres to check with the RAF Kinloss pipe band to see if they'd join us (if the reunion was planned) for a wee while...... maybe for the price of a keg ? They wear the Sutherland tartan and watching and listening to them is really cool.. But it's starting to look like Kinloss and a large section of the air base next to Duffus will be shut down due to military cuts. The Black Watch may also go.................
The effect of these closings and cutbacks on the local economy will be devastating. There may no longer be a Duffus Inn, along with other businesses in the area, if cuts occur. Another 'price of peace'?
   Anyway, please tell me what you're thinking ref. another reunion next summer. Margaret Duffus, in OZ, was also interested in 'coming back' again.
Take care....
The attachment is a salmon jumping upstream at The Falls of Shin in Sutherland........ thought you'd like it. Cindy took the photo.

davidduffus wrote:

Thanks Nathalie for your email. I wish that I could help you out. However, the only information I have about Forgue is what I put on the web site. Your linking Forge with "forge" may be correct. But I do think think that there was any iron mining in the area. You may want to email Gordon Duffus at [email protected]
Best wishes,
David Duffus
----- Original Message -----
From: Nathalie Forgue
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2004 11:33 AM
Subject: Parish of Forgue

Good morning Mr. Duffus!
I found your page web quite informative and interesting, especially on the parish of Forgue, in Scotland. Actually, your site gives the most information on this village! Indeed, my name is also Forgue, but... of French origin, from the Périgord :-) Quite surprising, isn't it? I was quite amazed myself, already a few years back, when I found out there was a village with the same name in Aberdeenshire! I went three times in Scotland, but had never seen the name before finding it on the net! Indeed, a very beautiful part of Scotland, like this entire country, of course!
Consequently, I have a question for you if you do not mind : do you know what is the origin of this name Forgue. I read on your well documented site that the village was named Forrig initially. Would you know what it means? In French, it comes from "Forge", not meaning in my language "Forgery", fortunately, but "forge", where iron is produced! And would you know if there is a tartan for this name Forgue? Of course, I am not asking you to research this in depth, but just in case you know. If not, to tell me where I could find the information?
Hope you have time to visit Scotland from time to time. I am sure you have been many times!
Best regards!
Thanks in advance!
Have a nice day!
Nathalie Forgue
Montréal, Québec, Canada




----- Original Message -----

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 4:51 AM
Subject: Re: Your email


Thank you for your reply.

I have quite alot of information on the Ogilvie part of my family tree from when David Ogilvie married Isabella Duffus. It is Isabella's ancestors where I struggle.

Thanks to your website I have found out that Isabella came from a large family. She had many brothers and sisters who include:

John (1809)
James (1813)
Catherine (1818) - Isabella's Twin
Helen (1819)
William (1822)
Janet (1824)
Margaret (1827) - Twin
Sarah Watson (1827) - Twin
Anne (1831)
Margaret (1833)

John is the one that I am not 100 % sure of. Although the rest of the family were born in Elgin John was born in Saint Nicholas, Aberdeen to Alexander Duffus and Helen Watson.

Although finding out this information has brought a smile a mile wide to my face it also brings one massive headache which is did they marry, have children and where are their descendants now!

If anyone who views your website could help I would be delighted to hear from them.




----- Original Message -----

From: Innes Duffus
To: David Duffus
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 12:38 PM
Subject: Mortification

I was doing some research the other day and came across the following from the Pullar Mortification.
James Pullar,(no relation dammit although my Grandfather's name was Pullar),a wealth Baker in Dundee died in 1804 leaving a Mortification or Trust worth in today's money over £1,250.000. A Mortification goes back to before the Reformation when  the meaning was that a Mass would be said on the anniversary of the death of the person concerned. It was a way of reminding everyone how important he was as well as ensuring his place in the afterlife.
Some of the benefactions were to be for the education of ten poor boys and ten poor girls of Dundee.
I have been going through the Minutes of the Trust and have come across the following on 12 December 1860.
"Bursary to George Duffus to be continued on the Roll for two more years." (He was one of the poor boys and had been put on the Trust in 1856. It is also stipulated that the boys must not be under six years of age and that the payments should only last for six years)
I know of  a George Duffus, born in 1850 to John Duffus and Elizabeth Whitton. The date would certainly tie in with his age in 1860, but that is all the information I have. I have no trace of the parents of John Duffus, although I record that he had children Ann, George, Catherine, John, Elizabeth, Robert and Spink.
By the way I received you messages earlier and enjoyed them very much. And I thought that you were a nice clean living boy.
Innes A. Duffus
Archivist to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee
Tel: 01382 826602


