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September 12, 1999

|Duffus 2000 Reunion|Back to Africa|Cupar Benefactor|Dueling Documentaries|Email|Journal of the Reverend John Duffus|70 Years of Marriage for Edward and Barbara Duffus|Past Issues|

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Duffus 2000 Reunion!!!

Saturday, July 1st and Sunday, July 2nd, 2000.

For more information about who's interested in coming, accommodations, and events click
on the icon below!!
Because of the volume of material I've had to create a whole new
web page.

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click on image

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Journal of the Reverend John Duffus

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click on image

Enjoy reading Reverend Duffus' diary recounting his journey in 1838 from
England to Australia.

Furnished by Ruth Duffus (John Duffus of Banff tree)

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Cupar Benefactor

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Mr. Duffus was responsible for donating land/funds for the creation of   Duffus Park in Cupar. He was a well known philanthropist and the
owner of businesses in Scotland, England and India.

The following is an obituary for his son James Coutts Duffus.

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I am seeking additional information about this branch of the family in order to create a family tree!

Here is the family tree I've been able to construct to date:


Generation No. 1

1. JAMES1 DUFFUS. He married JEAN SOUTER April 15, 1819 in Rattray, Perthshire, Scotland.

Children of JAMES DUFFUS and JEAN SOUTER are:

i. JEAN2 DUFFUS, b. February 03, 1820, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland.

2. ii. JAMES DUFFUS, b. March 06, 1822, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland.

iii. AGATHA DUFFUS, b. August 12, 1823, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland.

iv. THOMAS DUFFUS, b. January 30, 1825, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland.

v. EUPHEMIA DUFFUS, b. September 13, 1826.

vi. ELIZABETH DUFFUS, b. October 28, 1827.

vii. GEORGE DUFFUS, b. July 12, 1829.

viii. ? DUFFUS, b. February 26, 1837.


Generation No. 2

2. JAMES2 DUFFUS (JAMES1) was born March 06, 1822 in Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scotland. He married HELEN.


1881 British Census: Dwelling: 24 North St; Census Place: Forfar, Forfar, Scotland;
Source: FHL Film 0203492 GRO Ref Volume 288 EnumDist 21 Page 20

Scot's Records: 1891 census #22928207

Children of JAMES DUFFUS and HELEN are:

i. BETSY3 DUFFUS, b. 1859.

ii. HELLEN DUFFUS, b. 1860.

iii. CHRISTINA DUFFUS, b. 1862; m. JAMES ROSE, 1884, Forfar, Scotland.

iv. JOHN COUTTS DUFFUS, b. 1863, Cupar, Forfarshire, Scotland; d. 1933, Penniwells, Elstreo, Herts.


Scot's Origins: #11515972

v. JAMES DUFFUS, b. Unknown.


Many thanks to Harry Duffus (Tom1 tree) for James Duffus' photo and John G. Duffus (William Clark Duffus tree) for the obituary of James Coutts Duffus.

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Edward and Barbara Duffus
celebrate 70 years of marriage

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This article was furnished by Harry Duffus (Thomas Duffus of Edinburgh tree), 29 Kinbrae Park Gardens, Newport-on-Tay, Scotland

click on image to read article

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Dueling documentaries light up UNC-TV

and Kevin Duffus

from the News and Observer
Friday, September 10, 1999

click on image to read article

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Back to


with David Duffus & Megan Duffus (James Duffus of Dundee tree)
from the Daily Reflector, Greenville, NC, Sunday, October 6, 1999

click on image to read article

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Dear Carol,

Haven't answered your earlier email about snail mail or email. It would be easier for me if you sent your information by email so that I won't have to retype it.

To answer your question about getting in touch with Richard Duffus in Massachusetts, I don't think he has an email address. However, his dad lives in Morehead City, NC. I will have to mail your note to both.

The Duffus who furnished me with the James Duffus of Granton is Dick Duffus who lives here in the same town I do. I will pass your note onto him.

Sounds like you're doing a great job on the Duffus connections from New Zealand! I will pass your note on to all of the people on my mailing list. See my latest email on the most recent issue of the Duffus Sunday Evening News.

