Sunday News 2_11_01

Sunday, February 11, 2001

Special thanks to:

John Gerard Duffus of Edinburgh for sending a number
of books as resources for the Duffus web site.

Dr. John Henderson Duffus for "English Eccentrics"

Father R. P. Robert of the Mission St. Benoit -
for the Envoutement of King Duffus from "Sorcellerie" and the reference
to King Duffus in "Dictionaire Infernal."

Letter from John Gerard Duffus of Edinburgh

Dear David- they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions- if this be indeed the case then I must’ve passed the gate of yon place a good while ago! ( I had a very vivid dream once where I literally did just that & I can still sort of see it in the minds eye- ‘twas on my right with walls about 10- 12 feet high & I thought the lads on the gate were going to say- here you- you’re booked in! They didn’t & I kept walking. The other thing I remember about that is it was a really nice day!) Anyway, I set out to write out a few things as you suggested when we met in Edinburgh- ah, well- so I did- twice & both attempts ground to a halt quite some time ago. So I will start over without reference to what went previously- at least not just yet.

Most of the enclosed books are essentially trivia but I had them for washers so I got them in case they are of some slight interest. The surnames book doesn’t mention our lot but there’s the odd thing in there. The root of the name Dow for instance seems to be much the same as ours. The daft one about granny’s favourite sayings is to my mind a little dubious- some of the supposed explanations seem to me to be just a bit too milk & water & the spelling is in places dubious- see p.52 4th down gae here should certainly be gie. Hmm, a Glasgow publisher right enough but that doesn’t let on where it was typeset- the printer is given as The Cromwell Press- not a likely title for a Scots printer I would have thought but who knows these days? And there’s that hackneyed old stuff on the back about the Scots having invented absolutely everything. Television? Well, I for one wouldn’t knock Baird but what about people like Philo Farnsworth? And so on. The Xenophobe’s guide gave me quite a few smiles & occasionally the outright laugh. I think in that book you will find a mention of a crime known as hamesucken- a possibly specific Scottish crime- except maybe Botswana- the only other country to use Scots Law- hamesucken is as I am reliably told a form of aggravated assault- there is a bit more to it than that but to continue, yes, I did consult. (posh word for in a pub- but that’s where ‘twas done- 2 different- I do try & do at least a little bit of homework!). The place names book is better than nowt I suppose- (it’s hardly like the gazeteers I’ve mentioned already) anyway- they are yours now- pass them on or whatever you will. The big book which I have not read entirely through looks like it would be worth a read ( why haven’t I?- same reason I never take a walk up to the castle. Actually, there’s a lot of tragedy in it & I can do without that.) Have a look at the newspaper cuttings inside- they came out the day after I bought the book- nice timing & I agree with the sentiments expressed therein. Apology be damned- it reminds me of something I saw on a tee- shirt a while back worn by a lassie about 20 but I’ll leave that out otherwise the religious types will start bashing their tambireens! OK- enough for now.


Allan Massie’s bit about the drink on the back of one of the cuttings inside the big book starts with a sort of description of what in time past (not so long past!) used to be called "goin’ bonifyin’". The name derives from the words bona fide traveller- what one was supposed to be to get a drink in a hotel on a Sunday back then. (on a Sunday the pubs were all shut!) There is at least one song comes to mind about this stuff- the title escapes me but it starts "In Kirkintilloch there’s nae pubs an’ ah’m shair ye’ll wonder why". This sort of thing possibly started with the veto poll (the veto poll started I think during The Great War & likely was the brain child of Lloyd George) & I can remember having to walk to the(I think)- Crowood House Hotel to get a drink because Kirkintilloch was still dry in something like 1964 or ’65.

