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July 4, 1999

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Duffus 2000 Reunion!!!

Saturday, July 1st and Sunday, July 2nd, 2000.


Since the last issue of the News in May, I received a letter from the Scottish Trust that we would not be permitted to use the Duffus Castle grounds for an organized gathering - for reasons of limited parking, lack of water and water closets.

In spite of the the Trust's position we will still have an informal gathering on July 1st and 2nd. So you don't have to worry about paying the $50.00 U.S.! We will have an informal picnic and informal tours of the Castle and local attractions, but no Ceilidh on the Castle grounds. Next month I will be posting a list of accommodations and a list of those persons who have expressed an interest in attending. At the present moment I have interest on behalf of 50 attendees! If we can do all of this informally, there will be no registration fees!

For those of you who haven't been to Duffus Castle or Moray there are tons of things to do. We suggest tours of St. Peter's Kirk, Elgin Cathedral, the Covsea caves, the quaint towns of Lossiemouth, Hopeman and the Roman well at Burghead. Spynie Palace is also a must.

For you golfing Duffuses let me know if you have any interest in playing a match at the Hopeman golf course which lies one mile from Duffus Castle adjacent to Moray Firth and the North Sea.

For you Duffuses who are connoisseurs of Scotch whiskey there are an incredible number of excellent liquor distilleries in Moray. You will have plenty to keep you busy.

Culloden Battlefield is minutes away, while Loch Ness is approximately 40 minutes by car. Dunrobin Castle, the seat of the Sutherland Clan is approximately 2 hours away. For the venturesome, the Isle of Skye is a four hour trip from Duffus. Also, the coastal area, from Duffus east to Banff and beyond (an hour's drive), is impressive.

We hope you can attend! This event is not meant just for people with the last name of Duffus. So please feel free to invite your relatives and friends.

This a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet descendants of your original ancestors who inhabited Moray over 1000 years ago. We think you will find many similarities!

George_Anderson_Duffus_19445a.jpg (17190 bytes)

Click here to listen to audio message from George Duffus!

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Sorry for not publishing a June issue - since I'm going to be on vacation
in July, I've turned the June issue into the July issue.

|1881 United Kingdom Census of Duffuses|Ancient History of Duffus Name|Adeline Ruth Duffus letter- descendants of John Duffus of Banff, Banffshire|Alistair Duffus email|Barry Duffus family news|Bruce & Wendy Duffus letter - 2000 reunion|Councillor Steve Duffus' Ancestors|Family Tree of Gordon & Alistair Duffusundercon.gif (293 bytes)|Footballer Jack Murison Duffus|Gordon Duffus letter - invitation to 2000 reunion|Gordon Duffus - Clan Sutherland secretary - email|Grandma coming to Duffus 2000 reunion|Harry Duffus letter - invitation to 2000 reunion|John L. Duffus letter|Johnnie Duffus letter|
June Duffus letter|Kevin Duffus accomplishments writtten up in Outer Banks publication|Kirk Borland email|Mark Sutherland-Fisher address correction|Mervyn de Plater email|Mickey Duffus|Past News|Scottish Family Research Group|

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(descendant of James Duffus and John Henderson Duffus of Dundee)


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Cape Trio Big Wave Trio For I.S.A. World Big Wave Event

Cape Town big wave experts CASS COLLIER and IAN ARMSTRONG will
represent South Africa at the I.S.A. World Big Wave Championships in TODOS
SANTOS, Mexico, next year.

Fellow Capetonian MICKEY DUFFUS has been selected as manager/coach.
Collier and Armstrong are recognized as two of South Africa's serious big wave
riders and have honed their skills in huge surf at SUNSET REEF, SENTINEL,
CRAYFISH FACTORY and OUTER KOM. Duffus is also a well known big wave
surfer and his experience will be a valuable asset to Collier and Armstrong. The
I.S.A. World Big Wave event is scheduled to take place in surf of 10 metres and
above at a reef known as "Killers" which is just off Todos Santos in Mexico. The
contest period is February 4th - 18th 1999. South Africa is seeded 12th in the
event which features Australia, defending champions Brazil, Portugal, France,
USA, Hawaii, New Zealand, Japan, Tahiti, Mexico and Ireland.