Best wishes,


agveale wrote:

> Dear David, I have been looking through my certificate sightings and > comparing them to the family trees on the site and find that 3 of them > are actually related to each other. They are the James Duffus of > Forgue, James Duffus of Grant town on Spey and William Duffus of > Peterhead. I have definite proof of this from death certificates and > census readings. I tried to e-mail R. A Duffus of Bridgewater, MA, > who put in the William Duffus of Peterhead family tree, with the > necessary details, but the address was apparently wrong. Can you put > me right? I have it as [email protected]. Regards, Carol > Veale.


Subject: Gathering 2000
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 23:39:03 -0400
From: Gordon Douglas Duffus <[email protected]>
To: DAVID DUFFUS <[email protected]>

Dear David,
A few quick 'things' prior to replying to your request for in-put on theGathering Schedule:

1. Duffus spellings(as there seemed to be some question): DUFFUS, DUFIS,DUFFHOUS, DUFFES.... all acceptable as the same name. Our ancestors usedphonetics. Indeed, in certain old documents, the same name was spelled a number of different ways by the same correspondent.

2. There is a Duffus Hillock in Glen Lossie, south west of Elgin...might be considered for a walking destination but could also be too far (& wet).

3. Crests: Crests are a funny thing (& Congress is an ass). There really are NO 'Family Crests' as such. Either a single person is armorous (has a crest) or he isn't... families don't have them; just individuals. Here in The States, we don't go in for this type of refined distinction but in Scotland, there are laws against using arms to which one is not entitled (The Lord Lyon, King of Arms has the power to arrest & fine abusers). It is therefore not strange that different branches of our family keep coming up with different crests from their respective ancestors... the most recent being that wonderful wax image (which looked to me like a man swimming from left to right but is probably a boar). My own branch, according to my grandfather, had an ancestor who,used a Mailed Fist (same for a branch of our mob from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada). Then, of course, there are the Sutherlands of Duffus (no relationto us) of whom I have 4 crests which differed each time there was a marriage & someone new took over the Lordship. I have a banner with Kenneth, 3rd Lord Duffus' arms on it... I'll bring it to the gathering. Nice touch flying from the castle along with the national flags.

4. Another place to consider visiting; Thunderton House on the High Street in Elgin (since we'll already be there). It was the townhouse of the Sutherland Lords of Duffus (taken over by the Dunbars for debts not payed in the early 1700's) but slept in by Bonnie Prince Charlie on his way to Culloden Moor & then by his Cousin, The Duke of Cumberland ("Billy the Butcher") also on his way to Culloden (1746). The house used to have two carved savages outside (Sutherland Arms supporters) which have now been moved to the Elgin Museum. It used to be a hotel but I'm not sure what it is now.

5. A small 'pilgrimage' to 137 High Street would not be remiss... 'twas the birth place of my great grandfather John :-) and a few generations before him.

6. The schedule shows alot of outdoor activities. Have you considered contingency plans for the rotten-weather-days? I noticed that there was no 'drinking time' on the schedule. Is THAT the contingency plan? We all gang to the Duffus Inn for pints & pies when it rains? I like it!

7. Have you considered a local guide for any of the places we'll be going to that aren't attended? We can 'pass-the-hat' for any fees. The Tourist Office can provide brochures for most of them but the info is usually sketchy. Maybe the library could suggest someone.

8. Invite the Countess of Sutherland (or her son Lord Strathnaver) as an honored guest on 1 July? Even though the Clan Sutherland Society in Scotland doesn't recognize us as a Sept of Clan Sutherland ('tis true), she may come 'just because' they should! (The Clan Sutherland Society in N. America DOES recognize us!). If you like, I could contact her.

9. I was going to mention Culloden as a possible tour stop(as there were a few Duffus' there) but have reconsidered & feel that that place is best left to self-touring. It never fails to sadden me.

10. On the way to Dunrobin, for the adventurous, is Skilbo Castle, much like Duffus but in REALLY bad repair. Another site held by the Sutherlands of Duffus.

