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Sunday - May 16, 1999

|2000 update|Andy Duffus - Chairman of the Bressay Playground Action Group, Bressay, Shetland Islands, UK |E-mail|Expressing Interest in 2000 Gathering|Granvil Rodilf Duffus dies|Iain Duffus - racing photo|John Gerard Duffus letter - family history|Lisa May Duffus - track star|Lyn Duffus - party people|Past Issues|

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Duffus 2000 Reunion!!!

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Saturday, July 1st and Sunday, July 2nd, 2000.


After my mass mailing to Duffuses in the U.S. and Canada I received a handful of responses. With the UK invitations, the majority of which went out three weeks ago, things are looking a little more promising. Most of those responding wanted to know more about our plans.

George Duffus in Dundee has found a band for the ceilidh which we are planning for Saturday night. As I as understand from George, this will be a catered dinner. Therefore, there will have to be a charge if you would like to attend this event.

We would like to have an attendance estimate before we commit to any other activities. I think it would be appropriate for us to schedule events for the afternoon of the 1st and something for the morning of the second.

For those of you who haven't been to Duffus Castle or Moray there are tons of things to do. We suggest tours of  St. Peter's Kirk, Elgin Cathedral, the Covsea caves, Lossiemouth, Hopeman and Burghead. Spynie Palace is also a must. There are an incredible number of excellent liquor distilleries in Moray You will have plenty to keep you busy. Culloden Battlefield is minutes away, while Loch Ness is approximately 40 minutes by car. Dunrobin Castle, the seat of the Sutherland Clan is approximately 2 hours away. For the venturesome, the Isle of Skye is a four hour trip from Duffus. Also, the coastal area, from Duffus east to Banff and beyond (an hour's drive), is impressive.

We estimate full tickets for all events, including the ceilidh, Saturday night, to be priced at  approximately $50.00 U.S. per person. Should you not wish to attend the ceilidh, the cost will be less.

We hope you can attend! This event is not meant just for people with the last name of Duffus. So please feel free to invite your relatives and friends.

This a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet descendants of your original ancestors who inhabited Moray over 1000 years ago. We think you will find many similarities!


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Click here to listen to audio message from George Duffus!

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309-4900 Carter St.
Vancouver, B.C,.
Jan. 11th '99

Dear fellow American Duffus,

many thanks for your letter and contents. I am sorry to inform you that my husband Mort (Mortimer) died November 4, 1997. He would have been extremely interested, as his cousin, Allan Duffus used to keep him informed regarding the family trees etc. Mort was very proud of his ancestry.

Having been married for 61 years I feel I am 75% Duffus and 25% Ferguson.

I was in Crief and Campbelltown this past summer, but was unable to visit the Castle as I wished to do. However, if I remain as healthy and active as I am, at present, I most certainly would like to attend the reunion in July of 2000. Our grandson, Graham Duffus Arkurst will be watching the web site as you have advised.

Having spent over two and a half years in Scotland it has become a very special place in my heart. Three of my Grandparents were born there.

My best wishes to you for the coming year.


Mary "Johnnie" Duffus

L.C. Duffus
29 Meadowfield Rd.
NE43 784
FAX 661 843 764

Dear Mr. Duffus,

Thank you for your letter about the proposed Duffus "Get Together" July 1st/2nd at Duffus Castle - Year 2000. There could be at least four of us attending - depending on how the younger generation feel. Have you been in touch with the Sutherland Clan Secretary at Dunrobin Castle?

I am looking forward to hearing more about it in due course.

Yours sincerely,

Lyall Duffus
26, The Lanes
GL53 0PU
United Kingdom
tel.: 01242 243-888
11 May 1999

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter of 9 April (sent to my mother)

My wife and I are indeed interested in attending the "Duffus 2000 Reunion." Please send further details.

I have been to Duffus Village and the castle; also to Elgin Public Library to do little research. I have a picture of Lord Duffus - a copy of the painting in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery.

