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Happy Holidays

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December 19, 1999

|A Christmas Present for All Duffuses|A Short History of the Weaver Class of Dundee|
|Alfred Duffus defusing mine during WWI|Duffus 2000 Reunion|Email|Excavations at Duffus Castle
|Mail|Past Sunday News Issues|Progeny of John Duffus of Banff|

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Duffus 2000 Reunion!!!

Saturday, July 1st and Sunday, July 2nd, 2000.

For more information about who's interested in coming, accommodations, and events click
on the icon below!!
Because of the volume of material I've had to create a whole new
web page.

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Harry Duffus (Henry Beveridge Duffus) of Newport-on-Tay sent me George Duffus'
audio tape entitled "Standing Room Only." Click on side 1 and side 2 to listen
to George's antics.

Side 1

Side 2


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Alfred Duffus defusing mine during World War I

Subject: Alfred Duffus
Date: Sat, 27 Nov 1999 17:21:23 -0000
From: "Innes Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: "David Duffus" <[email protected]>

Attached please find a photograph (ext.. - bmp) which I have been meaning to send you for some time. It was taken at a location in France during the 1914 - 1918 war. Father, Alfred Duffus, was at that time a Corporal in the Royal Engineers. The picture shows him just after he had diffused the first ever unexploded 'land mine' of the first world war. It was taken either in 1914 or 1915. I have enhanced the part of the picture to find out what the (specialised?) tool is in his hand. It turns out to be nothing more that a large open ended-spanner. How's that for courage, or perhaps it just shows how knowledge developed over a very short space of time.

The original of this picture is now in the Imperial War Museum in London.

Innes Duffus
15 Charlotte Street

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compiled by Mervyn B. de Plater

John Duffus, merchant of Banff, Banffshire, Scotland,  marries Margaret Bisset 7 July 1737. They had twin sons, Alexander b. 30 May 1741 and John b. 30 May 1741. Alexander Duffus b. 30 May 1741 emigrated to the West Indies and became a merchant, slave owner and planter. He marries Frances Smith and they have a number of children, including Thomas, who has son John Duffus b. 1804 in Kingston, Jamaica who becomes a minister in the Anglican Church.

Click here for entire chart!

Download time of 277 seconds.

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by Innes A. Duffus

Click here for excellent article!

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John Cannel & Christopher Tabraham

Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 124 (1994) 379 - 390

provided by John Gerard Duffus of Edinburgh

Click  here!

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Subject: Lord Duffis a native of the Scotch Islands /Shetland or Hebridies group
Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 11:23:59 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Dear Sir,

I have a family tree written in the late 1800's that shows a Col John Sutherland of  Ballinasole, Galway,Ireland.The adjutant of his majesties Galway Regiment also known as the 11th Regiment.He was the younger son of Lord duffis and married Christain Joyce ,Daughter of Oliver Joyce a member of the tribes of Galway,when his first wife died he married LadyVeasy Daly, daughter of Lord Daly who was the brother of Lord Viscound Dunsandle.The record shows also a relative of his an William Sutherland [Officer] serving with Lord Townsed who left a will dated 1770.The records show John Sutherland, born 1771 and died 1847 in Galway,Ireland.This Col John Sutherland is my ancestor and if you would have any information on Lord Duffis I would be greatful.

Thank you.

Claude D. Horne De Fiacha


Re: Weavers Craft
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 10:05:06 -0000
From: "Innes Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: "davidduffus" <[email protected]>

Your final para. asks me to look for traces of a gravestone in the Howff. I have spoke with the Cemetery's people who tell me that all the Howff records are with the Coty Archivist. That is no problem as both Ian Flett and his deputy Richard Cullen are friends. What would help, however
is any other information about the good lady which you might have. Would this for example be the Josephine who died on 11th October 1840?


-----Original Message-----
From: davidduffus <[email protected]>
To: Innes Duffus <[email protected]>
Date: 30 November 1999 01:48
Subject: Re: Weavers Craft

Dear Innes,

Don't worry about taking over! I'm always trying to find info every month to generate my Duffus cyber newspaper. Fortunately, you've helped me out lately, since I haven't been getting much from anyone else. Except Harry - who's been a reliable contributor for years now.

Your weavers picture didn't come through. My imaging program can't accept a .qxd extension. Could you please send again in a JPEG format.

I enjoyed seeing you marching with the Trades flag. We're proud to have a Duffus as the official archivist of the Trades.

Could you please resize to larger proportions. They opened up at about two inches by 1 1/2 inches. Try sending the JPEG's again as 3 x 5 at 100 dpi instead of 72.

