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Sunday, March 5, 2000

|Burial cist discovered at Easterton farm| Burial cist discovered at Westfield farm|Duffus 2000 Reunion|Duffus Mole Trap|Dundee marriages and deaths - OPR's|Email|Fifus Duffus|Jesse Troup|King Duffus|Peter Ustinov|Travel to Tibet|

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Duffus 2000 Reunion!!!

Thursday, June 29th through Sunday, July 2nd, 2000.

Join all Duffuses for a splendid celebration at Duffus Castle. For a list of potential
attendees, accommodations, and registration forms, click the image

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Discovery of an Ancient Burial Place
and a Symbol-Bearing Slab at
Easterton of Roseisle

May 1894

Click on map to read article!!!

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Discovery of well-preserved Bronze Age burial cist.

The Northern Scot - November 15, 1985

Click on map to read!!!

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Update on Fifus Duffus

Click here!!!

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Reference to King Duffus

Pitcairn referred to King Duff as King Duffus. Was King Malcolm the First's
son named "Dubh" (Duff) or "Dubh-usig" (Duffus) as chronciled by Pitcairn? 


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Dundee Marriages and Deaths from OPR's

provided by Innes Duffus of Dundee



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Photos of Innes Duffus with Peter Ustinov

Innes was President of the Dundee Junior Chamber of Commerce
a number of years ago when the Jaycees entertained Peter Ustinov.





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Travel to Tibet

Click on image!!!

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Photo of Jessie Troup - Henry Beveridge Duffus'
maternal grandmother (see Tom 1 tree)

This is a photograph of my (and Harry's) maternal grandmother (Maiden name Jessie Troup), taken in 1928 on her 80th birthday.

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Duffus Mole Trap


Subject: Mole Trap
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 10:22:59 -0000
From: "Innes Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: "David Duffus" <[email protected]>


I have done a bit more searching and found that the Duffus mole trap is still manufactured. The company who made them originally has sold the patent on to another firm.

I am trying to contact the first maker to obtain an original, if there is still one in their workshop.
Failing that, the latest price I have for a new one was only £6.50 Stg. It may well be that there will be a small increase in price on the next delivery, but it would only be nominal.

Should anyone wish to purchase them (and they are still amongst the best humane traps ever) they should contact me and I will arrange purchase and delivery to them at whatever they cost. I will not add a handling charge (honest).

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Subject: Duffus - Vermont
Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2000 18:53:56 -0500
From: Tucky Sancibrian <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]

Dear David....

I enjoy your Duffus family site and although I have no Duffus' that I know of in my line some of my family were from the Forgue area - Sandison and Riddel(l).

I thought you might be interested in the following excerpt from a little book that I have - Barre in Retrospect II - 1776 - 1995, Published by the Friends of the Aldrich Public Library, Barre, Vermont 05641, 1995

Barre's Scottish Population.

The Scottish immigration came largely from Aberdeenshire in northern Scotland where granite quarrying flourished. Some Scots came to Barre by way of granite quarrying settlements in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine and eastern Canada.

Two foot-loose, young Scots, John DUFFUS and James P. Marr, are reputed to have been the first to come to Barre in the summer of 1880, lured by the promise of higher wages and better living in the New World. These two men were soon followed by others as news spread of Barre's fledgling granite industry.

The young Scotsmen were born and bred on farms or in small country villages in the "Auld country". They were traditionally frugal andhardworking but were also ambitious and adventurous. The men usually came first, practicing the most stringent economics in order to raise money to bring families here as soon as possible.

David, I have not typed the entire thing as it is fairly long but wanted you to know about John Duffus just in case it was a link to your large Duffus family.

I hope to get time to type it in WORD and if you would like to send it along to you via e-mail.

I don't know either if you have seen the book Foudland - Quarriers and Crofters of Aberdeen - I have found it in the ANESFHS and am planning on ordering it - if you have seen it - I did see a list of names and I would say about 90% of the names were familiar to me growing up in Barre and most all were either from Aberdeenshire or Banffshire....

Thought you might enjoy this little tidbit of information.

Tucky Sancibrian
Longs, SC
(Formerly Barre, Vermont)


Subject: Re: Duffus - Vermont
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 11:28:47 -0500
From: David Duffus <[email protected]>
To: Tucky Sancibrian <[email protected]>
References: 1

Dear Tucky,

Sorry for the delay re-emailing you. I thought I would be able to get back to you.

Here are some relevant links on my web site which will shed light on your inquiry:




Thanks for your interesting information. Although I not directly related to this side of the family, I'm sure we could link up with John McGlashan Duffus' family had not all the early records been destroyed.

When you finish your project, I would like to have the results. You can zip it up or send it as an attachment to your email.

It was good hearing from you!


Subject: Re: Duffus - Vermont
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 16:37:42 -0500
From: Tucky Sancibrian <[email protected]>
To: David Duffus <[email protected]>
References: 1 , 2

Dear David....

Thank you for the reply and it is not a problem with e-mailing me. I left State service in Vermont after a 40 year tenure so have lots of time now!! I do enjoy my retirement.

I will go to the site and check out what I can find about this Duffus that came to Barre, Vermont and will keep your e-mail. Someday when I do have time will copy what is in the book and add a bit of background from Scotland and will of course send you a copy. Again, thank you for
the reply and appreciate the help.

Tucky Sancibrian
Longs, SC


Subject: Duffus Sunday Evening News
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 10:12:33 -0500
From: john willison <[email protected]>
To: David Duffus <[email protected]>

Hi David,

I was unable to open the "Duffus Sunday Evening News" file through my Compuserve address - can you please re-send it to me at the following address:- [email protected] 

Please also send any other future e-mails to that address.

Thanks and best regards.

John Willison


Subject: Re: Your Family Tree
Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2000 10:17:19 -0500
From: Gordon Douglas Duffus <[email protected]>
To: DAVID DUFFUS <[email protected]>
References: 1


This e-mail belongs to you... even though I answered it :-)

[email protected] wrote:

> Hello

> I was searching the net to get information on the town of Morayshire. I have
> a pen pal that lives there so she says. When I came across your site because
> of my reference. I read through all of your family tree and will do so later this
> evening when I have the time. But I must tell you that is very impressive. I
> would even go so far as to say Awesome!!!. I have no idea where to start with
> my family tree it would be very hard to to get it traced to half of what you
> have done. There are some very interesting gaps In a family tree if you are black
> and live in the United States you can only go back so far and then the
> records start to become, shall we say a little suspect.

> You have done a wonderful job, I will read it of respect for the work that
> you have put into it. God Bless you and your entire family.

> Lorenzo L Jones

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March 14, 1999

April 11, 1999

May 16, 1999

July 5, 1999

August 8, 1999

September 12, 1999

October 31, 1999

November 28, 1999

December 19, 1999

January 30, 2000

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Design by David Duffus