 Apologies for all the ‘possibly’ type stuff- my pocket Toper’s Guide to Licencing Law in Scotland seems to have gone missing! In the days of the bonifyin’ you had to enter your name & journey in the hotel register- hence such daft & hilarious entries as Stirling to Vladivostok via Auchterarder! Now that I like! I think the minimum distance was 3 miles. Anyway, back in 1957 Dad was taking Sister & self on a camping trip when we picked up a couple of German lassies who were headed for Skye- on a Sunday. They were a little dismayed to hear that there would be no ferry. One thing I remember was Faither talking about sailing on one of the dams- probably the Sorpe- they too had been sailing on this same patch of water. Of course Dad had been sailing on that in 1945 when they were bairns. We had a look at Bonnie Prince Charlie’s monument (if I mind right we were up the top of it- & there is cine of it) & then on to Mallaig where Dad disappeared in the direction of the harbour. He came back a wee while later- we were off to Skye! Indeed, we were goin’ bonifyin’! Dad had rounded up enough drouthy locals to make a worthwhile trip so the German lassies got to Skye, the locals got a drink having travelled the necessary distance & we got a protracted walk on Skye on what I remember as a really grand day. Coming back though the weather blew up & tossed that old drifter about a bit- at least I think it was a drifter. A bit- the Sound of Sleat can be a little rough at times. Dad told me later that the skipper was Gavin Maxwell of all people. Still, I think at that time he was known as the Laird of Soay which would likely explain him being around those parts. Doubtless, too, he would have not much of a care for the frowns on the faces of those who were strict about the Sabbath. Of course not everybody was too bothered about going the distance- a boy I once worked beside came out of his local at closing time on a Sunday & ran slap into the local police sergeant at the bus stop. Says the sergeant "You’ll be gettin’ the last bus to Bathgate I suppose, Johnny?" Well, what would you do? So Johnny Dal had to get on the bus & then walk back the 3 miles or so to where he started. That meant it stopped there- no trouble all round & the law was seen to be upheld. Had the sergeant pushed it (or had Johnny nae mallum) the publican would likely have lost his licence, Johnny would not have been in favour for quite a while & got done into the bargain. So the next again Sunday Johnny would likely be back in his local but by this time would’ve sorted out what polis were on what shift! A fine man- gone now, sadly.

Just back from the pub where for some odd reason I was reminded of a story which includes your own country- the U.S. Navy to be specific- now this must be about 1956 or so- anyway, out in East Africa as it then was there would be visits from naval vessels on a goodwill basis from various countries- Mombasa & Dar- es Salaam- if there was a visit from (say) the Royal Navy there was a scramble to get either invited or get aboard- the Gin in the (I think) wardroom was something to look out for! However, back about then Dad found himself in one of the above mentioned places & there was a U.S.N. ship in port- probably a destroyer but big enough for all that- he found himself basically told off to go & do the civil thing- i.e. visit the ship & here’s the bit- why no scramble to get aboard U.S. ships? Well, I don’t know if it’s anything to do with the Volstead Act or the U.S. Navy putting big lumps of New Orleans out of bounds in 1917- but U.S. ships were well known to be dry! Anyway, there’s Dad dodging up the gangplank & there is a matelot at the top end saying "Welcome aboard" or whatever it is & what is there? A small table with whisky glasses & the man is holding a bottle with the old style pourie on it containing, apparently, whisky- no such luck- the colour was right enough but it was cold tea! And with that I must away & dive into my scratcher. One thing I should add to the above- whisky glasses were different in those days- at least the British ones were (well certainly the Scottish ones were) & that had kidded the Old Man on even more- they were the right style- none of yon bucket bottomed tumblers- these were whisky glasses as understood out there- & here by the way- clearly the boy responsible on board that ship knew the conventions in other places & had got in the right gear.

While I’m at this I suppose I’ll add a little about this e- mail business- it’s right- off it goes & just what did I say there? It was, I think, the right thing for you to play back what I had written- it allows one to correct any gross errors. The other thing I notice is the net & the web seem not to be entirely interchangeable terms but never mind that because the books I’ve read are fairly impenetrable so I’ll just muddle along & see what happens.

