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Sunday, April 11, 1999


|Auguster Duffus retires after 45 years|Councillor Steve Duffus|Dylan Duffus' Boat|Email|Ernest Duffus
Father C.J. Duffus||Kevin Duffus and the Cape Light|Past Issues|

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Auguster Duffus retires after 45 years

By Ron Harnage
Security Officer

Auguster Duffus retired Sept. 26 after 45 years, four months and 21 days of federal civil service. Duffus began his career as a laborer in 1952 and eventually worked his way up to security assistant with the Security Department here.

During his career, Duffus completed the Civil and Criminal Identification and Investigations course with the Institute of Applied Science in Chicago, as a fingerprintduffus_auguster.jpg (40143 bytes)

His knowledge and expertise led to the identification of a print left at a crime scene, resulting in a conviction at a courts martial. Duffus was valued for his knowledge of and in-depth recollection of individuals that have crossed the boundaries of the Naval Station and for his vast collection of personnel files on which the command heavily relies on.

For those of us that know Duffus and his history, he leaves behind Ms. Lola. Ms.
Lola is the manual typewriter that Duffus pounded away on day after day for more
than 30 years. Ms. Lola was also retired from service and will be given to the base
Cultural Resource Center and Museum to add to the rich history of Guantanamo Bay.

A retirement luncheon was recently held for Duffus at the Bayview. There, Commander Naval Base, CAPT Larry Larson presented him with his 45 year pin and certificate.

He was also presented with a retirement plaque and a flag which was flown over the Northeast Gate in his honor.

Mr. Duffus, we are grateful for your service. You will be missed.


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Local film maker and historian Kevin Duffus shares the dramatic history of the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.
It may have all started with Alexander Hamilton...
The story goes that Hamilton suffered sea sickness in a savage storm off the Outer Banks. Hamilton vowed that, if he survived, he would make it his mission to get a lighthouse to guide ships around the deadly shoals of Cape Hatteras. Hamilton's mission became reality in 1802.
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"It's really a poignant story..." Listen to au or Real Audio file.
The First Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
Navy captains called the first Cape Hatteras Lighthouse wretched, the worst light in the world. It was too short, and too dim -- an anemic nightlight. Afraid that it would come falling down, they filled it with dynamite and blew it up.
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"...it was seemingly thrown together." Listen to au or Real Audio file.
From failure, came success
Plans for a new and better lighthouse were underway. Every bit of the lighthouse was drawn out in advance. But not everything went according to the plan. The ocean rebelled, lashing out at ships loaded with supplies. One ship went down with 100,000 bricks.
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"It was quite a statement..." Listen to au or Real Audio file.
"Another ship went down..." Listen to au or Real Audio file.
Another battle begins
In 1936, the ocean attacked again, devouring much of the beach, the sea snapping at the base of the beacon, the light left to fend for itself. But the ocean retreated, the light re-lit. And so another skirmish, a cycle -- like the tower's twisting spiral. Around and around it goes.
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"It was abandoned..." Listen to au or Real Audio file.
"People have been predicting..." Listen to au or Real Audio file.
"I think about the people..." Listen to au or Real Audio file.

The Cape Light
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Winners of 1908 Hopkins curling trophy. Seated left to right Dave Currie

DATE: 1908
COPYRIGHT: Expired: over 50 years
DONATED BY: Logan, N.J. (Jack)

Please send comments to Saskatoon Public Library

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Councillor Steve Duffus - Labour - Upton Heath Ward

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Committees: IT Sub-committee
Planning Sub-committee
Term of Office Expires: 1999

"E" mail address [email protected]

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Italy, Dylan's Boat

Boat Bethwaite design, former GP skiff, build in Australia
Sponsor: XXXX (Australian Beer)
no pictures
Owner Dylan Duffus
Email: [email protected]
Crew Dylan Duffus
Paolo Santi
Angelo Glisoni (Tornado world champion!!)


