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Sunday, October 31, 1999

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Duffus 2000 Reunion!!!

Saturday, July 1st and Sunday, July 2nd, 2000.

For more information about who's interested in coming, accommodations, and events click
on the icon below!!
Because of the volume of material I've had to create a whole new
web page.

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This is a sketch of John Henderson Duffus, your webmaster's great great great grandfather.

Subject: John H. Duffus
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 16:41:05 +0100
From: "Innes Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: "David Duffus" <[email protected]>

Firstly, I am pleased to tell you that I have just been appointed as the first official archivist to the Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee.

Whilst I was researching another subject I was very excited to happen on the enclosed attachment, which will help to sort out our two families. This one must be yours, as he was a member of the Temperance League
( something which I would find very embarrassing).

I have been particularly amused at the style of the author, who among other things appears to have had a Hell of a "crush" on John's missus.

This particular piece is only a very small part of a not insubstantial volume, of a kind that makes researching such an exciting pastime.

Hope you find as much fun as I did, and that like me you will mourn for the passing of the wonderful use of language.

Yours aye,



Extract from The Life of a Dundee Draper

Printed by Wm Kidd 1878

Mr J. H. Duffus, Gowrie Place

It may startle some of my readers to be informed that previous to the year 1840 there were no drapers in the Scouringburn, now one of the busiest streets in the town. At present there are more than a dozen drapers, some of whom do a large business. The first draper who commenced business there is a well known citizen, Mr J. H. Duffus. He commenced business in a shop at the top of Horsewater Wynd, in May of the above year, where he continued for about ten years. Mr Duffus in his early life learned the trade of a tailor. He served his apprenticeship with Mr William Blair, whose workshop and residence were near the Scouringburn well. At that time, it was from this well that most of the inhabitants in the Scouringburn were supplied with water. At the period to which I allude, Monikie and Lintrathen supplies were in the womb of futurity, and water was very scarce in Dundee. It was a far-famed well. Among its other excellent properties, it possessed that of softness, and was in great repute among the housewives for its capability of producing an excellent cup of tea. The overflow from this well, made up in a great measure what was called the Scouring Burn, so named, from the circumstance that the women scoured and washed their clothes in the burn.

After finishing his apprenticeship, and working for some time as a journeyman. He went to London to obtain more insight into his calling. Here he succeeded in finding employment with one "Solomon", a Jew, in Charing Cross. This was the summer of 1837, the year of the coronation of her most gracious majesty Queen Victoria. Mr Duffus was present on this occasion, and he often refers to it as the grandest and most imposing spectacle he ever beheld. The procession of crowned heads, plenipotentiaries, and representatives from all part of the world, to and from Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace, made a deep impression on the shrewd imaginative faculties of our friend, whose description of it to me has often been interesting and graphic in the highest degree. It is beyond the limits assigned to me in this sketch to reproduce his account of it, and I cannot farther refer to this important epoch in his career.

Mr Duffus, I believe, was the first to introduce a practice, which afterwards became general over the town and vicinity, of getting customers, when they had not the full amount for the goods they wanted, to leave a deposit on the goods cut off, the parcel meanwhile lying in the shop until the price was paid by weekly instalments. This custom was of reciprocal benefit, for while it accommodated the customers, sales were often effected by it more readily. Mr Duffus remained in the Scouringburn until his trade increased to that extent he felt warranted in removing to the West Port, the centre of the west end district. In May 1858 he removed to 31, West Port. This shop was previously occupied by My James McArtney, ironmonger. For the period of twelve years Mr Duffus
continued to conduct a prosperous business here, and during these years, by dint of strict attention to business, he managed to amass, if not what in these days of colossal incomes may be called a fortune, at least a fair competency. He is now retired, owing to failing health, being too sensible a man to shorten his days by undue exertion of his faculties when no necessity for it existed. The result is, instead of dying in harness, he is now hale and healthy, and free from much worry and care. I may mention, for the benefit of such of my readers as it may concern to know, that Mr Duffus, during the business period of his life, made it a rule never to order goods he was not in immediate want of, and in no larger quantities than he could pay for, so as to take benefit of the full discount. Mr Duffus has told me that he never accepted a bill in his life, and when in any case a bill was sent to him in the course of business, it was invariably returned with a note asking what extra discount would be allowed for prompt cash. He has often told me that this practice in no small measure tended to augment his yearly income, paying for rent, gas &c., and other incidental expenses connected with the management of a shop. I may mention, Mr Duffus on retiring purchased a block of buildings known as Gowrie Place, and at present he occupies one of the houses. In this age of intense competition, when the utmost tension of endeavour is made to serve the public, it will appear singular that Mr Duffus should have been in the habit of shutting up his shop for three weeks or a month after the summer holidays, which were then held in August. He would then depart for the highlands and
recuperate his flagging energies by the bracing air of our northern clime. You might find him quietly nestling under the shadow of Ben-y-Vrackan, wandering through the Pass of Killiecrankie, or thinking half sadly, half sweetly on the olden time amid the classic groves of the Birks of Aberfeldy. At other times you would find him at some seaside village, stretched out on the sands, with book in hand, and the sound of the old ocean in his ears, with its strange sad moan suggesting to the human spirit feelings which are inexpressible. It must not be understood by this practice of Mr Duffus that it was the general thing at the time to shut up shops in this fashion. Mr Duffus was simply of an independent turn of mind, and was by no means solicitous to conceal this fact from the public. In
case passers by should think that a death or bankruptcy had taken place, a printed bill was stuck on the door and window conveying the following intelligence, "Gone to the country for holidays. Will be open on a certain date." I cannot depart from Mr Duffus without recording the fact that he was and is an ardent and zealous total abstainer. He has been long a member of the Dundee Temperance Society, and acted for many years on the committee. His shop was well known over the whole town as the place where the pledge could be taken, a book being kept for the enrolling of names. I believe Mr Duffus in this way did an immense amount of good in the reclamation of drunkards. When they got the pledge-card he never lost an opportunity of tendering such advice as he deemed
necessary, while he was in the habit of informing them that he himself had been a life-long abstainer. Mr Duffus has been for a number of years a member of the Liff and Benvie Parochial Board, and one of the visitors of the indigent sick society. For thirty years he has been a member of the Scottish Temperance League, Glasgow, and since 1838 a member of the Ward Road Chapel, so well known from its connection with the late Rev. Dr. Russell.

