Sunday, October 22, 2000


|Andrew Duffus|Biographical References|Carlton Clifford Duffus Dies at 90|
|Dowell Duffus|Duffus 2000 Panorama Photo Available|Earls of Sutherland|
|Edwin Duffus Pig Hunter|First Sutherland Crest|Iza Duffus Hardy|Innes Duffus Photos|
|John David Duffus, III 28th Birthday|John Duffus Harris|Lynn Duffus Shortstory|
|Mail & Email|Minnesota Naturalization Records|
|Paris Duffus in the News|Past Issues|Subscriptions of 1700's Duffus'|Sutherlands of Duffus|

Duffus 2000 Panorama Photo Available

I'm taking orders for the panoramic photo I took at Duffus Castle.
If you would like a 12 x 20 print, please email me at "[email protected]".
Pricing will depend upon the number of orders that I receive. I would assume less than
$20.00 US for prints, mailing tube and postage.

The First Sutherland (Duffus) Crest

This stone is the first known memorial of a crest created for
the Sutherland family.

Click on image for updated page for Duffus Crests!!

Sutherlands of Duffus Family Tree

Click on image - 669k

Earls of Sutherland Family Tree

Click on image for larger image - 966k

Iza Duffus Hardy Publications Updated

Hardy,  Iza Duffus

(b. Enfield). “Between Two Fires” (1873); “Glencairn” (1876); “Only a Love Story” (1877); “A Broken Faith” (1878); “Friend and Lover” (1880); “Love, Honour, and Obey” (1881); “The Love That He Passed By” (1884); “Between Two Oceans” (1884): “Hearts or Diamonds” (1885): “Oranges and Alligators” (1886); “The Girl He Did Not Marry” (1887); “Love in Idleness” (1887); “A New Othello” (1890); “A Woman’s Loyalty” (1893); “A Buried Sin” (1893), etc.

Lynn Duffus' Shortstory - "Peggy"

A photo of author Lynn Duffus at Duffus 2000.

To read Lynn Duffus' short story "Peggy"
click on image!!

Carlton Clifford Duffus - Meals on Wheels Founder -
Dies at 90

Click on photo to read obituary!!

Note from Carlton Duffus from May 22, 1995 - "Our family came to Malcom,
Montezuma County, Iowa about 1870. Immediate grandparents
moved to Pipestone, Minnesota about 1890. I was born there June 26, 1910. 

I've visited Duffus Castle and Scotland."

Mr. Duffus will be added to the Benefactors Philantrophists page.

Minnesota Naturalization Records

Search Terms: DUFFUS (5) from
Database: Minnesota Naturalization Records Index
Combined Matches: 5

Location Surname Given Name Reel Code Volume Page

Biographical Reference for Duffus'

Click on image!!

Dowell Duffus to be added to Black Duffus History Page

WWI Civilian Draft Registrations


Search Terms: DUFFUS (1) from
Database: WWI Civilian Draft Registrations
Combined Matches: 1

Name Birth Date Ethnicity Birth Place County State
Duffus Dowell 4 Jan 1880 B works in Jackson MS Madison Mississippi

Paris Duffus in the News
now with the Nurnberg Ice Tigers

Parris Duffus Parris Duffus

zum Vergrößern bitte klicken



27.Jan 1970 in Denver (USA)




185 cm


90 kg



Im Verein seit



IFK Helsinki,
Berlin Capitals, 
Jokerit Helsinki,
Hameelinaa (FIN),
Phoenix Coyotes (NHL)


1 NHL-Spiel für die Phoenix Coyotes

Karriere-Statistiken von Parris Duffus




Photos from Innes Duffus

For Innes Duffus photos click here!!

John David Duffus, III 28th Birthday

Click on photo for party!!

The Independent - London
Jan. 1, 2000 Mentions Andrew Duffus

The New Millennnium - The Revellers: Epic storm of fireworks lights up the sky and millions of hearts

THE LAST day of the 20th century came to London like rolling thunder, a million pounds and tons of pyrotechnics, an astonishing explosion of sound and a cascade of colour. Fireworks erupted all over the capital, lighting up the night sky as they soared above the river in never-ending ribbons of flames in gold, silver, red, blue and green, streaming into the clouds. Among the thousands of spectators, the reaction was one of awe. They toasted each other, hugged each other and then sang "Auld Lang Syne".

Before the stroke of midnight there had been a steady hum of expectation and excitement which grew and grew until came the grand finale. Then the cheers were drowned as endless fireworks burst into the air.