By the way I almost didn't make it here since my great great great grandmother died at age 24 while giving birth to my great great grandfather. She is supposedly buried at the Howff cemetary according to the Dundee Parks Department. Is there any chance finding her grave? When I was in Dundee last year I was told that a certain gentlemen from the Parks Dept. would have to meet me at the cemetary and help me find it. I didn't have the time to meet him

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Innes Duffus
To: David Duffus
Sent: Monday, November 29, 1999 7:00 AM
Subject: Weavers Craft

I promise that I am not making a 'take over' bid for the site. Indeed there is no requirement for it to be added unless in your judgement you feel that others may be interested. This has been done in extension qxd


Subject: Grace Duffus
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 15:51:28 -0000
From: "Innes Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: "David Duffus" <[email protected]>

7th December 1999


I spoke with the Parks and Cemetery department of the City about Grace Duffus. It appears that all the records in the Howff have been handed over to Iain Flett, the City Archivist. Thanks to him, and a useful friendship, he sorted out a number of Journals, which I did not know existed. BINGO! Here are the results.

Entry in Register of Funerals.

Date of funeral: 1840 29th October. No 1467.

Grace McEwan - wife of John Duffus, tailor. Died 27th October aged 24 years. Born in Abernethie and died in childbirth. Interred 1259/2A(this is the grave reference).

Purchase of Gravestone in Howff.

1259. (The grave reference). 1833 by Thomas McEwan for Margaret Ness his spouse. Occupation, Mill Manager.

Inscription on Gravestone.

Ref: 1259.

1833 by Thomas McEwan Mill Manager Dundee, in memory of his wife Margaret Ness died 24.5. 1832 aged 45 and son James, student of Divinity died 9.12 1833 aged 23 and of son John 11.2.1842 aged 5.

The inscription has not yet been confirmed by me. However by the good graces of Iain, I have obtained a copy of the plan of the graves in the Howff. As you can imagine, it being an ancient graveyard, the graves are all over the place and indeed many of the stones are no longer there. I
will forward the plan, by snail mail and have circled your family stone.

The weather is a bit rough at the moment, but as soon as it is good enough, I will go to the Howff and if the stone is still there, will photograph it and send it to you.

As you can image the inscription may well be unintelligible, but in due course, another friend of mine may get permission to clean it up enough to get a better picture (sometimes favours take a little time to be called in).

Finally, all the Duffus records, held by the City are in process of being put on disk and I have been promised first crack at them. This will not be completed until around the end of February. I don’t know if I can get permission, but I will have a copy made if that is possible.

That’s another dram you owe me.


Innes Duffus
15 Charlotte Street

Subject: Re: Grace Duffus
Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1999 21:11:52 -0500
From: davidduffus <[email protected]>
To: Innes Duffus <[email protected]>
CC: "Kevin P. Duffus" <[email protected]>


I owe you ten drams at this point. Thanks for your incredible research. You can't imagine what this means to me! Here is a brave woman who gave her life to create another life and ultimately lives. I hope your efforts to find the grave are successful since I would like to remember her in some way when she has been so long forgotten.

I can imagine the task in locating the gravesite after spending a few hours in the Howff.

Best wishes,


P.S. I will have your photos on the web site with this month's news. I also need to communicate with your friend in Perth about the scans. Lately, I'm still behind, now with obligations to fellow travel mates creating a video of the Tibet trip. Look forward to buying your drinks in January and I hope you can down all of them in one evening.

Subject: Grace
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 1999 17:16:19 -0000
From: "Innes Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: "David Duffus" <[email protected]>

Here we go again.

I have indeed visited the Howff and found the grave. The actual inscription, as read and copied by me, is:

Erected by Thomas McEwan
Mill manager Dundee in memory of his spouse Margaret Ness

who died 24th May 1832 aged 45 years
Much lamented by all her friends
Also his son James
Student of Divinity died 9th Dec'r 1833 aged 23 years.
Deeply regretted by all those who had the pleasure of his acquaintance
Also his son John who died 11th Feb'y aged 5 years.

Notice that there is no mention of either Thomas himself or Grace. One possible explanation is that when he died, followed by Grace,(or vice versa). there was no one left in the family to arrange an inscription. I have seen the entry in the register confirming the actual burial of Grace in the grave, so there is no doubt that her remains are there.   I have also spoken with another friend of mine, a funeral director, and confirmed that there is no reason to prevent you having her details put on the gravestone even at this late stage and despite the graveyard being listed. He is following up on that, to be absolutely certain, but it should give you something to think about. For example she could be referred to as Grace Duffus, daughter of Thomas McEwan. The stone does not have enough space left to be engraved in the same form as the original, but that should not matter too much. If I do see you in January I will be happy to show you the grave and make any arrangements for you depending on what you decide Photographs will follow as sonn as time and conditions allow.