Now, talking of muddling along- back to your query about why jkduffus- well, sir- ‘tis partly your fault- first I buy this motorcycle (of which a wee drop more later) & then there’s yourself in the Sheraton talking about how you’d done a sort of survey of Duffus forenames (obviously there were other things- & maybe back to that later) & then I get a modem (to find out about the bike) which I eventually got plugged in- in between times I’d been on the blower to various people & from one or two I learn that your own name will not necessarily be allowed so I thought I’d work a flanker- George as I think you said was a common Duffus forename- so here’s me being clever(ho,ho)- instead of g I’ll use the first letter of one of my nicknames at school. Now who would guess what that was? Oh, clearly a genius at work here- never thinking for a second that k can stand for Keith or Kenneth- oh, well it’s done now. What was the nickname? Never mind- suffice to say at that school we had quite a lot of animal nicknames- I can remember a horse, rat, hamster, spider, crow, & munky (no spell checker please- that’s the way it was). Yes, we also had the inevitable Bawheid. There were various other nicknames which doubtless would have the so- called politically correct people going incandescent- however you just had to put up with it (ten times worse if you didn’t) & you finally realised that to a quite large extent it made you unique- shouting John is a waste of time- try a nickname- you’ll hear that from the far end of Princes’ St.

Yes, the motorcycle- family name comes up here- Alan Duffus- his branch in what used to be known as Auld Reekie- & credit is due to Gavin Scott(I think that’s right) for doing the business- lovely bike- in 10 weeks I did about 2700 miles & then fell off- no, not my fault but there’s no point pointing fingers because most of ‘em were doing it. Overfilling their tanks & of course it vents straight out onto the road. People are like that. For those that know it’s a Yamaha TRX. If you’re not a poseur & just want to go distance it’s a lovely long legged thing- a bit like my old 860GT Ducati but with about 20 horse more. As for selling bits of the Beeza to get the modem- no, it’s all still there mouldering away- like it has been for the last 10 years! Last wee thought- on the way to the pub tonight it struck me that looking at this screen is a bit like when I used to do a little bit of watch repairing- you get that eye glass screwed into the socket & time just vanishes- an odd irony really. Here you are looking at a very small world which is all about timekeeping & the time in the world just disappears!

Been trying to use the web today at work- most of the commercial stuff seems to be hopeless- they tell you things like yes, we make electric motors & of various types etc. but nowt very specific. As for spares- nothing. I ended up finally phoning & get a positive response right away. Already my use of the modem has dropped significantly- so much for the information revolution!

Decided, against my better judgement, to finally look at your Evening News- why that way- I should be in my bed- or, as they used to say when some we were all younger- it’ll no’ be this in the mornin’. Anyway I trull down to reference about 100 out of I forget how many- couple of things- I see what appears to be an address called Butterfly Lane- magic! It’s coming down like stair rods outside & all of a sudden the sun comes up! I also see a name there associated with Iain Duffus- Jim Moodie- well, the first racing back tyre for the BSA was bought from that very man. I’ll- er, leave out his nickname from those days. Mind you, I don’t think he was ever addressed that way! Oh, yes my photo- enough said but it’s fine by me given that you had three goes at it- time past when I used to carry a camera- it was yours truly that took the pictures- I’m not surprised you had three goes- the surprise is that you got anything! I’m not exactly a great subject. Ah, just looked at the clock- I don’t have to go to bed- but I do have to go to work. Still, that leaves a thought about all this have to stuff. Enough- far too late to do this sort of thing!

Been raking around your web page & came across an e- mail last night. Unfortunately I can’t remember any more than the mention of Cabrach, Garioch & Loweren- these names were what caught my eye. I think it would be usual to say the Cabrach & the Garioch- these being known principally as areas rather than specific spots- an example from a song may show what I mean.

There’s mony a bonnie lass in the Howe o’ Auchterless

There’s mony a bonnie lass in the Garioch O,

There’s mony a bonnie Jean in the streets o’ Aiberdeen,

But the floo’er o’ them a’ bides in Fyvie O’.