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Ancient History of Duffus Name Passed Down by Ancestors of Adeline Ruth Duffus

Additional information about the origin of the Duffus family name has been passed on to me by Adeline Ruth Duffus in Auckland, New Zealand. Adeline's great-grandfather, the Reverend John Duffus who emigrated to New Zealand from Jamaica. See Adeline's letter below. Here is the history which she recounts:

TRADITION: The Duffus family descended from King Duff (963-967), a Pictish chief of Scotland, and one of the sons of Malcolm 1st (943-954). Both Malcolm and Duff were killed in "succession" wars, both of them at or near Forres. The line was of Pictish race. Family tradition says Duff had three sons, Duff, MacDuff, and Duffus, who founded cadet branches of the clan. MacDuff were later earls of Fife, Duffus were later lords of Duffus in Moray.

LORD DUFFUS CREST: A Cat sejeant, proper supports, two savages proper, each wreathed about the head and middle with a laurel, armed with a baton.

(Webmaster's comment - this reference may be referring to Baron Duffus' crest. See following image:

BaronDuffus.gif (5017 bytes)

MOTTO: "Sans Peur" (Without Fear)

BADGE: Sword and Key crossed.

Motto: "Sub Spe" (Under hope. -- Without fear.)(The women must not have the motto on their signet rings).

N.B. This badge is also the badge of Dunbar of Thunderton, another clan descended from the same stock as the ancient earls of Fife.1, 2.

Webmaster's footnote:

1. There appears to be substance to use of the badge and motto for Duffuses for the reason that my cousin, Dr. John Henderson Duffus in Edinburgh showed me a brush which his father, Percy Bertie Duffus, passed down to him. Mr. Duffus served in the Black Watch during the Second World War. The brush contains an engraving of the Sword and Key crossed with the motto, "Sub Spe" appearing under it. Have the Duffuses adopted Baron Duffus' (Sutherland-Dunbar) crest?

2. With the Jamaican Duffuses records being destroyed in a fire in Jamaica, the chronicler may have been mistaken recounting that "This badge is also the badge of Dunbar of Thunderton. . . ." What history shows is that the badge was the badge of Baron Duffus - George Sutherland Dunbar. Baron Duffus' seat was Hempriggs, and Ackersgill Tower, near Wick, Caithness-shire.

Read on!

Coincidentally I received the following email after I received Adeline's letter this past week.

Email from Mervyn de Plater

Subject: Duffus family matters
Date: Sat, 03 Jul 1999 19:11:57 +1000
From: Mervyn de Plater <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

Dear David Duffus

Having seen your name on the internet among the numerous references to
the Duffus family I was hoping you may be able to help me to contact
someone in the Duffus family who could possibly have a relationship to
my great-great grandmother and who would be interested enough to pursue
enquiries arising from the following basic information.

Charlotte Price Duffus was married by her brother the Rev. John to a
Polish nobleman, Count Lucien de Broel Plater at St James Church,
Clerkenwell in Middlesex on the 13th October 1836. The witnesses who
signed the marriage certificate were William and Peter Hardy and Alice
Duffus. The Duffus family was related to the Hardy family and the son
of Charlotte's cousin, was Sir Thomas Hardy, the famous novelist.

Laura, a sister of Charlotte also married a Polish nobleman, Prince
Alois Drucki-Lubecki and they with the Rev. John Duffus, preceded Lucien
and Charlotte in emigrating to NSW. Another sister Susan Duffus,
married William Griffith, an artist, of Parramatta, N.S.W.

In early Australian "Plater" family records there are the following two
notations -

1. "Our maternal grandmother's maiden name was Rebecca Berryman, an
American lady born at Philadelphia. Her parents both died of yellow
fever when she was 10 years old. Our paternal great- great-grandfather,
Alexander Duffus who came of a very ancient Scottish family, adopted
Rebecca and brought her up with his own family. She married Thomas, son
of the above Alexander. The children of the marriage were John, Laura,
Francis and Charlotte."

2. " Charlotte was the third daughter of Thomas Duffus, a Sugar Planter
in the West Indies and a member of an old Scottish family from
Banffshire, Scotland. "

In one of the Plater scrap books there is a wax impression of "The
Duffus Seal" with a clear impression of the motto "Beware" and
although the crest on the seal is very hard to distinguish, it could
possibly be a boar's head .