I cannot leave this sketch without according a due meed of praise to Mrs Duffus, who proved such an efficient helpmate to her husband in his business. Mr Duffus has often told me that it would have been impossible for him to retire from business so soon, but for the valuable aid afforded him by his better half. Before I myself went out of business, I had frequently occasion to observe how important an auxiliary she was in effecting sales, and in my lonely bachelorhood I used to think how fortunate I would have been had I secured such an able assistant. I observe not a few young ladies connected with shops in Dundee at the present time, who, I am certain, would make the future of many a young man contemplating a start in the drapery business, and I would affectionately urge such to take a survey of some of the drapery establishments, where a most suitable selection of blooming maidens can be found.

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8 Sinclair Drive
G84 9BA

5 September 1999

Dear David

It was with considerable interest and delight that we read your letter which arrived earlier this summer Since I met and later married my husband, Brian Duffus (George Duffus of Dundee's cousin), I have only met a handful of people who share my adopted surname and they have all been immediate family members. In fact we are the only Duffus in the greater Glasgow area telephone directory. As my natural lineage is the Clan Campbell, it has reit quite strange joining such a wee Clan! So imagine my delight at discovering that there are lots more out there!

Brian's brother, David, was the brother of Harry Beveridge Duffus of Newport-on-Tay Unfortunately he passed away many years ago at the very young age of 52 years. Brian's elder brother Stuart lives in Glenrothes, Fife, as does his mother Anne Brian and I married in 1982 and two daughters, Jennifer Beth and Susan Victoria Duffus, who are 12 and 9 years old.

Last summer we made our first trip to the States as many of my Grandmother's siblings emigrated to the West coast in the early 1900's. We had a marvelous holiday spending some time in San Francisco before driving up the California/Oregon coast to Manzanita Beach for a family reunion on 4th July It was a truly memorable experience!

We therefore look forward to receiving more detailed information regarding a possible Duffus reunion in the year 2000. The girls are particularly excited as they still remember our visit 2 years ago to Duffus Castle and Duffus village where they posted their postcards to all their friends and family.

We will await further correspondence from you on the matter. Until then may we convey our sincere thanks for your vision and willingness to coordinate such wonderful event.

Yours aye

Brian, Kay, Jennifer and Susan Duffus


15 Charlotte St.
Phone 01382 826602

David Duffus
Duffus, Younce, Melvin & Vtipil
3001 Stantonsburg Road
PO Drawer 5026
Greenville, North Carolina

For the attention of David Duffus

19m August 1999

Dear David,

I am enclosing a couple of books that turned up during a clear-out of a book cupboard this week.

I had somewhat ignored them because they were not very interesting and the selling of them was a bit of a 'con'.

However they may be of interest to you, although I would be grateful if you could return them some time. There is no hurry for their return so please keep them as long as you wish.

If you do not have a good copy of the Duffus crest and seal, as described by one of your recent correspondents, then the one in these books may be of help

One of the last times we spoke you were contemplating a visit to Scotland this year. Will you be coming? The offer of a meal together if you are within the approximate area still stands and would I am sure be a great pleasure.