Before the display the skies over the river had been lit up by lasers much the way, some of the older people there remembered, as during the Battle of Britain. And, before the whole place seemed to shake at midnight with the first salvo of rockets, there was already the sporadic sound of fireworks let off by the revellers.

The sound of instruments from the various concert venues on both banks of the Thames built up the momentum. There was a palpable fervour about the place, with the crowd pressing against each other, swaying in one large mass, and policemen rushing around trying to create order out of a situation rapidly in danger of going out of control.

More than two million revellers poured into the centre of London, forcing police to close Blackfriars and Waterloo bridges to traffic because of the numbers thronging the banks of the Thames.

By 9pm police also had to close Embankment station due to "sheer volume of people" and they sealed off the nearby roads leading to the river. Sightseers in Trafalgar Square were told they should go to Tower Bridge to see the fireworks.

Judy Ireland, from Poole, Dorset, said: "I do want to see the fireworks, so we are going to try to get round to the south side of the river. I've certainly been frightened by the crowds, but it's a spectacular event."

In Whitehall people sat on railings and windowsills and even climbed on to the top of traffic lights in order to have a view of Big Ben and the midnight pyrotechnics.

Along Westminster Bridge crowds were defending their vantage points, and the pressure of numbers led to standstills in the crowds. On the riverbanks, people were crammed into every available space, and the noise of revellers blowing whistles, cheering and shouting, added to the sense of chaotic excitement.

At 9.45pm the Queen was handed the Beacon Millennium Flame to fire the biggest beacon in the world. A huge cheer went up along the bridges as the 25-ton gas burner - the height of two double-decker buses and the width of a tennis court - ignited and sent flames leaping 40 feet into the night sky.

Earlier Tony Blair had fired a laser beam across the Thames to launch the London Eye observation wheel, even though it was not yet taking passengers after failing a safety test. As the breathtaking light show and firework display lit up the 450ft wheel, a Concorde carried out a low flypast.

Mr Blair wished everyone "a happy and wonderful New Year from all of us here in Britain". He added: "To people throughout the world, we wish you peace, we wish you prosperity in the New Year."

The nationwide programme of light shows began at 3.45pm, when a beacon on the most northerly of the Shetland Islands, Unst, was ignited as the sun went down. A crowd of about 100 cheered the occasion, which took place at the RAF Saxa Vord base and was led by Squadron Leader Andrew Duffus and the chairman of Unst Community Council, Gordon Thomson.

Hundreds of other beacons flared into life as darkness descended over the rest of the country. The first English beacon was in the Scilly Isles, two hours later. The idea was for rings of fire to converge on national beacons in Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast and London, with the event culminating in the lighting of beacons along the Greenwich Meridian.

At midnight, police said events were going "according to plan" in central London, with just five arrests for minor offences of drunkenness. As midnight approached, Guy's and St Thomas's hospitals said the situation was "very calm".

Despite a steady drizzle, the crowds had begun to gather in the afternoon in preparation for the festivities. Wave after wave of people poured into the capital for the last day of the 20th century, leading to major congestion along the riverside.

Police said that despite plenty of advance warning, private motorists had continued to head towards central London, causing long tailbacks.

Some sightseers headed straight for the riverbank to seize places for the concerts and laser shows at the Global Village. Others headed east towards the Tower of London and the Dome. Another vast crowd, with many children, went to the funfair in The Mall in front of Buckingham Palace. The funfair was the first event of the day, starting after 11am, and it was an extraordinary sight.

"We have two little boys aged eight and six, and they would not be able to stay up for the midnight celebrations, so this is their millennium bash," said Margaret Prentice, 38. She and her husband Don, 40, had come down from Doncaster.

She added: "This is the first time the children have been to London. I've seen the palace before, but I never expected this kind of scene. It's absolutely fantastic."

Subscriptions of Our Ancestors


Name Year of Record Source of Record

Duffus, Charlotte


Subscribed to The History of the Saracens (Vol. 2), 1718 , OCKLEY, Simon. London
Subject: history

Duffus 1720

Subscribed to The Works of ... Dr. William Beveridge (Vol. 1), 1720, GREGORY, Timothy. London
Subject: religion

Duffus, Kenneth

1721 Subscribed to A New General Atlas ... of all the World, 1721, John. London. Subject: geography

Sutherland, William


Subscribed to The Lives and Characters of the Most Eminent Writers of the Scots Nation; with An Abstract and Catalogue of Their Works; Their Various Editions, and the Judgment of the Learn'd Concerning Them (Vol. 3), 1722, MACKENZIE, George. Edinburgh
Subject: biography