The definite article goes to the areas but not to the towns. Whether there is some sort of rule here I don’t know but the answer is likely to be- yes, there is- except when there isn’t!

The above is from The Bonnie lass o’ Fyvie . Also, pronunciation will explain the second line- Garioch is said like Gearie. The second song which came to mind is connected with Loweren- in a song called ‘Gin I were where the Gaudie rins’ the Lourin Fair is mentioned. That’s always the trouble with phonetic stuff. Gaudie is also given as Gadie or Gady ( the a is said as ah ) & comes up under the last spelling in the gazetteer I have as ‘Burn, Aberdeenshire, flows East to join river Urie near Oyne’. I also notice in the gazetteer Lowrans Law but this is in the Lammermuir hills in Berwickshire so seems unlikely. However, that such a similar word should exist in 2 widely separated areas might suggest that the word is associated with (say) a geographical feature or maybe a custom rather than anything specific to one particular area.

To, finish- a book recommendation- ‘Heat the Furnace Seven Times More’ by a chap called Patrick McGeown. An autobiography which deals with his childhood, schooling & early days at work in Scotland plus later when he went South. He spent the bulk of his working life on steel furnaces- starting on the (even then) old fashioned cold- blast hand charged furnaces. Sorry, couldn’t find an ISBN but it was published first here in 1967. A quick look at ‘Books in Print’ around then should find it.

Yes, I’m afraid there is a little more- been back to your web page- somewhere- I get lost! Found the sender of the above e- mail- the name is Kim Cooke. And that copyright notice- Aa richts is pitten by! Wonderful- where on earth did you get that! OK- that is definitely it. Friday night & I’m off out for a jar!

Dug up a couple more cuttings- the one in the book about defunct distilleries says something about chilled whisky- pointless- unless you’re not meant to taste the stuff! A lad I know was in California some years back & found a shop with Belhaven beer (brewed not far down the coast from here) & the locals were intrigued when Jim stood this stuff in the sun to take the cold out of it. They were even more intrigued to find that beer when merely cool & not nearly frozen had a taste!

Scottish Sayings

"Only yersel' can unwrap yer future"
You are in charge of your own destiny.

Gaelic First Names

Adamnan (Yow-nan): Adam ‘fear terror’. 

Aidan  (Aed): ‘fire/firey one’. 

Aindrea (An-dra): Andrew, 'manly'. 

Alasdair (Alister): Alexander, 'defender of men'.  

Aonghas (Eun-eu-uss): Angus, 'the unique choice’. 

Artair (Ar-tut): Arthur, 'bear-like'. 

Bearrach : Barry, ‘spear’. 

Bran: Brandon/Brendon, ‘raven’. 

Cailean (Cai-yah): Colin, 'child'. 

Calum (Cal-lum): Colm, Malcolm, 'dove'. 

Cambeul: Campbell ‘wry mouth’. 

Camsron: Cameron, ‘hook nose’. 

Caol: Kyle, ‘a strait’. 

Caolabhainn: Kelvin, ‘narrow river’. 

Caomhin: Kevin ‘born handsome’. 

Catriona (Ca-treeona): Catherine, 'pure one'. 

Ceanneidhigh: Kennedy, ‘ugly head’. 

Ciar: Kerr, darkhaired’. 

Ciaran (Kee-ran): 'dark one'. 

Coinneach (Kon-yach): Kenneth, 'the fair one'. 

Daileas: Dallas ‘field by the waterfall’. 

Deorsa (Jee-orsa): George, 'farmer'. See also Seoras'.  

Domhnall (Daw-ull): Donald, 'the great chief'. Celtic form – dubno/dummo meaning ‘great ruler’. 

Donnchadh (Don-a-thaw): Duncan, 'brown warrior'.  

Dubh: Duff ‘dark’. 

Dubhgall (Doo-wall):Dougal, 'dark stranger'. 