I have searched through many records of the Duffus family on the
internet but can find no reference whatsoever which would indicate a
relationship to any of the above-named person.

Any assistance you can give me would be very much

Yours sincerely,

(Mervyn B. de Plater)


Subject: Re: Response to your email
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 19:07:49 +1000
From: Mervyn de Plater
To: [email protected]

Dear David Very many thanks for the prompt reply to my e-mail and AMAZINGLY the answers to questions sought for many years. I will contact Adeline and am sure we will have a lot of interesting information to share and there are still a few questions she may be able to answer for me. The odds about this coincidence occurring the way it did are enormous and I am almost completely dumbfounded. The 'Duffus seal' is just a blob of wax in a scrap book and I do not know how I can get a decent reproduction of it. With a magnifying glass it is easy to read the word "Beware" but the crest is more or less a blur. I will make some enquiries to see if there is any way it can be photographed under a microscope but this may take a little time. I am very keen myself to know what it portrays and be assured you will be informed about what transpires. Apart from an ancient history with the Platers, I now find I have maternal ancestral connections to Rurik who founded Russia about 963 and King Duff (963- 967) a Pictish Chief of Scotland. Yours truly is still in business 4 days a week but retiring at 31 December, approaching 80 years on 4 January. You may be interested to look up some Plater sites on the internet -




Thanks again and best wishes. I will be in touch. Sincerely Mervyn

Read on!

Descendants of John Duffus of Banff, Banffshire, Scotland

276 Richardson Rd.
Mt. Roskill, Auckland 4,
New Zealand

Dear Mr. Duffus,

I am interested in your suggestion for a Duffus reunion next year, but as I shall be 83 in October next, will not be able to attend. However, I shall be interested if possible in receiving a report of the gathering. I enclose a small donation. As far as Duffus castle is concerned, has it partly been restored? When a friend and I sat on its ruins in the early 1950's to eat our lunch, it was very much a roofless ruin, and offered no protection against the elements. And even the Scottish summer is not really warm - or was not the year I was there.

For your interest, I shall enclose a summary of my family history as far as I know it, tho' the great-aunt who wrote it notes that "irreplaceable records were lost in a fire in Jamaica, and she had compiled the history from memory, which could be faulty." Her records only started in 1737 with the marriage in Banff of John Duffus and Mary Bissett, tho' traditions go back to Freskin, a  Pictish chieftain, believed to be a very early ancestor.

However, I'll attach what I have. As I am computer illiterate, I cannot use the web site.

With best wishes for the reunion.

Yours sincerely,

Adeline Ruth Duffus


Note On Adeline Ruth Duffus' Ancestors

The proper, irreplaceable, family records were lost in a fire in Kingston, Jamaica (date unknown) and were re-written from memory there.

TRADITION: The Duffus family descended from King Duff (963-967), a Pictish chief of Scotland, and one of the sons of Malcolm 1st (943-954). Both Malcolm and Duff were killed in "succession" wars, both of them at or near Forres. The line was of Pictish race. Family tradition says Duff had three sons, Duff, MacDuff, and Duffus, who founded cadet branches of the clan. MacDuff were later earls of Fife, Duffus were later lords of Duffus in Moray.

LORD DUFFUS CREST: A Cat sejeant, proper supports, two savages proper, each wreathed about the head and middle with a laurel, armed with a baton.

MOTTO: "Sans Peur" (Without Fear)

BADGE: Sword and Key crossed.

                Motto: "Sub Spe" (The women must not have the motto on their signet rings).

N.B. This badge is also the badge of Dunbar of Thunderton, another clan descended from the same stock as the ancient earls of Fife.



1737 June 26 (also given as July 7th): John Duffus the elder married Mary Bissett in Banff.

(Webmaster's note: LDS reference appearing in Scottish Church Records as follows: John DUFFUS (M)....................... M: 7 Jul 1737 Ba: M111472 Spouse: Margt. BISSET Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990817 Pr: 6901968). 

John Duffus was a merchant in Banff. Mary Bissett was the grand-daughter of the Earl of Hydford (title now extinct).

Children: Allison baptised 19th May 1738, daughter of John Duffus, merchant;

      Margaret, baptised 1739, daughter of John Duffus, merchant of Banff;

     Alex and John, twin sons of John Duffus, merchant of Banff, baptised 30 May       1741. Witness Alex Innes and his son,  also John Alexander Bissett and A.C. Duffus (grandfathers), and A.C. Duffus, uncle to the children.

