Sunday, June 11, 2000

|Bill Duffus|Causie to Duffus - map|Chris Duffus|Duffus deaths in Dundee|Duffus 2000 Reunion|
|Ian Duffus letter|Sir Archie Dunbar letter|Innes, Harry & David meeting|Jack Duffus Weiss' ancestors|
|past issues|television & film duffuses update|

Duffus 2000 Reunion!!!

Thursday, June 29th through Sunday, July 2nd, 2000.

Join all Duffuses for a splendid celebration at Duffus Castle. For a list of potential
attendees, accommodations, and registration forms, click the image

Letter from Ian Duffus

Ian Duffus
41 Milbank Court
Co Durham UK DL3 9PF
11 May 2000

Ref: Duffus Reunion 2000

Dear David,

Many thanks for your letter dated 14 January 2000. These are just a few lines to wish you and all other Duffus's who attend the reunion a very happy time and to hope that the weather will be kind during all your activities.

My wife and I accompanied by my eldest sisters visited the village and castle on a few days in August 1997. We were very impressed with such a beautiful village and how well the remains of the castle are being kept in good order.

I had my video camera with me and it is nice to look back on our visit.

Unfortunately, my wife and I will not be able to attend the reunion as we are both employed by the education department here in Darlington and are unable to have time off work. Also, it would be such a long journey to attempt on Saturday and Sunday.

Once again we wish you A HAPPY REUNION.

Best wishes,

Ian and Win Duffus

P.S. Enclosed a couple of photographs taken on our visit to Duffus.

1836 to 1854

click on angel !!!

Innes Duffus, David Duffus & Harry Duffus
meeting with Bruce Kelly - Dundee City Manager

Click on image to see video!!!

Letter from Sir Archibald Dunbar

The Old Manse
Duffus, Elgin
IV30 5QD
Telephone: Hopeman 01343 -830 270

08 June 2000
J. David Duffus, Jr.

                            Duffus Gathering - July 1st - Duffus Castle

Dear David,

Thank you for your letter of June 1st. I can confirm that I shall be able to attend at Duffus Castle at 10:00 a.m. on July 1st and shall look forward to meeting you and the Clan Duffus.

My wife and I would be pleased to accept your invitation to the Ceilidh at Duffus Village hall on the evening of July 1st.

With all good wishes,

                                            Yours sincerely,

                                             Sir Archie Dunbar


Letter from Jack Duffus Weiss

Winter Jan-May
8672 N. Bobby Jones Dr.
Tucson, Az 85742
(520) 797-4187

email - [email protected]

Summer May-Jan
7 Clerbrook Ln
St Louis, Mo 63124
(314) 994-3393

Dear David

Here is some of the data that we talked about. I intend bringing more with me to Elgin. I'm also trying to borrow another lap top, mine just doesn't hold a charge, and then I can show much of my heritage to the Scots thru the monarchy. Although, I'm not to sure that Scots are all that enthusiastic about British heritage even if it does go back to my 28G-G parents King Malcom and St Margaret.

I've enclosed a picture of my wife Nancy and me taken @ the New Year at our son's avocado farm in CA. By the way, if you look at the last 3 issues of Money magazine, there is a very nice article in April, as one of the top 10 money mgrs. of the decade; a 2 page ad right after the cover in May and then he has one of the top 100 funds in the June issue.

The balance of the pictures are:

1.My mother as a young woman

2.Several pictures of me in the Navy, my mother and grandmother and my Uncle Jack, who helped raise me.

3.An article on my GF and Uncle

4. Pictures of my GF 5.A picture of my G-GF

6. The newspaper obituaries on my GF and his brothers.

You know I'm hoping that when I get to Edinburgh that between Merchiston Castle school and perhaps military records I can pursue my GF's ancestors. After all there are 2 Generals and a Col. In the old days, family was important to becoming a General to the detriment of many battles!

7. Pictures of Chester, who received the MC and his sister.

8.Pictures of the Duffus Castle during my visit in Oct 90.

One last thing, please explain what you did to make my disk work on your PC?


Click on photo for articles and photos of family!!!

Photo of Bill Duffus found on internet

Webmaster's note - I found this picture of Bill Duffus on the internet at I assume this is the same Bill Duffus who sent me the following email.

Inside Story
Suite 318, The Mews

P.O. Box 52419
Saxonwold 2132
South Africa

FAX no.: 091 252 551 3080

FAX:  to David Duffus

FROM: Bill Duffus

18 April 2000

Dear David,

I am referring to your letter dated 11 May 1999. This had inadvertently been filed away at our Guild Office. My apologies for the delay in replying.

I had, however, heard about the gathering from cousins in Scotland. I was on a short visit to St. Andrews, Scotland late in March for my parents 60th wedding anniversary. My cousins are in fact having a family get together in Moray at Easter. They mainly live in the Elgin area and I think the venue is Duffus Hall.

I am keen to attend the Duffus Castle Gathering on 1st July but I have previous commitments in South Africa, namely the Grahamstown Arts Festival which is a business trip for me.

Did you source many Duffuses in South Africa? I am aware of a few although none are related to me. I am an immigrant to S.A. in 1974. If I can be of help, please contact me.

I am aware of two brothers both photographers from Scotland who founded the first photographic society her in the 1890's. I plan to visit Museum Afrika to get information on this which will be passed on to you. Having seen a photograph of these brothers I reckon they could be distant relatives on mine.

My email address is "[email protected]". Please let me have your email address.

I shall visit the website soon.


Bill Duffus

Chris Duffus made partner in CPA firm

Update for Duffus in film

Causie (Covsea) to Duffus - Map

Click on map!!!

Past Issues

March 14, 1999

April 11, 1999

May 16, 1999

July 5, 1999

August 8, 1999

September 12, 1999

October 31, 1999

November 28, 1999

December 19, 1999

January 30, 2000

March 5, 2000

April 2, 2000

May 14, 2000

|awards|contents|crest|dedication||family trees|genealogy|maps|scots records office|scottish church records|tartans|videos|


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frae the writer afore-haund. 

© 2000 David Duffus. All rights reserved.

Design by David Duffus