Dubhglas: Douglas ‘dark water’.

Eachann (Ya-chun): Hector, 'steadfast'. 

Ealasaid (Yall-a-sutch): Elizabeth, 'dedicated to God'. 

Eilidh (Ay-lee): Helen, 'light'. 

Eoghan (Yo-wun): Ewan, 'dedicated to the yew tree'.  

Fearchar (Fer-a-char): Farquhar, 'very dearest one'.  

Fearghas (Fair-a-chas): Fergus, 'super choice'.  

Fionnaghal (Fyon-a-hal): Fenella, 'white-shoulders'.  

Fionnghal: Fingal ‘fair-heaired stranger’. 

Fionnlagh (Fyon-a-low): Finlay, 'fair hero'. 

Gilleasbuig (Gheel-yes-pic): Gillespie, 'servant of the bishop'. 

Giorsail (Ghee-orsal): 'grace'. 

Giric: Gregor/Grigor ‘king’s chest’. 

Gordun: Gordon ‘hillfort’. 

Inis: Innes ‘island dweller’. 

Iomhair (Ee-eu-var): Ivar, 'archer'. 

Iseabail (Eesh-a-bal): Isabel, 'dedicated to God'.  

Lachlann (Lach-lunn): Lachlan, 'Norseman'. 

Luthais (Loo-ass): Lewis, 'famous warrior'.  

Maolcaluim: Malcolm ‘servant of Columba’. 

Maoliosa: Malise, ‘servant of Jesus’. 

Maili (Ma-lee): Molly, May, 'pearl'. 

Mairead (Ma-ee-rat): Mary. 

Mairearad (Ma-ee-rye-rat): Margaret, 'pearl'.  

Marsaili (Mar-sally): Marjorie, 'pearl'. 

Mhairi (Va-tee): Mary, 'longed-for child'. 

Monruadh: Munro ‘red hill’. 

Morbheinn: Morven ‘great hill’.

Morag (Mo-rac): Morag, Sarah, 'princess'.  

Murchadh (Moor-a-chaw): Murdo, 'sea-fighter'.  

Murgheal: Muriel ‘sea bright’. 

Niall (Nyee-ull): Nell, 'champion'. 

Oisean: Ossian, ‘little deer’. 

Padraig (Paw-dreek): Patrick, 'noble one'.  

Peadar (Pay-dur): Peter, 'rock'. 

Ron: Ronan, ‘little seal’. 

Ruadh: Reid, ‘red’. 

Ruairidh: Roderick, ‘red king’. 

Raghnall (Ren-ull): Ronald, 'wise power'.  

Ruadhan: Rowan ‘little red one’. 

Ruairidh (Ro-arree): Roderick, 'famous ruler’. 

Ruadh: Roy, ‘red’. 

Seonag (Shaw-duck): Joan, 'gift of God'.  

Seonaid (Shaw-nutch): Janet, 'gift of God'.  

Seoras (Shaw-russ): George, 'farmer'. 

Seumas (Shay-muss): James, 'the supplanter'.  

Sileas (Shee-luss): Julia, 'youth'. 

Sim (Sheem): Simon, 'the listener'. 

Sine (Shee-nuh): Jane, Jean, 'gift of God'. 

Siobhin (Shee-vawn): Judith, 'Jewish one'.  

Siusaidh (Shoo-see): Susan, 'lily'. 

Somhairle (Sorr-lee): Sorley, Somerled, 'summer wanderer'. 

Tearlach (Tchar-lach): Charles, 'manly'. 

Torcuill (Torr-kooil): Torquil, 'Thor's kettle'.

Tormod (Torr-o-mot): Norman, 'northman'.  

Uilleam (Ool-yam): William, 'strong helmet'.  

Uisdean (Oosh-tyan): Hugh, 'spiritual one'.  

Una (Oo-na): Winifred, 'white wave'.