(Webmaster's note: It appears, according to the LDS Scottish Church Records, there were a number of children:

Alison DUFFUS (F)..................... C: 19 May 1738 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990815 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

Alexr. DUFFUS (M)..................... C: 30 May 1741 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990815
Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

John DUFFUS (M)....................... C: 30 May 1741 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990815 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

Possible children of John Duffus christened 1741:

William DUFFUS (M).................... C: 11 Dec 1757 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990816
Mother: Margaret GALL Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

John DUFFUS (M)....................... C: 27 Jan 1760 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990816
Mother: Margaret GALL Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

Elizabeth DUFFUS (F).................. C: 13 Nov 1762 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990816
Mother: Margaret GALL Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

Isabel DUFFUS (F)..................... C: 20 Dec 1742 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990815
Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

James DUFFUS (M)...................... C: 11 May 1744 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So:
990815 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

Jean DUFFUS (F)....................... C: 16 Jun 1746 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990815
Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

Mary DUFFUS (F)....................... C: 28 Apr 1748 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990815
Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

William DUFFUS (M).................... C: 9 Dec 1749 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990815
Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

Thomas DUFFUS (M)..................... C: 3 Dec 1752 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990815
Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967

Jean DUFFUS (F)....................... C: 20 Sep 1754 Ba: C111472 Father: John DUFFUS Banff, Banff, Scotland So: 990816
Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 Pr: 6901967 )

Alexander Duffus: one of the twin sons of John the elder and Mary Bissett went out to the West Indies (no date given) and was a merchant planter and slave owner there. Alexander married Francis Smith (grand-daughter of James Washington of Ardwich.

Alexander and Francis had a large family of sons and daughters and also adopted Susannah Gordon Berryman.

One daughter married a Mackenzie and lived in Jamaica.

Another daughter married Major Hardy, father of Sir William and Sir Thomas Duffus Hardy of the Record Office, London.

Alex sons went to various parts of the world -

One son to India,

One son to Russia,

One or more to America,

Two - William and Thomas - remained in the West Indies as partners, merchants and owners of a large sugar and coffee plantation.

Thomas Duffus: married Susannah Gordon Berryman on Tuesday, November 15th ?1802.

Note on Susannah Berryman: her parents were Quakers in Pennsylvania. When Susannah was 10, they sent her to England for her education, but with war breaking out soon after she left Philadelphia, the vessel in which she was sailing was captured by the French, recaptured by the English, and taken into Kingston Harbour, Jamaica. The little girl was adopted by Mr. & Mrs. Gordon, under whose care she was traveling and they had her christened by their name, but soon after they died of yellow fever, within a few days of each other, she was then once more adopted by Alexander Duffus and his wife Francis, into which family she afterwards married. Susannah's date of birth is given as 7th Jan. 1784.

Children of Thomas Duffus and Susannah:

John Duffus, b. Sat. June 9th 1804 (at his aunt's house in Kingston). Died October 17th 1870, age 66 in Auckland, New Zealand.

Christiana, b. Tues. June 27th 1806.

Frances, b. June 6th 1810.

Charlotte, b. Tues. Sept. 29th 1812 (later married a Polish "Count Plater and lived in Australia).

Laura, b. Fri. Oct. 14th 1814 (later married a Polish "Prince Alois Konstantine Driucki-Lubecki" - both went to Australia on the same ship "Eden" as her brother John and his wife and his wife and children.


Note on Thomas Duffus: He was born Sept. 9th 1778 in Jamaica and died March 13th 1835 age 56 in Boulonge Sur Mer in France. At some date after the end of 1827 he left Jamaica, "probably for health reasons." On Dec. 12th 1827 he wrote to his son John in England, advising him not to return to Jamaica, where he says "There is now nothing but corruption, intrigue, and dissimulation." At this date his wife and daughters were in England (where the children went to be educated) and he sends his affectionate greetings to them. Susannah later joined her husband in France. After he died she returned to England and later followed her son to Australia and then (1848) to New Zealand.