In any event I look forward to meeting you at the 'Family Gathering'

Yours aye


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Subject: Re: Duffus Sunday Evening News
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 03:28:25 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Dear David,

Thank you for the e-mail.

My book on Lord Kenneth is slow but proceeding well. I have researched for over 4 years, I will forward you information for you to add on his page, when it is more complete. In particular I am
concentrating on the soldiering life of Lord Kenneth, and his encounter with the French privateers, his adventurous escape from Scotland, but also the stories of intrigue to take away from him the title of Baron. My historical area of interest lies more in the "Auld Alliance" between the French and the Scots to fight the English, 14th and 15th century. Would you be interested to receive some articles on the subject?

I am here in Scotland, and I am amazed at how many good sites are dedicated to our culture, but yours is the best I have ever seen, congratulations. Just one observation (and it is only an observation) I thought the first sound you had of thunder was very dramatic and very effective. Any possibility of considering to put it back?

Aye yours,

William Sutherland


Subject: (no subject)
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 13:01:20 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: davidduffus<[email protected]>

Dear David Duffus:

My name is Eric Duffus, I am from Salem, OR. and I would like to know how I can get the telephone numbers in OR updated all the Duffus in Oregon are my immediate relatives. There is another thing that I was wondering, on the crest it has the motto that says "Butt Sicker" what does that mean? I am very interested in my family history, my uncle Don Duffus that lives in California has talked with you and I was wondering if some where in the family tree my family is there could you help me? Please e-mail me back I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank You

Eric Duffus


Subject: Re: Duffus family matters
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 17:30:46 +1000
From: Mervyn de Plater <[email protected]>
To: davidduffus <[email protected]>

davidduffus wrote:
> Dear Mervyn,
>I'm leaving for Tibet next Saturday for a three week trip and plan to go up to >the Everest base camp - so I've been extremely busy trying to meet many deadlines >over the past few weeks. So your seal is on its way and you should have it >shortly. I'm leaving on the 18th of September and won't be back until October the> 11th.

Many thanks for your message - some people are lucky being able to trip
around the world and climb mountains - how do you get these cushy jobs?

Have a good trip




Subject: James Duffus of Brighton
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 01:57:09 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Thank you, David for updating with the information I provided you concerning the family tree  of James Duffus.

We still have one correction to make in #82 The maiden name of my wife, Lynda, is Igel, not Ingel.

I also note that under our adopted son, Kipp, you have a question mark regarding what I assume to be the date of the adoption. That date was April  6, 1967. The date of the name change was May 29, 1986.

Thank you very much for making the corrections.

Harold L. Connell


Subject: William Duffus - Halifax
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 22:42:10 -0400
From: "Susan Belyea" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>

I can't tell you how excited I was to learn of your website.

My great Aunt Johnnie Duffus of Vancouver has enlisted my help in tracing our family from Halifax to Scotland.Imagine my delight when I came across the family tree and information gathered by Graeme F. Duffus - Halifax. It appears we are both descendants of William Duffus of Banff, 1762 - 1845. My mother Judie Belyea has a picture of William Duffus and his second wife Susan Duffus. The picture is really a profile of these individuals cut out of black paper. I assume this was common practice in the late 1700's early 1800's. After reading the information provided by Graeme I quickly realised that I am missing a link to my great grand father Arthur William Duffus, born 1871 in Halifax.

Would it be possible for you to provide me with Graeme's email address, if you have it?

My great Aunt will be joining the rest of the clan next summer in Scotland. Perhaps I will manage to get away and join in the fun.

Yours very truly,

Susan Belyea.


Subject: greetings!
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 21:57:54 -0700
From: Leigh Nogy <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

Hi David!

I hope you had a wonderful experience in Tibet! David Plugge, my brother, was telling me all about it.

He also forwarded me your message about the upcoming Ceilidh and the address to the Duffus webpages.

FYI, we named our daughter Ceilidh. Is that the correct way to spell it in Scotland?


Leigh Nogy


Subject: family news
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 1999 15:17:28 +0100
From: "JACK LE BRECHT" <[email protected]>
To: "davidduffus" <[email protected]>

Dear David,

Do hope you were not washed away in the recent hurricane !! Peter
and Helen Duffus are visiting us today from Hull and have enjoyed looking at the web site.

Dear David,

You deserve an award for the website - it is fascinating. Helen and I and our son Alex aged 15 months are looking forward to the reunion. We will be going online shortly and will then be able to keep up with events.

We look forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Duffus.