Lord Duffus Mentioned in English Eccentrics - 1933

Provided by Dr. John Henderson Duffus

Dear David I thought you might be interested in the attached text in JPEG format from "English Eccentrics" (!!!) by Edith Sitwell, first published by Faber and Faber in 1933 but here from the edition published by the Folio Society, London, in 1994. With best wishes. John -- -- Dr John H Duffus Director, EdinTox 43 Mansionhouse Road Edinburgh EH9 2JD Scotland, U.K. Tel: +44 131 667 3682 Fax: +44 131 662 0744 +44 131 466

English Eccentrics

As far as the 'translation with admirable celebrity', or, as Mr. John Aubrey expressed it, 'Transportation by an Invisible Power', it seems to have been actuated solely by a wish to bewilder.

A certain Lord Duffus, we are told by Aubrey, walking in the fields near his house, heard 'the noise of a whirlwind, and of voices crying "Horse and Haddock" [these are the words fairies are said to use when they remove from any place'. Where he cried 'Horse and Haddock" also, and was immediately caught us and transported through the air by the fairies, far away over the bright fields of summer, 'to the French King's cellar in Paris, where, next day, after having "drunk heartily" and fallen asleep he found himself with a silver cup in his hand'. Brought into the king's presence and 'questioned  by him, who he was, and how he cam thither, he told his name, his Countrey, and the place of his residence'. His majesty, apparently, showed a great understanding of the situation.

The gentleman who told this tale was the tutor to his lordships' eldest son, and seems to have been addicted to the idea of transportation of this kind, for he himself, as a schoolboy, 'whipping his top with his schoolfellows, heard the noise of a wind, and at some distance saw small dust  begin to arise and turn around, which motion continued, advancing till it came the place they were; whereupon they began to bless themselves; but one of their number [being it seems a little more bold and confident than his companions] said "Horse and Haddock with my top", and immediately they all saw the top lifted from the ground'.

Translated in a cloud of dust, this enchanted plaything, whirling high in the air, was carried away -- away.

A gentlemen of Mr. John Aubrey's acquaintance, Mr. A.M., 'was in Portugal, around 1655, when one was burnt by the Inquisition for being brought thither from Goa, East Indies, in the air, in an incredible short time'. . . .

Gaelic Web Sites for Your Enjoyment

Gaelic and Gaelic Culture -

Gaelic Languages Info -

Gaelic Storm Band -

Gaelic Dictionaries Online - -

Gaelic College -

The Gaelic Language -

Gaelic Harps and Harpers in Scotland and Ireland -

St. Columcille United Pipe Band -

Tacsi -

Greentrax Recordings - -

Irish Gaelic Language Courses -

Gaelic Harp Music -

Scots Gaelic Language -

Donald McDonald's Gaelic Pages - -

Scotland' -

Runrig -

Gaelic Mouth Music -

Foundation Course in Gaelic Language and Music -

The Envoutement of King Duffus

Provided by Father R. P. Robert - Mission St. Benoit

Click on image for original text!!

Operations of sorcery against the men. - appalling Diseases. -
Envoûtement. - The fever of King Duffus, The Guichard bishop, The
Reine Blanche and his/her Jeanne daughter. - Envoûtement at the
court of France to XVIème century. 

extracted from: ""

While following the practices of sorcery according to the ascending scale of the beings, we arrive of the elements at the matter, the matter to the animal, the animal to the man, and we find the magician operative on his similar and, in last analysis, on itself; in other words, the wizard bewitches the others and also finishes leave ' to bewitch. Here still we will follow it step by step through its dark practical. 

When the wizard acts on the others or for the others, it is, in general, to harm or be useful of guilty passions, and in that it differs primarily from the enchantor and even from the magician, such as the latter is presented by the Eastern beliefs, yes by the oldest poems chevaleresques, because in these poems, as in these beliefs, the magician makes more volontiersle although evil, and one can take it without scruple for a scientist or wise. As for the wizard it is always and everywhere, in its relationship with its similar, the man we higher saw making a pact with the devil; it is always a being, fundamentally malicious, one will judge some by what follows. 