John Duffus, born Jun. 9th 1804 in Jamaica, died October 17, 1870, aged 66, in Auckland, New Zealand. He was the oldest son of Thomas and Susannah Duffus. At an early age, John was sent to England for his education. he went first to Eton, then to Queens College, Oxford, where he was an Oxford Blue and took his MA degree. After leaving college, he entered the Anglican Church and was ordained Deacon on June 15th 1828, and priest on June 28th 1829. He was appointed to the curacy of Tetbury, where he met and married Maria Henrietta Paul, daughter of Robert Clark Paul, member of an old established legal family. At an early age his health (John's) broke down owing to the severe English climate and he was advised by his physician to leave England. He applied for and obtained an appointment in New South Wales, Australia, and on May 20th 1838, with his wife and five children (all under 7, and 2 "in arms") he sailed from Gravesend in the MV "Eden" and after a 5 month voyage landed in Australia where he remained in a parish near Sidney. All his sisters and their husbands eventually followed him to Australia as did his mother.

After 8 years in Australia he resigned from the ministry (? salary - could not support large family) and sailed for Auckland, New Zealand, arrived in early 1848, where he took up farming at Te Hihi, Monganui, Northland, new Zealand. He later moved to Auckland, where he died on October 17th 1870.

Children of John and Maria Duffus:

Exact birth dates not definitely known - women of this generation were all very secretive about their ages.

Elizabeth Paul Duffus, b. approx. a832, later married Taylor.

Annie Duffus, b. ?1833, died unmarried.

Francis Maria Duffus, b. 1835, married William Hunt.

Charlotte Plater, b. ?1836, married William Ball.

Robert Drucki-Lubecki Duffus, b. ?1838, married Lucy Ball - had no children.

The above were all born in England.

John William Duffus, born in Australia (Liverpool) in 1842. Later married Adeline Fleming McDonald in New Zealand. He died 19.7.1938 (age 96) in Auckland.

Amy Duffus, b. 1846 in Australia, married James Sheath.

Thomas Duffus, born in Australia, died in infancy.

All the above came to New Zealand with their parents arriving in early 1848.

Children of John William Duffus and Adeline Duffus:

Elizabeth Paul Duffus, b. 1875, died age 93 in Auckland. Never married. Was a school teacher.

Adeline Minnie Duffus, b. 1878, died age 91 in Auckland. Never married. Was a physiotherapist.

John Charles Kinnear Paul Duffus, b. 1.7.1883 in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, died 2.9.1958 in Auckland. Trained and worked as a dentist in Auckland.

Alice Edith Duffus, b. ?1887, died 23.8.1977.Never married. Worked spasmodically as a receptionist for her brother, a dentist.

John Charles K. P. Duffus and Ada Lilian Jackson:

John Charles K. P. Duffus married Ada Lilian Jackson 27th August, 1914 in Auckland.

They only had one child, a daughter, Adeline Ruth, b. 30.10.1916 (me). I never married, but trained and worked as a nurse. My father was a dentist, my mother, prior to her marriage, was also trained as a nurse.

I apologise for my poor typing, but thought the above records could help your comprehensive Duffus family tree.

Signed:  A.R. Duffus 21.6.99

P.S. As you can see, our line ceases at my death.

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Councillor Steve Duffus' Ancestors


Attached is a Word File which contains a copy of my great grandfather's marriage certificate, hopefully this will give you the dates you mentioned in your earlier e-mail's to my councillor e-mail address.

Please let me know if you require any more info.




SteveDuffus.jpg (67223 bytes)



When, where and
how married


Signature of parties
Rank or profession, whether single or widowed and relationship (if any)




Usual residence


Name, surname and rank or profession of father.  Name and maiden surname of mother


If a regular marriage, signatures of officiating minister and witnesses If irregular, date of con- viction Decree of Declarator or Sheriff’s warrant


When and where registered and signature of registrar

1906 on the fifteenth day of June at 28 Richmond Street, Edinburgh

James Charles Duffus


26 South Richmond St., Edinburgh

James Charles Duffus

18 June 1908
at Edinburgh

James Murray, Registrar

Saw Miller


Formerly married to Joan McLaren

Jane Harris (previously Duffus) m.s. Murray

According to the Forms of the United of United Free Church of Scotland

Janet Dobie Currie, Widow


26 South Richmond Street, Edinburgh

James Dobie

Catherine Dobie, m.s Reid

John Duffus, Witness

Catherine Dobie, m.s Reid, Witness


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(June is the widow of Bill Duffus, descendant of the James Duffus of Forgue Duffuses)

23rd June 1999

Unit 2
508 Charles St.
Hastings, HB
New Zealand

Dear David,

Thank you so much for your letter of 11th May. I will pass this information on to my children. It is possible Andrew could attend as he lives in the UK. But I am not sure about the rest of us. Lyall in the South Island is just changing his job and selling his house in Twizel so I fear he may be too busy to consider an overseas trip, but you may never know - so I know he would be interested in the gathering.

