Sunday, July 28, 2000


In this issue:

Watch the Duffus 2000 festivities between
June 29th and July 3rd 2000!!

Click on Kenneth 3rd Lord Duffus!

other news:
|articles from Duffus 2000|Christopher Duffus made partner|David Duffus, Diane Duffus and Megan Duffus erect memorial in Howff to Grace McEwan Duffus|Gordon Seth Duffus updates "James Duffus of Brigton, Oyne Parish family tree|Innes Duffus Archivist|John Gerard Duffus revealed|Lynn Duffus short stories published|Lorna McEarchern family tree|Angela Rail submits family tree for John Duffus of
Deskford, Banffshire born abt. 1755?|Robert Duffus added to "Film and Television Duffuses"|



Northern Scot - June 30, 2000

Northern Scot - July 7, 2000

Innes Duffus - Archivist

Click on photo for more information!!





Subject: Duffus Reunion thankyou
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 12:19:01 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

David, thank you and your family for putting together such a well-organized function as the "Duffus 2000" reunion. We enjoyed our time there and found the people very accommodating. Our pictures came out nice so thank you for having pleasant weather. I hope to continue using your website. Thanks for a job well done! Tim, Doreen and Pat Marvin. PS Here is my genealogy report for Katherine Maude Duffus. I don't know how to delete the duplications. My 
Maiden name was Doreen Filipiak. FYI

Click here for Katherine Maude Duffus family tree!!





29 June 2000

David Duffus
P.O. Box 5026
Greenville, NC 27858

Dear David,

I'm sending all this with the intent to save you some detail work, but no doubt it is still a lot. The report is from "Family Tree Maker 5", and it is in the RTF format so may be easily translated. I think this format is correct and I've highlighted most of the significant changes.

At this time I expect you are in scotland and about to experience a memorable gathering. How wonderful and rewarding.

Fortunate that we hadn't planned to attend - I had the misfortune in March to have a small stroke (in Florida) and so would have had difficulty with medical insurance and with the stress of travel.

You will note that my brother Sidney Miles passed away last September after a battle with prostate cancer and it's runaway to the bones and system.

Note that my email address should be changed to <[email protected]> - this handles my mail regardless of my location or server.

Will anxiously await future news releases with words of the reunion.

Best regards and have a great summer.

G. Seth Duffus


Click here  for updated "James Duffus of Oyne, Banffshire,
Scotland" family tree!!




Dear David,

As promised here is the book which includes three of my short stories

Kenneth Stirling who is a poet has set up a web site which includes some of his own work, but also included details of our book "Fingerprints" and an order form.

We call ourselves the "Inverkeithing Writers" as we all live in and around the Inverkeithing area.

The web site address for this is: "" At the very top of the page you will see the title "Inverkeithing Writers". Please check on this.

I hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed meeting you, Diane and Megan and also for an enjoyable weekend in "Duffus."

My email address at work is "[email protected]".

Best wishes,

Lynn Duffus
(Innes Duffus' daughter)



Webmaster - this is my brother.


John Duffus of Deskford, Banffshire tree

Angela & Bill Rail

Click here for John Duffus of Deskford, Banffshire tree (John3)

Subject: Reunion
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 16:34:47 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Hi David

Firstly, I want to say how much we all enjoyed ourselves at the Duffus gathering and appreciated all the work you had obviously put into the days.

Secondly, as promised, I am sending you the details I wrote down from an inscription on a grave stone found at St. Nicholas church, Aberdeen.

As I told you, I had hoped this family might have been connected to mine as they were all born in the same parish of St Nicholas, but the dates turned out to be wrong when I checked them out with the descendancy chart I gave you. Hopefully it may still be possible to make a connection, but only time will tell. In the meantime you may find the details useful for someone else in their research. 

I hope you and your family had a good trip back to North Carolina.

Best wishes Angela

In Memory of John Duffus
Iron Founder, Footdee Iron Works, Aberdeen.
Died 25th Dec. 1855. Aged 75

Ann Frazer, his spouse
Died 26th April 1831 Aged 53

Their Son
William Duffus, Engineer
Died 15th March 1838 Aged 25

Their Son
John Duffus, Advocate, Aberdeen
Died 24th Sept. 1840 Aged 32

Their children Helen, Alexander & George
died in childhood.