Like the gods of the hell, pagan, the wizard cannot be emotional and for, to be avenged for its enemies, to sometimes even torment by pleasure those which make him desire, it strikes them appalling diseases. M of Saint-Andrew speaks about a girl bewitched, who, after having lost the movement and breathing, vomits, during several months, of the egg hulls, glass, the shells, the nails of wheels of carriage, the knives, the needles and the balls of wire. Others vomitted toads of the snakes, owls; some- times the wizard ordered with the devil itself entrer' in the body of the victim, and then, one saw occurring, by the effect of the evil spell, all the phenomena of the possession. Bewitched which, carried in them another being, was diverted company of the men to exile itself in the cemeteries, and until in the tombs. 

Their figure had the color of the cedar; their eyes rouges' as trim, left the orbits; their language, rolled like a horn, hung on their chin, and the contactet the sight of the holy things, produced on them the same effect as water on the hydrophobic subjects. Medicine, was impotent, with, to cure, and they often died as suffocated by the devil. 

One sent also the illness and death, is to the people with whom one could commun- icate is with those which were at long distances, using wax figures, made with their image; this kind of evil spell, known, with the Middle Ages under the name of en- voussure or of envoûtement, often was practised, mainly against the large charac- ters. After, having baptized, named and equipped the figure which was used for envoûtement, one struck it, one wounded it more or less extremely, one threw it to water, one burned it, one buried it, one hung it, one choked it, and all tortures to which it was subjected repeated on the bodies of the alive ones. Sometimes, when one wanted to make die in small envoussé fire one inserted in the statuette, where they were left fixed at residence, of the very acute pins, so that the unhappy one constant- ly smelled in its flesh the fatal point. 

businesses of envoûtement are very numerous with the Middle Ages, and even at a time brought closer us enough; they are more widespread in all Europe. One told in Scotland that king Duffus having been attacked suddenly of a fever, extreme and continual sweats, of which nothing could calm the heat or decrease abundance, the doctors declared that their art was impotent, and that without any Duffus doubt was bewitched. The sergeants and the magistrates are reflected in search and found two women of a fort bad reputation, who made strange ceremonies, on a small statuette, of wax which they heated with a large fire. The women, led in prison, acknowledged that they had, envoûté the king, and that it was they which had caused the fever and sweats; the doctors then ordered to place the statuette in a fresh place. The command was carried out. At once the king ceased sweating and was not long in being restored. 

The first years of XIVe century offered a famous lawsuit of envoûtement, and this lawsuit all the more made, noise that the defendant was a high-ranking dignitary of the Church, Guichard, bishop of Troyes  that the people had called the son of incubates. The queen, White of Navarre, having died in 1304, and his/her Jeanne daughter having followed it, close, in there falls, at the age of trente-trois years, Guichard. Perish these two princess S by magic work was shown to have made, One informed her lawsuit; and here what one reads in the bill of indictment: The Guichard bishop carried a hatred mortal to the Jeanne queen and his mother because it was with their -continuation which it had been driven out of the consulting of Roi.s' was praised to make them:mourir and had joined to this end a witch, a inspiritée woman, and a monk Jacobin; they had all three evoked the devil and the questioned devil had answered. that it failed to make a wax image, resembling to the queen, to baptize it, give him the names of this princess, to approach it, of fire, to prick it with a needle with the neck and the tète; that there, queen then would start badly to go, and that she would die at once that the wax seraitfondue;d' after this consulting of the devil, Guichard made the image and jointly baptized it with the Jacobin, in the Sainte-Flavy hermitage; it dissolved there the image and at once the queen died. 

Many witnesses were questioned, inter alia the hermit of Saint-Flavy, who confirmed the facts; the bishop was condemned, but the character of which it was covered saved it last torment, and it remained in prison until 1313, time to which its innocence was recognized. About same time, charges of Sorcery were as, one knows, carried it against the templiers, but less happy as the bishop Guichard, they expièrent on roughing-hew it the crimes, for the majority imaginary, of which one had charged them. 