Janet here in Hastings is likely to be too busy as she has small children, a part-time nursing job, and is studying for a degree in Nursing Studies.

For myself, I most recently had my 90th birthday (3 years after Bill) & I don't think my aged bones could cope with a trip.

I will send a copy to my old friend, Ruth Duffus, who is the great-granddaughter of Reverend John Duffus who was born in Jamaica.

Best wishes for the success of the enterprise. We will no doubt hear more about it if you have time to pass on any information.

Best wishes to you and yours,

June Duffus


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Harry Duffus letter

H.B. Duffus
29 Kinbrae Park Gardens
6 May 1999

Dear David,

When you asked today if I had received your recent correspondence, I said yes. Only one hour later I got your letter of invitation to "Duffus 2000." So I was saying yes to the wrong letter.

I will, of course, be glad to accept the invitation (providing I'm still around for it).

I mentioned George and Ann are new playing around on their new machine. Their number is "[email protected]."

George says no one has called in yet on this number - so may you'd like to try it out.

I enclose a picture from the local paper "Dundee Courier and Advertiser" showing two more Duffus's. In case they have slipped through you net.

Alan_Duffus.jpg (21296 bytes)

My eyes are fine now, I seem to be writing on lines now.

All the best for 2000.



Gordon Duffus letter

13 Beverly Crescent
Woodford Green
Essex I48 9DD England
20th May 1999

Dear David,

Thank you for your letter of 9th April 1999 concerning the proposed reunion of Duffuses at Duffus Castle.

I originally come form the North East of Scotland and have visited our castle on many occasions. I have often thought what a wonderful thing it would be if there was a gathering of the Duffuses at that location. It looks as though you have the same idea, but did something about it.

My wife, Eileen, and I are very interested in attending, also my two sons, Gordon William and Alistair James. Gordon's wife Pamela and their two children would also like to come. My brother, Douglas and his wife, Sue, are also very interested. I have sent a copy of your letter to my cousin Margaret Duffus, now Fonlisty? in Castlegate? in Canada. As you can see if we all attend we will form a small sept of the clan ourselves.

Please keep me up to date with the details and forward any booking forms etc. to me at the above address. I am not on the internet but my son, Alistair, in Wales is in the process of going live at the moment. I have just spoken to him on the telephone and he has told me that he has contacted you by e-mail.

Look forward to hearing from you. All the best.

Yours sincerely,

Gordon Duffus


88 Buckingham Rd.
Cheadle Hulme
Cheshire, England

Dear David,

I have put together a family tree as best as I can of our part of the family from James and Agnes Duffus. Also, a potted history of Jack Duffus' football career. I think we are related to George McKay Duffus, but don't know how -- will have to investigate.

I can't remember in my recent letter to you giving my daughter's internet address to you, if I told you Bruce's sister Mame, lives near Duffus Castle. We visited it sometime ago when Bruce was working with Clive -- Daphne's husband, doing house repairs. We jokingly said let's put a roof on it and call it ours! Will you be able to put the enclosed on your internet pages? The only way we can communicate with you on the internet is through our daughter Janet. She is only a phone call away, but it takes three hours to reach her by road, so we can't see as much of her as we'd like. The motorways of England don't make for pleasant traveling, and I'm nervous on them anyway!

Anyway -- hope to hear from you soon -- looking forward to 2000.

Yours sincerely,

Wendy Duffus
for Bruce


John_Murison_Duffus.jpg (34936 bytes)

John (Jack) Murison Duffus 1901 - 1975

Professional Footballer 1920 - 1928

Teams played for: Aberdeen Richmond, Dumbarton, Scunthorpe 1920,
Llanelly 1921
Clapton Orient 1922
Tottenham Hotspur 1923
Norwich City 1924
Stockport County 1927 - 28

It is said that Jack had good ball control and scoring ability. Was a keen, bustling player who would do his share of work on the field. Could be of a fiery nature.