I look forward to meeting you and the other Duffuses in 2000.


Howard J. Duffus
Bruce Duffus
88 Buckingham Rd.
Cheadle Hulme
Cheshire, England

Dear David,

What a lovely surprise your invitation and correspondence was. We've not talked about anything else since we received it last Wednesday, 5 May.

We would like to know if the invitation is for just those with the name Duffus or other family members as well. You see Bruce is of the family John Morrison Duffus (Jack) born May 1901 of Cary Queen Nursery, Midstockit Rd., Aberdeen. All his descendants number 52 in total.

We do hope you are successful in obtaining Duffus Castle grounds for the event - it sounds great. We visited some years ago as Bruce's sister Mavie (Mame?) lives near there in Buckie, Banfshire.

Jack Duffus was a professional footballer in the 1920's as was his brother Robert (Bob).

We are gathering information for a family tree also details of dad's football career. Our daughter, Janet Tierney, is on the Internet, but I don't know her website code as she lives down South of England and I'm waiting on a phone call from her.

We are so much looking forward to meeting you all and exchanging news and information in the meantime.


Wendy & Bruce

P.S. I Have sent copies of your correspondence to Bruce's 2 sisters and 2 of our 3 daughters. Janet tells me she searched the Duffus web site and was amazed at all the information.

Janet's email address: M and J [email protected]
Subject: (no subject)
Date: Tue, 1 May 1999 19:35:58 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Dear David,
My name is Alistair James Duffus,and I live in Wales.My father, Gordon James Duffus recently received a letter from you inviting us to the Duffus Family gathering at Duffus Castle next year.Thank you for contacting us. I am delighted to say that all being
well ,we will be attending .If you want to e-mail me, my address is [email protected].  (My father lives in London ,England in case you are not sure).

I hope to see you there.

Alistair. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Subject: Duffus Reunion
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 17:10:07 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Dear David,

My aunt, Marie Duffus of Des Moines IA, forwarded your flyer about the Duffus
Reunion in Scotland in 2000. Noticing reference to the Duffus website, we
have been browsing the website and enjoying the e-mails, family history, etc.
My husband and I are talking about attending the reunion at the castle. We
will be watching the website for further information.

We appreciate all the genealogical research that you have done and shared
with all the Duffus's you could find.

Jan Duffus Price
4 Stonegate Ct.
Buffalo Grove IL 60089


Subject: 2000 Reunion
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 05:33:43 -0400
From: Gordon Douglas Duffus <[email protected]>
To: DAVID DUFUS <[email protected]>


Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've actually been busy.... believe
it! Anyway, we are in the planning stages for THE Reunion/Gathering.
Will let you know more later.



Subject: Re: April 11, 1999 issue of the Duffus Sunday Evening News
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 12:56:43 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Dear David

Just a note to say that we are definitely interested in 2000 reunion.

I have also mentioned it to my sister who is also keen.

Look forward to hearing more details

Best Wishes



Subject: Duffus 2000 Reunion
Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 11:1839 + 0100
From: Innes Duffus <[email protected]>
To: David Duffus <[email protected]>

Many thanks for your letter of 9th inst. regarding the Reunion. I shall certainly be there and my party will  consist between three and six persons. Hopes this helps with your forward planning.

yours aye,


Innes Duffus
15 Charlotte St.

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Letter from John Gerard Duffus

(click on hyperlinks in letter for enclosures!)


167 Gilmore Place
Edinburgh EH3 9PW

Dear Mr. Duffus,

First off may I thank you for the CD - I've had a shufti at it at work - there's mountains of stuff on there - God knows where you got the time - anyway, once again my thanks.

Here's some stuff for you - various pamphlets on the National Library etc. Also a photocopy of the reference (which I got a bit wrong in my last letter) to the last laird of Duffus. The copy of the Gazetteer page (from a UK gazetteer) dates from 1951-2 & is even than out-of-date - King Edward railway station was closed in 1951. The other gazetteer pages are from Groeme (a 1903 edition) - the standard work that is mentioned in the newspaper cutting.