Duffus, Kenneth 1728

Subscribed to Atlas Maritimus ... by Dr. Halley, 1728, CUTLER, Nathaniel. London
Subject: geography


February, 1731

Gentleman's Magazine, February, 1731

Duffus 1776

Listed in Williamson's Directory for the City of Edinburgh, Canongate, Leith & Suburbs, from June 1775, to June 1776, [1776]. Edinburgh
Printed by and for Peter Williamson, and sold at his Room, within the Entry to the Royal Exchange, and by all the Booksellers in Town and Country

Sutherland, Erick
AKA Lord Duffus

September, 1768

Gentleman's Magazine, September, 1768

John Duffus Harris

Cambridge University Alumni, 1261-1900

Harris, John Duffus.
College: TRINITY
Entered: Michs. 1873

Adm. pens. at TRINITY, Aug. 11, 1873. [3rd] s. of Daniel [Kurtland] de Wolfe [or Wolf], merchant, of Halifax, Nova Scotia [and ward of John Duffus, Esq., also of Halifax]. B. there [Jan. 2], 1855. School, Rugby. Matric. Michs. 1873; B.A. 1877. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 18, 1876. Called to the Bar, June 9, 1880. Stockbroker; resident at New York, U.S.A., in 1886. (Rugby Sch. Reg.; Inns of Court; Foster, Men at the Bar; Law Lists.)

Pig Hunter Jamaican Edwin Duffus Mentioned

Nights and days of the iguana Rick Hudson, a Fort Worth Zoo herpetologist, is dedicated to saving the most endangered lizard on Earth

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram - 8/30/2000

Rick Hudson is standing in a cage in the Fort Worth Zoo, staring a Jamaican iguana right in the eye. The iguana stares back with reptilian calm and affection, almost as if aware that this is the man who has brought his species back from the edge of extinction. "I think of myself as a catalyst," says Hudson, 46, taking a break from his hands-on work with reptiles and amphibians. "I rally support, champion causes and catalyze action."

Hudson's affinity for reptiles began during his youth, when he spent his idle time in the hills near his home in Virginia collecting salamanders, turtles, frogs and snakes - and testing the patience of his snake-fearing mother.

A boyhood hobby became his profession and passion. Hudson is a nationally recognized herpetologist (one who studies reptiles and amphibians) based at the Fort Worth Zoo, who has been working to save the Jamaican iguana, which has the dubious distinction of being designated the most endangered lizard on Earth.

Although Hudson is engaged in preserving life forms that humans have helped drive to near-extinction, there is still a boyish enthusiasm in his manner and a sparkle in his eyes when he talks about animal conservation.

"Any time you take a component out of the ecosystem, you don't know what the consequences will be," he says, adding that the Jamaican iguanas were dispersers of seed, and the rapidly disappearing Asian turtles - another of his projects - are already missed for their role as scavengers in areas where they have disappeared.

But, he adds, it's more than just a practical issue.

"It's a moral issue," he says. "We're in a rapid extinction process. These species are here for a reason, and man doesn't have the right to cause the extinction of another species. And we have the resources to stop these extinctions."

Hudson's obsession for the reptile is well-known to his co- workers in Fort Worth and in the national zoological community.

"You can't help catching his passion for the project," says Fort Worth Zoo Executive Director Gregg Hudson, who is not related to Rick. "He's always preaching for the program."

Another colleague at the Fort Worth Zoo, conservation science manager Tarren Wagener, says:

"His work is undoubtedly one of the most significant programs of the AZA [American Zoo and Aquarium Association]. He was there at the beginning of the project. We have the resources here in Fort Worth to be able to make a difference. There's a committee of us here who examine and question very closely where we spend our money."

Hudson - a graduate of Blue Ridge Community College and the University of Richmond - achieved his boyhood dream of working in a zoo when he came to Fort Worth as assistant reptile curator in 1980. He had previously had an internship at the Baltimore Zoo. With zoo support, he became involved in efforts to preserve certain crocodilians by breeding them in captivity.

But it wasn't until 1993 that Hudson developed his interest in iguanas, first working with an endangered species in the British Virgin Islands. He soon focused on the Jamaican iguana and the special problems of preserving a species on a large island with a vulnerable environment.

Unlike some endangered animals, Jamaican iguanas, which as adults measure about 4 feet from tip of tail to tip of nose, respond well to efforts at revival.

"You can go in and save these iguanas with minimal resources," Hudson says.