1928 when he retired he bought two acres of land at Woodpond near Stockport and started a nursery business which was taken over by his son, Bruce when he
retired in 1966.

Jack's first wage with Totterham was used to buy his dear mother a pony and trap (20 pounds).

During his early footballing days Jack's friends were always welcome at his parents nursery garden to have a "kick around" on Sundays or even played cricket.

Jack's career ran alongside Matt Busby's, who played for Everton and later became manager of the famous "Busby Babes" (Manchester United) - (15 miles away
from where we live) --

Jack's brother Bob (Robert) who was captain of Dundee, had life membership at Aberdeen Football Club. He eventually died whilst watching a match at Aberdeen. It was reported that the funeral cortege was one mile long.


Alistair Duffus email


Subject: telephone directory update
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 19:58:05 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Dear David,

I just thought I would drop you a line to help you keep the directory up to date. G.J.R.Duffus was my grandfather. He died in May1982 whilst living at Guthries Haven (the address you have for him). My grandmother continued to live there until about 1992 and then she moved into sheltered accommodation.Unfortunately she died last year and so I now have no relatives living in Banff, Scotland. My father is listed under G. Duffus. His name is Gordon James and he lives at 13, Beverley Crescent, Woodford Green, Essex, England. My mother died in 1996, she was June Dorothy nee Scott. He recently remarried (24th April 1999) to Eileen O'Connor. My elder Brother lives with his wife, Paula(nee Olseen) and their two children, Georgina and Oliver, at 4, Hatch Lane, Chingford, Essex. My Uncle Douglas and Aunt Sue live at 57,Green Acre, Wembdon,  Bridgwater, Somerset, England. Finally, myself. As you know, I am Alistair James Duffus and I live at 29, Five Locks Close, Pontnewyd, Gwent, Wales. As you can see, my family has spread all over Britain but we still keep in touch regularly. I hope this information is useful to you and the other Duffuses out there.

Will write again soon,

Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 22:27:16 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Dear David,
I have found out my grandparents' birth dates. My Grandfather was born on 8th March 1908,and my Grandmother was born on 22nd October 1913. I hope this is of some use to you with your family trees. I am really looking forward to the get together next year and finally getting to meet you.Keep up the good work you are doing with the Duffus web page.
All the best,


Scottish Family Research Group

Subject: Re: Scottish Family Research Group
Resent-Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 03:52:01 -0700 (PDT)
Resent-From: [email protected]
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 09:53:43 +1000
From: "Peter J. Fraser-Tibbett" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

The Scottish Family Research Group are looking for new members. Membership
is FREE to join. Members are welcome to post messages on the members message
board and also to post photo as well. This service is all FREE. We are also
looking at having a Bi - Monthly Newsletter for our members. Anyone who is
doing Scottish Family Research are very welcome to join.


Peter J. Fraser-Tibbett
Cooroy, Queensland, Australia


Barry Duffus Family News

Subject: Change of Address !!
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 16:08:29 +1000
From: "teddyb" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>

Hello David, How are you and your family ??? I hope you receive this email okay. I sent you one about one month ago and I never received a answer to it .  First I want you to note the change of my email address it is [email protected] this is for all the DUFFUS SUNDAY EVENING NEWS ...also I wanted to remind you that Barry and Arlene wanted me to tell you of a new addition to the family I did write a email and advise you but I never received a email from you to confirm that you receive all the details please could you email me back and confirm you have received this one okay I sent the other email to the other address so I thought I would try this one and see if you can reply ......please note details from Barry and Arlene Duffus and also they will attend the Duffus reunion

please note ....GLENN AND SUE ANN DUFFUS



George Duffus (Scottish comedian) Email

Subject: Re: beginners
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 17:01:16 BST
From: ann duffus <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

Hi David, coming over loud and clear! Best wishes, George.

>From: davidduffus <[email protected]>
>To: ann duffus <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: beginners
>Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 10:38:11 -0400
>Please let me know if you receive this and then I will drop you a short note on the Duffus 2000 responses to my invitations.
>ann duffus wrote:
> > we're having problems with freeserve. Could you try us on this number?
> >

Grandma Coming to Duffus 2000 Reunion

Subject: Duffus castle
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 11:21:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: adam b <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

Will you reserve 2 tickets to the castle please? Thank you! Our whole
family will be sending my grandma and someone will go with her!