I photocopied entries of all of the names I could remember at the time - things were a bit rushed so the results are far from perfect, I fear. Leastwise, it's a start.

There's some other stuff which may be of some interest - contract is what dad signed when he joined the National Bank of India in 1935. - the main bit about conditions being attached to marriage. 8 years from going overseas! Dad once told me that Shell Company was 10 years. I guess the war put paid to that.

The Secretaries Institute Certificate strikes me as unusual because the date is actually typeset & not typed.

Dad's birth certificate is enclosed.

The two photographs are Granny and Granddad (Uncle Willie's mother and father). I'd have to guess at the date but I think it may be sometime in the mid 30's.

And there's the announcement of my birth - who needs a birth certificate with credentials like that! Actually when I first came across it a few weeks ago I read it without realising it was me.

The postcards are more or less self-explanatory. The one with the address on the back was clearly intended to go to New Zealand but obviously never got sent. Auntie Jessie's handwriting
on the back.

The one of the bridge shows Granny and Granddad's house more or less dead centre - well, just, just left of centre. The house on the right was reputedly 'made of mud' and was inhabited by what seemed to me at the time a very old and old-fashioned woman called Mrs. Sherris. A pleasant enough wifey but always dressed in black - not necessarily from mourning, although I don't know.

The 'Clatterin Brig' was so called because it did just that and is not the stone built item (indeed one would hope not!) But a plank bridge just up from the tee junction to the road going off the hill. This road if I remember right brings you in at the top of Auchenblae via Drumtochty Glen. The other road off to the left goes up the Cairn o' Mount. Used to be a car hill climb up here in the 20's. The corresponding motorcycle hill climb was the other side of Laurencekirk - up Garveck. The cottage as I first remember it was empty but later was done out as a tea room and was apparently quite successful for a time. Last time I was way about 9 -10 years ago and it was again empty and I think getting on the ruinous.

Ah, a wee point comes to mind - in fact a couple - in the stuff you kindly printed out for me - the piece about the lighthouses and I just had a look and can't for the moment find it - the name of the builder on the first pages changes to another name on page 2 and on. I think I'm right.

And the mention of the 'Turra Coo' comes out as the Turra Coc' - probably because the type in this machine was in need of a good clean - which it now had.

I'm afraid I haven't found that map of Spynie Loch but I did see an original - a slightly different one and what a superb looking piece of work. This one was at the map library in Causewayside in Edinburgh. They will not (quite understandably) photocopy this (photocopying bleaches the colours) but would photograph it for about 40 pounds. The originals were made to settle a legal dispute between two landowners over whether one had the right to drain the loch. Which brings me to the final bit - I have had photocopied some maps of the area around Duffus and the Northeast corner there which I will send on presently - however these are in some way copyright and clearance would have to gotten before they are or parts of them were put on the Net. And for a couple of them you need an AO scanner - rare beasts I imagine.

Back to the Scottish gazetteer - the poorly copied one - at the end of the entries you will see something like Ord. Sur., sh 95, 1876 - this I take to mean the area concerned is covered by that Ordinance Survey map. The scales and sheet arrangement are to some extent explained in one or other of the leaflets included.

Keep thinking I'm finished when another thought pops up - I meant to say earlier - please keep all this stuff (including the postcards which I think mildly collectible) including (when I get a big enough envelope) the maps - ah, and there's another thing I've acquired a book for you (which will come with the maps) called Tracing your Scottish Ancestors by the Scottish Record office - I've had a look at it and it appears to be a well written and useful document - but I would stress that the book up to section 2.6 should be read before anything else - sorry if I'm teaching anybody to suck eggs - its just I've done a little historical work myself (not on the family - on a certain class of railway engine) and I just dived in with both feet - it just made a lot of double work. It would be (to me) pointless and a fantastic amount of work to scan all this in even if it wasn't copyrighted - the reason I scored a copy is it's almost gone out of print - if so it's unlikely to be reprinted for some time. However, if you do et enquiries about this sort of thing you will have some direction to point folk in - you may already of course. Phew, that's about it - for someone who normally writes about a letter a year I seem to be almost running amok!