The near-extinction of the Jamaican iguana, one of 16 species and subspecies of iguanas in the West Indies, came about through the introduction of the Asian mongoose, a small carnivorous mammal brought to Jamaica to control cane rats in the 1870s.

This proved to be a huge mistake: The rats are nocturnal, the mongooses diurnal (active in the daytime), and they hardly ever met up with each other. And, as is often the case, the introduction of a foreign species gravely undermined the ecosystem.

The mongoose turned out to be a severe problem for native wildlife in Jamaica, particularly for iguanas, which, during the first five years or so of their 35- to 40-year lifespan, are regarded by the mongoose as easy prey and a tasty meal. In the 1940s, the Jamaican iguana was declared extinct, and none were identified by a human being for several decades.

In 1990, however, a dog belonging to pig hunter Edwin Duffus chased an iguana into a hollow log. Duffus fortunately recognized the value of the animal, and reported his find to zoologists in Jamaica.

According to Hudson, Duffus became "a pig hunter turned conservationist." Duffus now works to persuade the local charcoal burners, who destroy iguana habitat by burning timber to produce charcoal for sale as fuel, to stay out of an area set aside as an iguana preserve.

"A successful conservation effort has to have a local population that cares," Hudson says. "We have motivated, caring people in Jamaica."

Hudson travels to Jamaica frequently for hands-on work in the program, often camping in the wooded Hellshire Hills south and west of Kingston.

Because young iguanas are most vulnerable to the mongoose, Hunter and his colleagues use what he calls a "head-start" program, nurturing iguanas that are taken from nests as hatchlings, then turned loose around the age of 5. They are monitored with smartly designed radio transmitters on their backs, carried in specially made backpacks courtesy of Nike Corp. The wild iguanas that don't have backpacks apparently don't have any aversion to interacting with the fashionably outfitted, previously captive iguanas.

According to Hunter, iguanas raised in early captivity are "hardwired" - that is, they take to life in the wild without special training, and mix readily with wild iguanas. In 1998, the program reached a watershed when a "head-start" female produced offspring in the wild.

In a more controlled environment, such as a smaller island, there might be a reasonable attempt to eradicate the predatory mongoose. On a larger island such as Jamaica, Hudson can't completely eliminate the mongoose, but can encourage control of mongooses, as well as the charcoal burners, within the designated wild area where the iguana is being re-established. And, on Great Goat Island off the southeast coast of Jamaica, Hudson and his colleagues have established an area free of the mongoose, thus enhancing the Jamaican iguana's chance for survival.

The Fort Worth Zoo pays Hudson's salary and the salary of some support staff while he works on the project, even when he is in Jamaica. But it is not a costly project, which makes a difference.

"As a nonprofit organization, we have to be aware of the results of spending our dollars," Gregg Hudson says. "With this project, we see tangible results."

Michael Hutchins, director of conservation and science at the American Zoo and Aquarium Association headquarters in Silver Spring, Md., says Hudson has "been tenacious in saving the Jamaican iguana. Rick led the pack."

Hutchins adds that Hudson's work is something that Fort Worth can be proud of - and has an obligation to support.

"The Fort Worth Zoo displays wild animals, and has a moral obligation to contribute to the conservation of these species," he says. "Zoos have an incredibly important role in conservation today, including actively preserving endangered species."

Although the Jamaican iguana is Hudson's primary focus right now, he's also involved in trying to save the Asian turtle, although the outlook is less promising. Prized for food and medicinal purposes, the many varieties and subspecies of that animal are being threatened by market demands in China. The Fort Worth Zoo will host an Asian Turtle Workshop in January to propagate the turtle and exchange ideas for preserving it in captivity - at zoos, abandoned hatcheries and, in this case, with private individuals who can provide an appropriate environment for the turtles.

Hudson will be at the forefront of that movement as well.

"The people of Fort Worth can be very proud," Hutchins says. "Your program at the Fort Worth Zoo has global significance."

Wayne Lee Gay, (817) 390-7756 [email protected]

Mail & Email

I've got a few more to add including a letter that I'm searching for!!

Subject: Duffus website
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2000 21:57:09 EDT
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]


You have a very beautiful site! I especially like the stories explaining your genealogy and the Braveheart music!!!!! I think maybe you would like my website that my family and I just finished last week. 
It has hundreds of old photos that my family and other visitors have uploaded. Feedback is appreciated!



Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 13:36:16 -0600
From: Jim Duffus <[email protected]>
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>

I received your notice sometime ago of the duffus website and of a planned reunion in scotland this year. I have just relocated topittsburgh from Calgary, Alberta. I am interested in further exploring my heritage and ancestry and would be interested in any furtherinformation or access to information you can provide. My address is [email protected]. Hope to hear from you soon. Jim


Subject: Cheers
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 11:45:10 +0100
From: "Innes Duffus" <[email protected]>
To: "David Duffus" <[email protected]>


Sorry I haven't been in touch for some time, but there has been nothing much happening in my young life recently. However whilst going through the Bonnetmakers Lockit Book today I have found an entry which may be on interest to you. On 25th September 1985, a William T. Creasman, Physician, whose address is given as Durham, North Carolina was admitted to the Craft. He was entered by right of being the son of a member. I'm not sure how close that is to you (ignorant soul that I am) I have been trying to contact Barry Duffus in Australia through his daughter, Maggie Wareing but their address is incorrect. I have it as [email protected] Is that correct? Have sent you off some photographs for your own collection. I suddenly realised that you may not have many of yourself, to say nothing of Diane and Megan.

My love to all.



Subject: message from a would-be Duffus
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 23:52:00 -0700
From: Stephen and Susan Jackson <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>

Hello, David...

I just had dinner with Johnnie (Mary) Duffus, who was my mother's best friend, and my "second mum". She was telling me all about the Duffus Gathering. I was so impressed that I decided I want to ditch my husband and
marry any available Duffus just to be able to attend the next one!!!

Johnnie was telling me about the Look-a-Like contest and that she found someone that looks like her grandson. She said you may have a photo, so I promised her I would e-mail you and ask if you do.

I am looking forward to reading her diary after it finishes the rounds of her family - she writes a wonderful story and I can't wait to really get into all the details of the event.


Susan Jackson
Vancouver, Canada.


Subject: Re: duffus
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 10:26:12 -0400
From: [email protected]
Organization: Duffus & Younce
To: [email protected], [email protected]
References: 1

Dear Kediesh,

You are probably descended from a Thomas Duffus who started a plantation in Jamaica in the 1700's. It's likely that had children with one or more of his slaves. Please visit the URL's I have listed for more information. I will add your name to my email list of Duffuses. If you have any photos of your family or your family tree you would like to add to the Duffus web site, please feel free to send them to me at P.O. Box 5026, Greenville, NC 27858.

Best wishes,

David Duffus

[email protected] wrote:

> hello my name is Kediesh Duffus, i live in maryland but i was born in Jamaica.
> the question i have for you is, how did the name get to jamaica? who was the
> frist Duffus there?


Subject: Re: July 28, 2000 edition of Duffus Sunday Evening News
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 19:36:02 +0100
From: "Bill Rail" <[email protected]>
To: "davidduffus" <[email protected]>

Dear David

We have just got back to our home in Spain and found your e-mail waiting for us with our ISP when we reinstated our account.

I just wanted to thank you for the work you clearly put in to translate it my descendancy chart into the format which now appears.

Thank you also for making our trip to Duffus so enjoyable. We all enjoyed the occasion enormously.



Subject: Auchenblae
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 03:30:38 +0100
From: "jkduffus" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>

Dear David- yes, there is a letter on the way but having been in the pub tonight I go digging about the web- I entered something to my mind daft- Glensaugh- lots of it ( a real surprise!) but no chance as far as I could see to reply- anyway, if you've not found it have a wee look- still, I thought there might be space to mention Auld McGreegor the bootmaker or Bob Gauld the blacksmith but (& I am totally new to all this stuff) apparently not. You'll find references to a sheep research station up there- I knew a lad years ago who had worked there & went off to work for the RSPCA- he had the odd story about shepherds up there. But that's his stories. From this(if it all works) you will now guess that I have a modem- yes, all to do with that motorcycle. You've probably got roughly who this is by now- as far as I know the e- mail will tell you. Anyway, letter and a book or two to follow. G'night as Alastair Cooke would say- he was shall we say rather thoughtful tonight. Enough- too right- no mystery which I find the web full of (yes I know that's dreadful English) I can still see you in the Sheraton with your hand out- how the devil you knew it was yours truly I have no idea at all!

Past Issues

March 14, 1999

April 11, 1999

May 16, 1999

July 5, 1999

August 8, 1999

September 12, 1999

October 31, 1999

November 28, 1999

December 19, 1999

January 30, 2000

March 5, 2000

April 2, 2000

May 14, 2000

June 11, 2000

July 28, 2000

September 2, 2000

|awards|contents|crest|dedication|Duffus 2000|family trees|genealogy|maps|scots records office|scottish church records|tartans|videos|


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frae the writer afore-haund.