Also James Duffus, Civil Engineer
Their last surviving son
Died 29th June 1857 Aged 45



Robert W. Duffus Jr. (Editor, Producer, & Director)
1992 EMMY for "Itzhak Perlman in Russia"
Gold Lion for "Sound Truck/Pepsi (Cannes Film Festival)
Clio for "Lion" (Bell System)
PRSA for "Ride the Sun"
Gold Medal for "Competitive Edge" (Chicago International Film Festival)
Telly Award for "Merci America"
Silver Medals for "Mikva Israel"
"In the Mainstream, The Cleveland Quartet"
(The International Film & TV Festival of New York)






Subject: Grace
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 17:11:50 +0100
From: "Innes Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: "David Duffus" <[email protected]>


I have just come back from visiting Grace's gravestone.You will be moved, as I was, to learn that someone had placed a posy of wild flowers by the stone.They are withered now, but at a guess they could have been put there by a child. There are no flowers growing anywhere in the Howff, nor indeed anywhere nearby, so my guess is that a child had seen the picture in the paper and decided that father or mother should take them to see the stone. Presumably they had picked some flowers in their own garden and taken them with then to place by the stone.Grace has not been forgotten and your act of remembrance has brought its own reward.




John has written me several letters in the past and has provided
me with many materials for the web site including a copy of a
1789 map of Loch Spynie. John and I had a drink together
while I was in Edinburgh after Duffus 2000.

He was featured in the following issues of the Sunday News:

Sunday News -  March 14, 1999
Sunday News - May 16, 1999
Sunday News - May 14, 2000

John is a descendant of James Duffus of Forgue and 
related to Lyall Milne Duffus of New Zealand.



Letter from Muriel and Innes Duffus

15 Charlotte St.
Dundee DD3 8QP
Phone 01382 826602

Dear David, Diane and Megan,

Muriel and I simply had to write to say how much we enjoyed your company over the last few days.

The enormous amount of work done by David, to say nothing of the forbearance of both of his loving wife and daughter were way beyond the line of duty.

Fortunately, Megan did not know that she had and Uncle Innes until the weekend, but she will be long remembered by the silly old fool.

We trust that you had an enjoyable visit to Edinburgh and now that you are back home, we hope that you are well-rested.

All your family will be remembered with great affection and gratitude by folks from all over the world.

Again, great Chieftan - many thanks.

Yours aye,

Innes & Muriel

Email from Valerie Duffus Price

left to right - cousins: Stephanie Duffus Thain, Andrew Thain,
Valerie Duffus Price and David Duffus

Ashley Thain`


Subject: Thank You, David!
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 21:49:09 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Dear David:

I just had to email you and thank you for all of the work you did in putting together the Duffus/Duffes 2000 Reunion. My sister, Stephanie, her children Ashley and Andrew, and I had a wonderful time. I fell in love with Scotland the minute we drove away from the airport. The mountains, glens, and lochs were beautiful! A week was just too short a time to enjoy the land of my ancestors. I can truly say that I left my heart in the highlands!

I cannot begin to imagine the work that went into organizing the gathering. You are to be commended for the energy and dedication you have shown in regard to this wonderful event.I am sorry that the rest of my family could not meet you, our second cousin. 

Best regards to your wife and daughter...

Valerie Duffus Price


Email from Jim and Judy Duffus


Subject: Duffus Reunion 2000
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 23:09:03 +0100
From: "Jim Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: "David Duffus" <[email protected]>

Dear David - Judy & I arrived home safely - we did enjoy the reunion - and were pleased to meet Diane and Meg. I trust the flight back was to Diane's satisfaction. I hope to make a report of the reunion and, in due course , will send you a copy (not sure what format is acceptable for you?). It was interesting to meet other Duffus's and to realise that we shared common ancestors. 

It was our first visit to the Duffus area and,indeed, was a thrill to vist my great great grandfather's farm. Many thanks for making all this possible. Oscar sends his regards (see
attachment - Taking it easy in his hamock). Regards Jim & Judy. 