One last word - I've set this par to catch your eye - should you decide to put that lot above on your page - I'm told by those who can type they seldom actually read what is being copied and I wouldn't want to put a (to coin a phrase) damper on your proposed 'do' at Duffus Castle next year - you may have guessed already - yes, the weather - last two summers here have been dreadful - nothing but rain, and then more rain. Indeed, two years ago we had the entire average rainfall for June in 24 hours - I particularly remember because then it rained for about 35 hours non-stop (with breaks for downpours) and my roof was leaking. This year looks to be shaping up in the same sort of way. What now would hope for is a summer like 1996 but was the genuine 100 year event.

Well that's about it for now, I'll try and get this dreary lot off on Monday.

Yours aye,

J. Duffus

P.S. Dreary me, on re-reading I seem to be taking a lot for granted on your part. Auchenblae is where Granny and Granddad lived after they left farming. The cottage mentioned is in the 'Clatterin Brig' picture. It clattered when you drove over it.

Editor's Note: John in his last letter sent copies of two Scottish farming songs which I am including here: Drumdelgie and The Barnyards of O' Delgaty.

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Granvil Rodilf Duffus dies.

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GUANTANAMO BAY — , a Guantanamo Bay commuter, died in his home in Martires De Le Frontera, Caimanera, Guantanamo, Tuesday. Duffus, 77, began working here in July 1943. He was one of the base’s 18 remaining Cuban commuters.

Duffus held many supervisory positions in the Supply arena over his 55-year career. His devotion and mastery of the English language were recognized by countless awards.

Eight Duffus brothers have worked at this activity over the past 60 years, totalling a combined 300 years of service.

Duffus is survived by his wife America Prawl Estevez, five children, seven grandchildren and three brothers.

A memorial service is scheduled for April 6 at 1 p.m. in the base chapel.

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Andy Duffus - Chairman of the Bressay Playground Action Group, Bressay, Shetland Islands, UK

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Friday 18th October 1996

Isle's bid to get better play area

BRESSAY residents have formed their own playground action group in a bid to get better facilities for the island's children.

Around 25 people attended a public meeting held in the Bressay Hall on Monday night to pledge their support for the group, which claims the playground at Fullaburn in Bressay is simply not good enough.

Chairman of the Bressay Playground Action Group, Andy Duffus, said the meeting had been very positive and a field at the industrial estate and a green area near Hamilton Park had already been identified as possible
playground sites.

"A safe play area for kids doesn't exist on Bressay. I have a five-year-old daughter and nowhere to take her. There are three items at Fullaburn which are years old and look home-made.

"There's a feeling that we have to go ahead and do something about this now. The way things are going with the ferries, and if cuts are made to the timetable, it may leave us in a situation where we will not be able to afford to take our kids to Lerwick," he said.

Also at the meeting was Bressay and Lerwick Harbour councillor Tavish Scott. He believes the proposal may be eligible for cash from the SIC.

"The council has a moratorium on giving money to new playgrounds - this is not a new one. The current one is in a pretty unsuitable place. You have to go down a muddy track and it's quite boggy ground.

"The meeting was totally united that we must relocate the existing play area," Mr Scott said.

He said he would do his best to try and secure new play equipment as well but Mr Duffus said the community and the EU would both be approached for financial help.

In a letter to all Bressay residents, the group said it hoped to eventually create a community park to include a grass area for ball games, a picnic area and a flower park.

"It will purely be a play park initially but we feel we should have an area for people of all ages to go to. Somewhere where people can go and spend time if it is a fine day," Mr Duffus said.