From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 5:48 PM
Subject: John Newton Duffus

> Dear Sir
> Please forgive this un-introduced contact, I as you may have guessed from
my email address am a professional molecatcher. I have since a boy used only
the half barrel mole trap or as its real name the duffus trap.
> I have some originals from my early years which I treasure, they are are
made with attention and care compared to the copies I have to use today. I
am interested in learning a little more about John Newton Duffus, after all
it is his trap that inspired me to catch moles. I have writen a book on mole
trapping and hosted a video and now dvd all feature mainly the duffus
trap. There are to be changes in the very near future on mole control and
traps will be the only humane method. I would like to put the Duffus trap
back on the map. To do so I would like to speak on my instructional talks
about the man who made it all possible.
> Can you help with some information to get me on the correct track?
> Many suppliers refer to the trap in the sales pitch as the duffus trap but
know little about the trap or its inventor. I really would like to push
duffus traps to the place they deserve to be, the recognised trap of the
British molecatcher
> Thank you
> Jeff Nicholls


From: "Gordon Duffus (Slough)" <[email protected]>

To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 3:45 PM
Subject: Hello from one of the Duffus Clan

Hi David,
I have found your web site of great interest, I have of late been
interested in finding out more about my surname and have gained more information
from your site.

Just some info on myself & family:-
I am 46 years of age and was born and raised in Aberdeen Scotland I am
married with two daughters, my father Andrew Duffus is 73 and lives in
Aberdeen, my brother also Andrew was born and raised in Aberdeen,
however he moved to live in Shetland on the island called Bressay approx 15 years
ago, he is also married with one daughter

I have been told by my father that his generation was the first of the
family to live in the city, we are from farming stock.

Unfortunately due to both my Brother and I having girls we will not be able
to continue the Duffus surname.

Hope you found the above of interest.

Kind Regards,
Gordon Duffus
Tyco Marine Services
Tel 01224 484951
Fax 01224 485451

----- Original Message -----
To: david duffus"
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 8:53 AM
Subject: FRESKIN

  The similarity is noted in the crests of the two families, through and against the arms of the House of Moray, which is thought to have a common descent with that of Douglas. This descent centres round an ancestor of the House of Moray, Freskin by name, who came to Scotland from Flanders in the 12th century. Could this Freskin have had a connection with the Scottii?  Do you have any information on this? For example, has your research shown any connection between a French born Freskin and Italy.  Any information or lead you could give me would be much appreciated.
I look forward to your reply.

From: "peter duffus"
To: David Duffus
Subject: Duffus Web Site
Date: Sunday, August 22, 2004 8:56 PM

Hello I was surfing the web and came across the Duffus web site i found it quite interesting. Peter Duffus, Valley Road,Box 231 Levack, Ontario P0M 2C0



----- Original Message -----
From: Perri Stokes
To: 'David Duffus'
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:14 PM
Subject: 2005 Duffus Gathering

Dear David 

My name is Perri Stokes (nee Duffus) and I’m emailing you on behalf of my father Brian Duffus. He received the CD and letter last week but unfortunately he can’t look at it because he doesn’t have access to a computer.

Anyway, I rang and told him about the gathering at Duffus Castle next year and he was very excited. He went overseas for the first time in 2000 and missed the Duffus gathering by a matter of weeks. Dad and his partner are planning to go overseas again next year and want to include the gathering on their trip. If you could email me with further information as it comes to hand I will pass it on to my Dad.

 Looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

 Perri Stokes.