Email from Councillor Steve Duffus

Greetings from Chester UK
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 22:33:21 +0100
From: "steve.duffus" <[email protected]>
To: "davidduffus" <[email protected]>


First of all can I say that we all thoroughly enjoyed the Duffus Reunion.

It is a tribute to your hard work dedication and not least your serious financial commitment that this event ever took

We all haven't stopped talking about it since.

Indeed even today we met councillor Barry Duffus and his family who are in the middle of whistlestop tour of Britain, we got a phone call from them last night to say they would be in Chester for two hour this morning.

That's all for now, thanks again,



left to right - Julie Duffus, Steve Duffus, David Duffus, Alan Duffus, Alice Duffus and Iain Duffus (not pictured Lauren)


Letter from Harry Duffus

left to right - Harry (Henry Beveridge) Duffus, David Duffus
and Diane Duffus


Dear David,

I hope you are well, now that the dust has settled over "Duffus 2000." It was a triumph for you in the fulfillment of a dream, that took a lot of time and work on your part. Congratulations again.

Here are three reminders of that week-end. You will remember them well.

Lovely to see you and your wife and family. I thought the Ceilidh was terrific - even if i didn't do my party piece, which I was going to do if we had only a few volunteers. Glad it wasn't needed.

Best wishes,



Email from Gordon Duffus of Virginia


Subject: Some photos/ 2000 Gathering
Date: Tue, 01 Aug 2000 12:30:51 -0400
From: "Gordon D. Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: davidduffus <[email protected]>


Let me add my voice to those who have given you well deserved praise for the job you did arranging the 2000 Duffus Gathering. We all had a great time & will never forget the experience. Are you starting on the next Gathering?
Again, thank you cousin for the time & effort you put into this thing so
that so many could have so many wonderful memories.



Email from Tomique Duffus


Subject: nice to meet you
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2000 18:40:05 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Hi how are you doing? My name is Tomique Duffus. I was born in Jamaica. I am 18 years old. my grandfather's name is Altiman Duffus. My grandfather always told me that the Duffus family is very large and if we meet someone by the name of Duffus we are most likely to be family. Well more than half of my family live in the State of Maryland, Florida, New York, and I have 2 aunts and 1 uncle who live in London, England. Most of my family live in the state of Maryland. I was in on the internet looking up my family tree and that is wentI saw the  Duffus family website so I started to wonder if it was really true what I was seeing. my family started in Scotland that came has a surprise to me but it good to know where you are coming from. 

My family came from Jamaica to make sure that we get that a better education and not have to struggle in life to get what want. My grandfather died in 1990 but before that he traveled in England and America but now we are left without a grand- father or a grandmother. Can you please e-mail us back at [email protected] we would really like to hear from you as soon as possible thank you very much............

thank you ,
Tomique Tatum Duffus



Email from Diana LeBrecht nee Duffus


Subject: Duffus 2000
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 14:56:12 +0100
From: "JACK LE BRECHT" <[email protected]>
To: "davidduffus" <[email protected]>

Dear David,

What a great gathering !! We all had a fantastic time. It was
great to meet so many fellow Duffus's from all over the world. Thank you very much for organising such a wonderful event. Do hope you have managed to get some rest since arriving home.

I spent two most interesting mornings in the Record office in Elgin, extremely helpful staff. With their help found the family farm at Boharm and details of the family in the 1841 and 1851 census. Some time will write down for you some more stories of our branch of Duffus. 

We are now home from Henry's graduation trying to hack our way around a very overgrown garden. Henry is on holiday in the Canary Islands with friends. Kindest regards to Diane and Megan, it was lovely to meet them at last.

Jack joins me in sending warmest wishes to you all.

Diana Le Brecht nee Duffus


March 14, 1999

April 11, 1999

May 16, 1999

July 5, 1999

August 8, 1999

September 12, 1999

October 31, 1999

November 28, 1999

December 19, 1999

January 30, 2000

March 5, 2000

April 2, 2000

May 14, 2000

June 11, 2000


|awards|contents|crest|dedication|Duffus 2000|family trees|genealogy|maps|scots records office|scottish church records|tartans|videos|


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seestem, or furthset in onie kythin or bi onie gate whitsomeiver, athoot haein leave
frae the writer afore-haund. 

© 2000 David Duffus. All rights reserved.

Design by David Duffus