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Our Lady of the Rosary

History Our Lady of the Rosary, Crysler - 1870

The parish of our Lady of the Rosary, Crysler, Ontario, is situated in the extreme north western region of our diocese and borders on the dioceses of both Kingston and Ottawa. Established in 1870 for a parish of 33 families spread out from the Community surrounding Crysler, including Finch, it was first served by the priests of St. Andrew's. Bishop Edward John Horan, Bishop of Kingston, granted permission for the building of the first Church (40' x 60') in 1868 at a cost of $1,177.95. The Church which contained 60 benches was completed in 1874 by Rev. T. Spraat, the first resident pastor who served here from 1873 to 1874.

The parish was first called "The Mission of Finch and Roxborough". The first baptism took place on November 22, 1868, by Father Thomas Davis of St. Andrew's. On October 28, 1868, the new cemetery, situated at the rear of the present Church, was blessed. In 1879, an addition of 26 feet or more was made to the original Church. A steeple was added, which was blessed in 1879.

The first rectory was built by Father C.J. Duffus who served here from 1874 to 1879. Anticipating the creation of the new diocese of Alexandria, Reverend W.M. Fox wrote in the minutes of the register the following mysterious remarks; "since August 1, 1889, this parish no longer belongs to the Diocese of Kingston but is now part of the diocese of Cornwall (Glengarry and Stormont).

In 1885, Bishop James Vincent Cleary of Kingston ordered that a new Church be constructed (the present church). By July 26, 1889, only $300.00 had been collected. A controversy broke out of where to build the new Church. Both Crysler and Finch wanted the Church in their territory. Because of the controversy, very little money was donated for the new church.

The Present Church

The decision of 1885 to build a new Church finally took fruition on July 11, 1899, with the blessing of the Corner Stone by Rev. Alexander MacDonell, Vicar General of Kingston. On September 10, 1899, the last mass was celebrated in the old Church which would be demolished. On September 17, 1899, the first mass was celebrated in the basement of the sacristy (the present chapel).

The French Catholic School

In the latter part of the nineteenth century there were approximately 14 public schools in the township of Finch. Instruction in French in the schools was forbidden. In 1878, a section of the Separate School was moved into the private home of a settler. This was the beginning of a long struggle for the recognition of French and of Religion in the local schools. On February 1, 1879, the French Canadian citizens took the initiative to build their own school which was built courageously through volunteer labor.

In the 1920's, the Holy Cross Sisters ran a Separate French school from 1922 to 1967. It was situated near the present garden of the rectory. Before this, there were several small French separate schools; school Number 6 (closed in 1938); also school Number 8 (closed in 1958) and school Number 12 (Lafreniere (closed in 1958)).

The village school, of four classes, run by the Holy Cross Sisters, was destroyed by fire on March 1, 1941. In 1960, a spacious Catholic and French school was established. The present enrollment in the school is 180 students.

The Spiritual Life of the Parish

In 1970, on the occasion of its centenary, the present church was completely decorated and the church consecrated.

Most of the teaching of religion in the 1970's was part of the apostolate of the priests of the parish. From 1922 to 1967, the Sisters of the Holy Cross were a tremendous help in the spiritual and religious life of the parish. Up to 1970, the assistance at mass was very good. Today, in spite of many efforts, there seems to be a growing apathy on the part of the parishioners to assist at mass and especially to receive the sacrament of penance.

In 1990, out of 444 adult Catholics, approximately half (200) assist regularly at Sunday mass. The number of marriages and baptism have diminished, compared to the years before 1965, due to a growing elderly population in the parish. Growing materialism, religious ignorance, the competition with the media have created an atmosphere and a style of life which have made inroads that have affected adversely Christian and Catholic values. The high mobility of our population, which moves so often, has not helped to increase the number of practising Catholics in our community.

The parish is still economically sound by only time will tell how many years it will remain this way.


Throughout the years of its existence there have been a number of priestly and religious vocations from the parish: John Michael Foley, ordained in 1990 as a priest of the diocese; G�rard Gibeault (1958) for the Society of the Apostles; Raymond Quesnel (1960) for the Oblates. Religious Sisters, born in the parish include: Estelle Desautels, Irene St. Louis, Rolande Fredette, Berthe Varin, Estelle Racine, Anita Richer, Bernadette and Germaine Herbert, Florence Leduc.

Religious Associations include the Children of Mary, the Ladies of St. Anne, the League of the Sacred Heart, the Cultural Union of Franco-Ontarians, Club 60; the Parent and Teachers Association, the Young Catholic Farmers.