Subject: Re: Thanks for your last message
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 19:28:06 -0000
From: "Innes Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: "davidduffus" <[email protected]>


I have gone a step further with regard to Grace. I spoke with Peter Sandwell of the Parks and Cemeteries Department. This is the first enquiry of its kind to have been handled by them. There is no problem from their point of view, but Historic Scotland are involved in the preservation of the site. I do have a contact name for them in Edinburgh and will be in touch with them on Monday.
I have also spoken with a monumental mason regarding having the stone engraved. Obviously any possible cost would depend on a number of variables. The number of letters has a strong bearing on price. Also whether the stone requires cleaning. By cleaning I assume he means what I would refer to as scaling. To that end I made a further visit to the grave. The stone has a depth of approximately 15" available at the bottom suitable for engraving. This would probably allow for three lines, something in the order of:

Grace Duffus, Daughter
Died in childbirth age 24 years
27th October 1840

There is no doubt that although the stone is in excellent condition for it's age there are obvious signs of scaling at the bottom, and some remedial work would have to be done. I am told that, not having seen the stone, the mason is of the opinion that the cost could be up to around £300 Stg. However we must first find out if we can get all the necessary permissions, then you can decide on an inscription, and finally (and preferably when you are here) meet the mason so that he can give you a quotation. There would of course be no obligation on your part to accept the quote. What happens after that would be down to you. I hope that this answers any questions which you might have (I have tried to anticipate the questions).

Let me know if you require any more help.

yours aye


Attached please find two more photographs. The story is as follows:

The Nine Incorporated Trades of Dundee date back to before the 1400's. Sadly most of their records were destroyed when General Monck sacked the city and captured St Mary's tower where two regiments of Lord Duffus's were slaughtered.

The history of the Hammerman Incorporation and the Weaver Craft are already with you.

In 1772 Dundee had grown so quickly that another church was needed for the citizens. The Town Council was approached for funds but it refused any contribution. The Nine Incorporated Trades took responsibility for building the church and in 1774 St Andrew's Church was formally opened.

The Trades marched in procession from their traditional meeting place in the Howff to the opening of the church. Today St Andrew's Church is the only Trade Kirk in Scotland and an annual Kirkin of the Trades Ceremony is held there each year at which the new Deacons, Boxmasters  and Clerks re-dedicate their crafts to the Church.

In 1974 a similar ceremony took place to commemorate 200 years from the opening of the church and it was repeated for the 225th Anniversary earlier this year.

The enclosed are two photographs showing part of the procession. Needless there is no show without Punch and so I am the one on the left, carrying the Trades Flag, as you look at the pictures . Howff 1. shows the Trades at the gravestone in the ancient burial ground which was their traditional meeting place until they built their own hall.

Howf1.jpg (23207 bytes)


Howff 2. shows them marching along Ward Road, with the Howff on the left and the Central Post Office on the right

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As you know, along with being the official Archivist to the Trades I am a member of the Hammerman and Bonnetmaker Crafts and Harry is a Weaver.

There is a web site dedicated to St Andrew's Church at www.sol.co.uk/c/chimiak for anyone interested. They have been in touch with  me and I will be writing complete copy for the Nine Trades section..

Innes Duffus
15 Charlotte Street


Subject: communications?
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 11:14:37 -0800
From: DUFFUS MAUREEN <[email protected]>
Organization: @Home Network Member
To: [email protected]

Dear David:

Thank you for replying to my message through son James. For reasons only known to the mind of God his copy of your message and Tibetan pix got through using the same address as best I can see. Perhaps [email protected] would be better, but he did not have to use the ca idenfifier. Perhaps the origin at Microsoft frightened the system intoc ompliance and a show of respect.

As to the clan gathering, I'm not very optimistic. In addition to reactions to my prostate cancer shots I came down with type 2 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis this spring. They are both under good control with medication, but I've no idea about the likelihood of flareups...hopefully zero, but a few more winter months may tell.

Hope Megan is having a fabulous time spending your resources while studying communications. Senior son, Rob, spent a long time in photography, radio and tv, and is now happily ensconced in the public service doing crisis management and speech writing with a group of ex-radio/tv people who are uniformly delighted to be out of the media rat race. But its probably good fun while the adrenalin lasts!