11. I'm not the Secretary of the CSSNA... I am now the Historian (?)... I have been VP a few times over the years, Southeast Commissioner, Virginia Convenor, & am a founding member.

Looks great to me!!! Just a few questions/comments (sorry):

1. Can we get a piper for the Grand March? Kinloss RAF base has/had a pipe band which wore Sutherland Tartan. Not far off from Duffus. Don't know if the base still exists, what with Down-Sizing.

2. Can't we have a Ceildh on our own (w/o formal entertainment) like in the auld days?... story telling, singing, 'where I'm from tales', etc. Maybe during the candlelight tour?

3. And, can we 'do' a candlelight tour or does The Castle close at dark? We can 'do' a candlelight tour of Duffus Inn :-)

4. What's this 'Lecture Series' you've signed me up for? :-)

5. You made NO mention of the monument which we should erect on The Castle grounds, listing the names of all who attend :-) We should atleast endeavor to write our names on scraps of paper & toss 'em into one of the latrines :-) Now that could be cause for a different type of ceremony.

6. Should we let the Duffus Inn know that we're coming so that they can lay in extra stores for the event?

7. Wreath laying ceremony at The Castle, St. Peters, Elgin Cathedral, in Loch Spynie? Kind of a "we've come back, how are you guys doing?" thing?

Looking back on what I've written, I seem to have raised problems rather than solving them. That was certainly not my intent. I know how difficult this must be for you to arrange from long-distance. Feel free to delegate some responsibilities... might have interesting consequences/results. I think that I've done all of the 'damage' which I could tonite... tomorrow is another day..



Subject: Lord Kenneth Date: Fri, 13 Aug 1999 14:27:40 EDT From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Dear David, Congratulations on the wonderful site! I am writing a book on Lord Kenneth and am running short of information, any suggestions? I need to know the name of the ship he was commanding, and possibly the name of the French force? I am tracing his very adventurous life, and would welcome any help I can get. Yours, William


  Subject: Duffus Reunion Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 17:17:02 +0930 From: Anne Miller To: "'David Duffus'" Dear David, Thankyou for your reply and I have found the Sunday New and duffus 2000. My friend is the present Lady of Duff, and her brother (also my friend) and who died 2 years ago, was known as 7th Lord Duffus. His ashes were taken to Scotland and scattered on the great hall of the Castle. My friend is very well known there. I shall send her copies of your pages, If you would like to make special contact with her, please let me know. I should very much like to be there at that time. I love the Morayshire country side and know well all the places where you are planning activities. Thanks again. Anne M.


Subject: (no subject)
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 01:34:33 -0400
From: Eric Wargo <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

Dear David,

I wanted to thank you for your response to my query about variant spellings of Duffus---as well as a definition of "Butt Sicker". I believe I also told you in my email that I was going to attend the University of Glasgow for the 1999-2000 year. My husband and I have been packing for several weeks and we leave tomorrow, ready or not!

I have been keeping up with the plans for the Duffus/Duffes 2000 Reunion and we are making plans to attend. My mother and father (Annella and James Kenneth DUFFES) have been very interested to hear about all of this and I am hoping to get them to visit us during the reunion so that we all may attend.

I am looking forward to seeing Scotland for the first time. The country looks beautiful and I've heard about how friendly the people are. I think this will be a great year!


Melissa Duffes Wargo
511 Crescent Road
Griffin, GA 30224

--please send any future email updates to [email protected]


Subject: 2000 Reunion
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 01:10:59 +0100
From: "Penny Paterson" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>

Dear David

Firstly I must say how impressed I am by your website. It has certainly given me much information on the Duffus link to Clan Sutherland.

I am the secretary of the Clan Sutherland Society in Scotland, and since we do have a few Duffus members, and also many who are descended through the Duffus Lords, I wondered if we could publish information on your 2000 Gathering in our forthcoming Newsletter which will be published in November.

We are also in the middle of trying to set up a website, but it has not been easy when there is so much to learn about it all. Hopefully though it will soon be up and running and we will be able to link up wth other Sutherland sites overseas.