Subject: Duffus 2000
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 11:37:19 PDT
From: "David Wrede" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

Dear David Duffus,

My name is David Wrede, as far as I know the first born with this surname in the UK. The name is originally German, but my Father was a Finn the family having settled there after 1605. My Grandfather took up genealogy in his retirement and was always proud of the fact that he managed to find a Scot amongst our ancestors. I have a picture of him and it is the same one as that framing your reunion, the famous portrait of Kenneth Duffus, (after whom, incidentally, my Grandfather was named; Kenneth Alexander Wrede). When I was a child in London I was actually bought a Sutherland tartan kilt by my Grandmother, which I wore with pride.

Life is very unpredictable, and having been born in London and never having worked north of Shrewsbury, I have just been appointed a Consultant to the Fife Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. While researching the Scottish NHS on the web, I got bored with official reports and entered Duffus in the search engine only to find your remarkable site. What a surprise I had on entering Wrede into your search engine; an article on Anjala, the Seat of my direct ancestors, a picture of which has always sat on my Father's desk. I think we are descended through Regina(?), Kenneth Duffus' daughter, but I which I had paid more attention to my Grandfather when he was talking!

Would you have any objection to an Anglo-Welsh Finn with a German name and an Irish Fiance attending Duffus 2000? I look forward to hearing from you,

With best wishes,

Yours truly, David Wrede.


Subject: Re: Your email
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1999 00:04:58 +0100
From: "Penny Paterson" <[email protected]>
To: "davidduffus" <[email protected]>


I am putting together something for our Newsletter and want to say explain about your Gathering next year. Can you give me conformed dates and any other infromation on what is happening. How can folk keep in touch via the Internet? Can you confirm your email and web address for those interested.


Penny Paterson


Subject: Chester Duffus, 25 Squadron RAF
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 16:00:59 +0100
From: "John Watts" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: "John Watts" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>

Hello David. I was just surfing around the net and came across your sit andthis page ( I was actually looking for Royal Garrison Artillery!). My grandfather, Lieutenant Archibald Roy Watts MC served with 25 Squadron as anObserver between April and August 1918. On at least one occasion, accordingto his Log, he flew with Major Duffus. I am putting together a piece to go on Tom Morgan's website about my grandfather and Lt Bryant Lindley with whom he did most of his flying. Can I take some information from your page ( with acknowledgement of course) to include?

All good wishes,

John Watts
Worcester, England.
[email protected]


Subject: More on Major Chester Duffus.
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 1999 18:21:33 +0100
From: "John Watts" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: "John Watts" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>

Hello again David.

I have been doing a little sifting through my papers and thought you might like this piece of information. In May 1918 25 Squadron RAF moved to Ruisseauville from their previous base because of the German counter offensive. They stayed there under Major Duffus' command until the end of the war.As you probably know they were a long range bomber and photo reconnaissance squadron equipped with De Haviland DH4's.

On the 2nd June 1918 Major Duffus led the Squadron in an attack in an attack on the Chateau at Trelon which is near the French/Belgian border.Trelon is famous for its glass manufacture. They still make it there today. Three flights ( 18 aircraft ) took off at dawn. After flying for a little under an hour they were over the target. They formed up in single file and descended to 500 feet to drop their bombs on the chateau. The smoke was so heavy that those aircraft in the rear had trouble sighting. Vehicles in the yard of the chateau were machine gunned and left burning. There is(or was) a private railway siding alongside the chateau. As the attack began the train which was in it tried to pull away. The squadron fired over 500 rounds of ammunition into it.

The attack only lasted a few minutes. It was a complete surprise to those on the ground, and regarded as producing good results by those in the air. Only one aircraft was lost, and that as the result of a forced landing due to mechanical problems. The pilot and observer got out safely and set fire to their machine to prevent it from falling into enemy hands. The remainder of the squadron returned to base at 6.35 am, in time for breakfast.

The reason for this attack? The train was the German Imperial Train. The information I have is that it was believed the Kaiser was attending a meeting of senior officers and staff, and this may have been an attempt to assassinate him and as many of the German High Command as might have been hanging around. I have yet to prove that this was definitely the case but I have the large scale target map which my Grandfather used in the attack, and that is clearly marked in French as "Train Imperiale" and my grandfather's Log calls it " The Kaiser" raid.

25 Squadron still exist today. They fly Tornadoes out of RAF Leeming in Lincolnshire. A facsimile copy of my Grandfather's log has now been placed in their Historical Display Cabinet.

I hope you find this interesting. Feel free to add any information here into your website.

All good wishes,
John Watts.

PS Sorry about the spelling error in the previous message. Don't you just hate it when that happens?!

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Past Sunday News Issues

March 14, 1999

April 11, 1999

May 16, 1999

July 5, 1999

August 8, 1999

September 12, 1999

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Design by David Duffus