The action group's eight-strong committee is planning to hold regular meetings with at least one public meeting in the hall every six months.

"We will constantly be seeking the views of residents. At the moment we are putting out feelers on the land situation - that's the crux of the matter. We will go for the funds later," Mr Duffus added.

© The Shetland Times Ltd, 1996.

Contacting The Shetland Times:
Comments or suggestions on this server please to [email protected]

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                               LISA DUFFUS


Copyright © 1998 by The University of Houston and Total Sports Inc.
All rights reserved.

Saturday, January 02, 1999 at 22:00 EDT

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September 19-21, 1997

Some of the 68 members of the BC Listserv who met at the Governor Hotel in Portland, Oregon for
their annual face to face meeting.

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Lyn Duffus and Stan Owen from London
Traveled the Farthest to get here!!

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Bob Jackson (19) Iain Duffus (20)


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Subject: Re: Morrison Duffus
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 11:47:12 -0500
From: "Louise Ross" <[email protected]>
To: "davidduffus" <[email protected]>

Dear David:

It was a thrill and I appreciate receiving your reply.

Your Morison Duffus however is noted as a male. Am I reading that correctly?

There is a female Morrison Duffus who died (order # 13062496) in 1869. Using the records below  grandson James Ross went to live his grandmother Morrison Duffus approximately 1871.

Information on our Morrison Duffus. The birth dates based on certificates on record.

Keith Ross(butcher) married Elspet White. Their son, William Ross was born 1840, Mid St., Keith.

George Dallas (farm labourer) and Morrison Duffus(domestic servant)(unmarried) had a daughter -Mary Dallas who was born 1839 approx. and died 1871 approx.
in Fife, Keith

William Ross, age 21 and Mary Dallas, age 22,  married June 15, 1861 in Keith -
Wesleyan Methodist Church in the town of Keith, County of Banf, Scotland
Witnesses were George Thoms. . and John Duffus
(Info from the Mormon Index in the Elgin Library, in Elgin Scotland May 98)
James Ross, their son was born1862 approx

James Ross's mother, Mary Dallas, died when he was nine years old. He went to live in a big castle-like home where his Grandmother Morrison Duffus was the head of servants. He got the job of polishing the silver until he was old enough to take the trade of stone cutting. (from letter)

James (age 23) married Jane Grigor (age 24) December 17, 1885, Port Tannachie
Wedding certificate info from Banf records obtained by the Elgin Library, Elgin Scotland May 1998)

I will mail a copy of the (1979) letter if you e-mail me your mail address.

Sincerely, Louise Ross

Page 1 of letter.

Page 2 of letter.

Page 3 of letter.

Page 4 of letter.


Subject: Freskin Family
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 13:10:18 +1000
From: "Bevan A Bennett" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>

I find it interesting that Freskin and Frisken are very much the same name
Frisken being my Mothers name it is known that the Scottish people
had a lot of trouble saying the name and spelling it
Friskin Freskin Frisken Friskene Friskeney etc

Bevan Melb/Aust


Subject: RE: Duffus links
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 17:01:44 +0100
From: "Duffus, Steve (cllr)" <[email protected]>
To: "'davidduffus'" [email protected]


I received both your e-mail thanks, I am left wondering how you found my
e-mail address? I am quite interested in the contacts you have made already.


Cllr Steve Duffus.

P.S. My grandfather was called David Duffus he was killed in Italy during
WW2 whilst serving in Argyll and Southern Highlanders, he has an entry in
war dead book in Edinburgh Castle.


Subject: RE: Duffus links
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:58:23 +0100
From: "Duffus, Steve (cllr)" <[email protected]>
To: "'davidduffus'" <[email protected]>


Thanks for e-mail and web page, I was pleased to see the tribute to my
Grandfather, I will try to compile my family tree and send it to you

My dad is one of 2 sons (Alan Charles & George Gregor) I am oldest of 4
(Steven, Anne, Graeme & Lynne) I am married to Julie and have 2 children
(Iain Stewart & Lauren Louise).