Penny Paterson


Subject: Re: 2000 GATHERING
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 16:03:32 -0400
From: Gordon Douglas Duffus <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
CC: DAVID DUFFUS <[email protected]>

Dear Iain (also my youngest son's name), I am passing this e-mail on to David Duffus who is putting this 'thing' together. See you next summer...
Gordon D. Duffus

[email protected] wrote:



Subject: Duffus Website
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 12:05:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Lancaster <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

I'm in the process of making a links page called Made in Scotland.  It's for all websites made in Scotland (obviously) but also for websites made about Scotland. If you would like duffus.com to be included, please email me a description of no more than 30 words about duffus.com.


John Lancaster
Elgin, Scotland


Subject: Re: Duffus Sunday Evening News
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 03:28:25 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Dear David,

Thank you for the e-mail. My book on Lord Kenneth is slow but proceeding well. I have researched for over 4 years, I will forward you information for you to add on his page, when it is more complete. In particular I am concentrating on the soldiering life of Lord Kenneth, and his encounter with the French privateers, his adventurous escape from Scotland, but also the stories of intrigue to take away from him the title of Baron. My historical area of interest lies more in the "Auld Alliance" between the French and the Scots to fight the English, 14th and 15th century. Would you be interested to receive some articles on the subject?

I am here in Scotland, and I am amazed at how many good sites are dedicated to our culture, but yours is the best I have ever seen, congratulations. Just one observation (and it is only an observation) I thought the first sound you had of thunder was very dramatic and very effective. Any possibility of considering to put it back?

Aye yours,

William Sutherland


Subject: (no subject)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 13:01:20 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: davidduffus<[email protected]>

Dear, David Duffus:

My name is Eric Duffus, I am from Salem, OR. and I would like to know how I can get the telephone numbers in OR updated all the Duffus in Oregon are my immediate relatives. There is another thing that I was wondering, on the crest it has the motto that says "Butt Sicker" what does that mean? I am very interested in my family history, my uncle Don Duffus that lives in California has talked with you and I was wondering if some where in the family tree my family is there could you help me?
Please e-mail me back I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank You
Eric Duffus


Subject: Finnish Connections
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 18:49:49 +0100
From: "orla mcnally" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>

Dear David Duffus,

When I was child, my Grandfather, Kenneth Alexander Wrede af Elima, proudly told me that I had Scottish ancestors. He gave me a copy of a picture of a very noble bewigged gentleman with his dog, which I now know to be Kenneth Duffus. I was even bought a Kilt in ancient Sutherland tartan, which I wore in pride and a fair degree of ignorance until the the hem rose as I grew!

My family name arose in Germany and has been traced back to 1202 (only). Our Scandinavian branch of the Wrede's left there in 1342 settling in Sweden and Finland in the 17th century after being granted the estates of Elima by the Swedish Crown. My branch of the Wrede af Elima family was the one originally resident at Anjala, the Finnish home of Kenneth Duffus and his daughter Regina from whom, I believe, I am descended.

My father, who was born in Vyborg, now in Russia, came to England in 1950 to study, married my mother and stayed. I was born in London in 1958 and have always lived, studied and worked in England. Though I have a very mixed blood-line I can not escape my English cultural identity.

However things turn full circle and I have just been appointed Consultant to the Fife Acute Hospitals NHS Trust and will be coming to live in the ancient Kingdom at the end of this year. Thus after the successful interview, for which much research had been done on the internet, I went on-line and entered 'Duffus', there to find your splendid, highly informative and well researched web-site. You can imagine my pleasure on finding the page about Anjala, even though my feudal fore-bears do get rave reviews!

Would an Anglo-Welsh Finn with a German name, a splash of Jacobite blood and an Irish fiance be welcome at your reunion?

I look forward to hearing from you,

With sincere best wishes, David Wrede.

Mr. C. David H. Wrede
7 Deeley Close,
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2NR.

0121-440 7775 (H)
07970 386445 (M)
[email protected]

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Past Sunday News Issues

March 14, 1999

April 11, 1999

May 16, 1999

July 5, 1999

August 8, 1999

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© 1998 David Duffus. All rights reserved.

Design by David Duffus