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Subject: RE: Duffus links
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 17:01:44 +0100
From: "Duffus, Steve (cllr)" <[email protected]>
To: "'davidduffus'" <[email protected]>


I received both your e-mail thanks, I am left wondering how you found my e-mail address? I am quite interested in the contacts you have made already.


Cllr Steve Duffus.

P.S. My grandfather was called David Duffus he was killed in Italy during WW2 whilst serving in Argyll and Southern Highlanders, he has an entry in war dead book in Edinburgh Castle.


Subject: RE: Your email
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 23:52:34 +0100
From: "Duffus, Steve (cllr)" <[email protected]>
To: "'davidduffus'" <[email protected]>


Yes, I happy to submit what I know, the only problem is I not sure how to go about getting the info? Perhaps you maybe able to help.

My dad (Alan Duffus) received a letter about the Duffus reunion next year, it would appear that this has been sent to every Duffus in the telephone directory included on your site. I am related to 2 of the Duffus's in the list (Alison Duffus 8 Dalziel Place my cousin's former wife and my dad Alan
18 Ravelston Park Edinburgh.

You say your cousin lives in Edinburgh where about? I was born in Edinburgh nearly forty years ago, as I have already said I am the oldest of 4 (all born in Edinburgh).

I was very impressed by your site and am looking forward to the next evening news.

I look forward to hearing from you.




Subject: Duffus decendent-need help with confirming relation
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 14:41:02 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

I have been researching my genealogy and on one branch of my family tree have  traced back to the name MARGARET JANE DUFFUS (who would be my  ggggrandmother). I believe Margaret Stuart Duffus may be her mother.

According her her obituary "Jane" was born 24/Nov/1820 in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. She immigrated to Ashland, OH in 1850 and two years later was married to Alexander Cummings. In 1854 they moved to Iowa, first making their home in Cedar county. Two years later they moved to Poweshiek County, IA. "Jane" died 16/Feb/1882 and is buried in Ewart, IA (possibly at the Clover Hill Cemetery. Their children, grandchildren and decendents lived in Ewart or in Malcom, IA. I still have many many relatives living in Malcom.

I would be happy to share my family tree information with you if there is a connection. The information I have read in your family tree is almost the same. I appreciate any help you can offer.

Thanks! Skye Sonczalla-Driggs


Subject: Re: Duffus decendent
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 12:52:30 -0400
From: "G. Seth Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], davidduffus <[email protected]>

[email protected] wrote:

> Hi there. I have been researching my genealogy and stumbled upon your family tree. I can't help but wonder if we are related. I think Margaret Stuart Duffus may be >my gggGrandmother's mother.


From Seth Duffus:

Sorry not to have responded sooner but my family - four children et al - were here over the week-end and it was for a birthday party for my wife's 90 year old cousin. So we have not had time to look at our email.

I agree with David Duffus' comments but this may be further verified by some of the church records also shown or linked to the Duffus web site. I will try to follow this and see if Jane and Jean may be the same. Certainly the history checks. There are also several cemetery locations around Malcolm, Grinnell, Colfax etc in Iowa where her family data could show up. I am still looking for ancestors of James Duffus and Margaret Stuart. Although my present server is 'bestnet.org' I have all mail to <[email protected]> forwarded to my "active" server. Would appreciate any corrections/additions you may wish to send.

Seth Duffus, 12 Mountain Street, Grimsby, Ontario L3M 3J6 Canada, Tel


Subject: 2000 Reunion
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 05:33:43 -0400
From: Gordon Douglas Duffus <[email protected]>
To: DAVID DUFFUS <[email protected]>


Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've actually been busy.... believe
it! Anyway, we are in the planning stages for THE Reunion/Gathering.
Will let you know more later.



Subject: Change of E.mail address from 18th April
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 0:35:06 +0100
From: "JACK LE BRECHT" <[email protected]>
Please note to contact the Le Brecht family send your e.mails to
[email protected]

And Henry's remains [email protected]

Have a good day !


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Past Sunday News Issues

March 14, 1999

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1999 David Duffus. All rights reserved.

Design by David Duffus