I am going to see if I find your site on my own browser.

My personal e-mail is [email protected]




Subject: family tree
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:42:19 +1200
From: "agveale" <[email protected]>
To: "david duffus" <[email protected]>

Dear David,

Wow! My name in lights, well headlines anyway, and my family tree added to
your growing collection! It looks great. Thanks for including me. More
later, Carol.


Subject: RE: Your email
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 23:52:34 +0100
From: "Duffus, Steve (cllr)" <[email protected]>
To: "'davidduffus'" <[email protected]>


Yes, I happy to submit what I know, the only problem is I not sure how to go
about getting the info? Perhaps you maybe able to help.

My dad (Alan Duffus) received a letter about the Duffus reunion next year,
it would appear that this has been sent to every Duffus in the telephone
directory included on your site. I am related to 2 of the Duffus's in the
list (Alison Duffus 8 Dalziel Place my cousin's former wife and my dad Alan
18 Ravelston Park Edinburgh.

You say your cousin lives in Edinburgh where about? I was born in Edinburgh
nearly forty years ago, as I have already said I am the oldest of 4 (all
born in Edinburgh).

I was very impressed by your site and am looking forward to the next evening

I look forward to hearing from you.




Subject: Duffus decendent-need help with confirming relation
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 14:41:02 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

I have been researching my genealogy and on one branch of my family tree have
traced back to the name MARGARET JANE DUFFUS (who would be my
ggggrandmother). I believe Margaret Stuart Duffus may be her mother.

According her her obituary "Jane" was born 24/Nov/1820 in Aberdeenshire,
Scotland. She immigrated to Ashland, OH in 1850 and two years later was
married to Alexander Cummings. In 1854 they moved to Iowa, first making
their home in Cedar county. Two years later they moved to Poweshiek County,
IA. "Jane" died 16/Feb/1882 and is buried in Ewart, IA (possibly at the
Clover Hill Cemetery. Their children, grandchildren and descendents lived in
Ewart or in Malcom, IA. I still have many many relatives living in Malcom.

I would be happy to share my family tree information with you if there is a
connection. The information I have read in your family tree is almost the
same. I appreciate any help you can offer.

Thanks! Skye Sonczalla-Driggs


Subject: Re: Duffus descendent
Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 12:52:30 -0400
From: G. Seth Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], davidduffus <[email protected]>

[email protected] wrote:

> Hi there. I have been researching my genealogy and stumbled upon your family
> tree. I can't help but wonder if we are related. I think Margaret Stuart
> Duffus may be my gggGrandmother's mother.

Sorry not to have responded sooner but my family - four children et al - were
here over the week-end and it was for a birthday party for my wife's 90 year old
cousin. So we have not had time to look at our email.

I agree with David Duffus' comments but this may be further verified by some of
the church records also shown or linked to the Duffus web site. I will try to
follow this and see if Jane and Jean may be the same. Certainly the history
checks. There are also several cemetery locations around Malcolm, Grinnell,
Colfax etc in Iowa where her family data could show up.
I am still looking for ancestors of James Duffus and Margaret Stuart.

Although my present server is 'bestnet.org' I have all mail to
<[email protected]> forwarded to my "active" server.
Would appreciate any corrections/additions you may wish to send.

Seth Duffus, 12 Mountain Street, Grimsby, Ontario L3M 3J6 Canada, Tel


Subject: Change of E.mail address from 18th April
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 00:35:06 +0100
From: "JACK LE BRECHT" <[email protected]>

Please note to contact the Le Brecht family send your e.mails to
[email protected]

And Henry's remains [email protected]

Have a good day !

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Past Sunday News Issues

March 14, 1999

April 11, 1999

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© 1998 David Duffus. All rights reserved.

Design by David Duffus