Adam Burton


309-4900 Cartier St.
Vancouver, B.C.
June 21, 1999

Dear David,

First of all, my thanks to you for your letter, Sunday News and CD, as yet to be enjoyed. To put it mildly, you really do a fabulous job when you take something on.

My son-in-law, George Lucas, said he would contact you the modern way, but may not cover every detail.

Good health holding next July will see me in Scotland, attending the ceilidh on the Saturday night and happy to pay 50 U.S. whenever, and will donate to expenses if I can't make it.

I would prefer to reserve good accommodations 3 days in advance of July 1st with bathroom, please.

My most since thanks.

Johnnie Duffus



19 Pennymay Green
Middlesbrough T58 OBX

Dear David,

                        Re: Duffus 2000 Reunion

I refer to your letter of 9th April 1999 addressed to my late father (he died 18 years ago). The letter has been passed on to me and my family would certainly be interested in more information regarding your proposed reunion of Duffus'es at Duffus Castle on 1st/2nd July 2000.

I have 2 sons aged 25 and 22. The older is married living in Leicester with twins (7 months) and the younger is studying for a Master's Degree in Mathematics at Warwick University. Both of them may be interested in joining the celebrations along with my sister (who although not now a Duffus following marriage - since separated) and I assume they would be welcome.

For your information my grandfather moved from Elgin to a farm in North Yorkshire around the turn of the last century and had a family of eight (six sons and two daughters). Of those sons there were six male descendants who all but one are now married with 9 descendants (male). Of those 9 -3 are now married (including my son) and who have produced yet 4 more sons to carry on the Duffus name.

I look forward to hearing from you with more information regarding your celebration proposals.

I was interested for you to indicate this event is only held every 1000 years and should be pleased to hear what evidence you have as to the previous celebration.

Yours sincerely,

John Duffus


Subject: Family gathering Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 10:25:39 -0400 From: Gordon Douglas Duffus To: DAVID DUFFUS Dear David, Long time since I've written... sorry. I'm checking on the Reunion/Gathering situation. Did we get the rooms at Gordonston or are we on our own for sleeping space? Can we use the Castle grounds for our thing? It looks like at least four of my nephews (and their wives) plus a sister-in-law, my oldest brother, my wife & two sons (& me) will be over for the event. There may be more. I would like to start making arrangements... if needed. Thanks, Gordon


Subject: change of e-mail address
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 18:13:24 +0100
From: "Mark Sutherland-Fisher" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
CC: "Muriel Bland" <[email protected]>, "Ostling and Brooks" [email protected], "Kenneth Cairns" <[email protected]>, "Caroline A Cameron" [email protected], <[email protected]>, "David Duffus" [email protected], "Pearson Ronald Fisher" <[email protected]>, "Tom Flynn,Kaleidoscope" [email protected], "Michael Greenhow" [email protected], "Anne McCann" <[email protected]>, "Rita Schneider" <[email protected]>,
"Alan Gordon Sutherland" <[email protected]>, "Andrew Sutherland" [email protected], "Bill and Mary Sutherland" <[email protected]>, "Jane Sutherland" <[email protected]>,

Hi folks, would you please note that following on a change of Internet provider last weekend due to a collapse of the previous one's system for several days and uncompetitive terms, I may not have received any e-mails you sent since 13th June to my former e-mail address at [email protected] and from now on all e-mails should be posted to this address attached to my own web-site, [email protected]


Subject: Geneology
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 22:16:46 -0500
From: Kirk Borland <[email protected]>
Organization: Coil, Counts, Ford and Cheney
To: David Duffus <[email protected]>

My father-in-law is Richard Duffus who lives at 49 Barnes St. in your
town of Greenville. As the one in the family most interested in tracing
back the roots, I wondered if you have been able to make any link
between my father-in-law and some of the extensive history that you have
been able to compile on the Duffus clan. If so, I would very much be
interested in updating my wife's side of our family tree. Thanks in
advance for any help you can provide. My preferred email address is
[email protected]

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Past Sunday News Issues

March 14, 1999

April 11, 1999

May 16, 1999

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1998 David Duffus. All rights reserved.

Design by David Duffus