All the best........................John Duffus

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167 Gilmore St.
Edingurgh, Scotland

Dear Mr. Duffus,

First, many thanks for the CD- I did wonder what Granny & Grandad would have thought about their faces being  ‘out there’ so to speak. Anyway, here’s some more stuff for you- the magazines are just for a f’rinstance in case you’ve not come across it before- other copies may have stuff which is relevant to your work with the web page. One wee point- I notice one mistake so there may be others. It’s in the April copy p42- the locomotive referred never had a name- at least not an official one! The Great North of Scotland presumably refers to the original name of the railway it’s running on. I don’t know enough railway history to be sure. I suppose that’s one of the chores of historical research- getting the facts right (or at least as right as possible) & keeping them that way.

The article on the excavations at the castle- I think I’ve already quoted the reference but here’s a paper copy. The mate that passed this on to me at one time was involved with the maintenance of the drainage scheme which Telford originally designed. The original I think was all done with sluice gates but it is now electrically pumped. It was the same chap that gave me a copy of the map of the area surrounding the castle- the one which so far has remained unfound- where the devil it has gone I would dearly like to know. He was also one of the engineers involved with shoring up & restoring the walls to the vertical.

    The book I’ve mentioned before but here at long last is a copy for you- if you’ve already acquired a copy please feel free to pass this on to whoever if you wish. I see it’s been reprinted 4 times since it’s relatively recent publishing so it has presumably been reasonably popular- however I found this copy in a remainder bookshop which would suggest that all of the last print run did not sell & it may be that it will not be reprinted for some time.

     The maps- well, what can you say- I can sit & look at maps for ages & not get tired of it. The Nairn & Elgin copy(how odd- the spellchecker not only tells me that Nairn is wrong but also spellchecker but it says Elgin is OK) is about the best I could find but I was told that there is not too much of this area before the days of the Ordnance Survey. On this map you’ll also see the Spey valley & if you know anything at all about Scots whisky there’s a whole rake of names you’ll recognize. I noticed a bottle in an off licence the other day- something like a 25 year old Balvenie for a mere 50 quid! A bargain- I’ll take a dozen- I don’t think!. The saying goes that just as Rome was built on seven hills Speyside was built on seven stills. The other three maps are all a bit further East & of roughly the same area- this is I think the area where most of the local Duffuses are to be found these days. The song you placed out on the net- Drumdelgie- the farm of Drumdelgie is to be found on at least one of the three mentioned above. Another name I noticed is Tarwathie- this farm is mentioned in a 19th century whaling song. Which suggests a question for those who are prepared to go digging in the records- there may be Duffuses mentioned in such records as remain of the East Coast Scottish whaling companies. Right, being Saturday night I am off to the pub- g’night.                   

         Hmm, should’ve checked- the whaling fleet is mentioned in the enclosed book. Was down Princes St. this afternoon & spotted a book on the meanings of Scottish surnames- our lot don’t merit a mention! Sorry, I didn’t make a note of the author or publisher.  

I’ll just mention that the Romans got this far North- if you look at the map marked (on the back) John Thomson, Aberdeen & Banff you’ll see what is indicated as a suspected Roman road. Bottom edge just left of centre. Whether or not it is the real thing or not I couldn’t say. Some days later- just been doing some digging- there’s the site of an identified Roman camp about 2 miles (Imperial miles!) East of Ythanwells which is itself about 8 miles east of Huntly- & about due south of Glen Dronach- another whisky name. So there may very well be a Roman road thereabouts- but I think not necessarily. Indeed some years ago I knew a man who was a bit of a hot shot on the subject & he would’ve known for certain- however he was my then girlfriend’s father & since that lot went west I don’t feel it would be appropriate to ask.  

Well, that’s about it- I trust at least some of this lot is of interest & as before keep the lot. I am as it were on site & it is likely easier for me just to take a wander down to the library. On second thoughts- all this internet stuff makes you wonder. No, first thoughts better- I’ll stick with the library. OK, that’s it for now. As you’ll see I’ve put the text on a floppy (how bang up to date of me!) so you don’t need to type it all in & of course it makes it a lot easier to edit. 

Deary me! Just tried to print this out & the thing goes  haywire- I  haven’t a dinky-doo what the thing is playing at- I trust you have more luck!


                          Exasperatedly yours,


                                                               John Duffus.


P.S.  In my last I mentioned the weather- well, the summer turned out not too bad after all. Hardly brilliant but then this is Scotland!


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Past Sunday News Issues

March 14, 1999

April 11, 1999

May 16, 1999

July 5, 1999

August 8, 1999

September 12, 1999

October 31, 1999

November 28, 1999

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|awards|contents|dedication||family trees|scots records office|scottish church records|tartans|videos|

© 1999 David Duffus. All rights reserved.

Design by David Duffus