In XVIè, century, the fashion of the envoûtements became completely popular, One often knows that the duchess of Montpensier employed, this evil spell against Henri III. and that it resorted to the dagger of Jacques Clément only after having recogniz- ed uselessness of it. Catherine de Médicis, who sponsored all the madnesses and all the scélératesses, was useful herself also several times of envoûtement, while fear- ing for itself her terrible effects, and when the Mole and Coconas were delivered to the last torment, it was shown extremely worries to know if they had envoûtée it it is only indeed  moment when the effectiveness of this practice was allowed, there was no more, security, even within the absolute power, and keeps it barriers of the Louvre did not defend the kings of them.

The Black Houses of Scotland

Subject: [ANGUS] Black Houses
Resent-Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 09:12:07 -0800
Resent-From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2001 12:11:54 EST
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Just to add a bit to this description... We visited a Heritage Center in Scotland and saw a black house. It make quite an impression on me. I'm not good with estimating measurements, but it might have been about 10 feet by 20 to 25 feet. As we walked in the house there was a section for the house! They said the animals helped to warm the home and  the family knew they were safe. There may have been a wall or else that area was divided off from the rest of the house by a box bed. No door between the rooms to keep small animals from moving between the two. The box bed that just that, a bed on legs with a box frame around the bed apart with doors to close at night. The box top was flat with a slight edge. Even if the folks of that day were shorter than folks today, it would have been impossible for  them to lie completely down--it was much smaller than a double bed of today, though a bit wider than a twin. We were told the sat up against the headboard. Babies slept with the parents. Toddlers and older children leaned against the bed at the feet of the parents. If the fourth or fifth  child lived or as the children got to be too big, the older children were  moved out of the box and slept on the top of the bed. I thought of how hard these people worked and sympathized with them that they never got to stretch out or breath fresh air all night.

The other side of the box bed was the kitchen/living area. There was a small shelf, a fire, some extra supplies. No chairs, no table. It seems that there was a one odd looking stool, but I can't remember the details of that. 

Then there was a wall separating that area from one small other room. This had a very small cot. We were told this room was used for birthing and dying and, if the family was lucky, storing extra food after a harvest. There was one window in the house and it was in this room, but it was packed in with peat. There was a "daylight" tax on windows, so even if the home had windows, poor families often filled them in. (We saw places on our Edinburgh tour where the windows had been blacked in the past because of this tax.) 

All in all, the visit to the black house made a greater impression on me than the castles. It made me so grateful for the things I have! I hope this helps give a bit more of a picture of these homes.

Gaye Willis
In a message dated 1/21/01 2:30:47 AM Alaskan Standard Time, 
[email protected] writes:

> Typically: Dry Stone dwellings, low roof, single entry, one or two "windows", hole in the roof for smoke exit, often with only a single room, sometimes a second room for the livestock. BLACK due to smoke and soot inside. Many Highlands croft houses were of this type. Some later versions had the cooking/heating fire at one end and the adults could sit within the cooking zone for evening warmth. Very early versions had the fire and chimney hole, central instead of at one end.

Autumn Day

by Lynn Duffus

Click on image!!

Additions to Who's Who Duffuses

Duffus, Allan Ferguson 1915-

Who's Who in the World. Seventh edition, 1984-1985. Wilmette, IL: Marquis Who's Who, 1984.

Who's Who in the World. Eighth edition, 1987-1988. Wilmette, IL: Marquis Who's Who, 1986.

Who's Who in the World. Ninth edition, 1989-1990. Wilmette, IL: Marquis Who's Who, 1988.

Duffus, Herbert 1908-
Who's Who. An annual biographical dictionary. 144th Year of Issue, 1992. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.

Duffus, Herbert, Sir 1908-

The Blue Book. Leaders of the English-speaking world. 1976 edition. London: St. James Press; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1976. Reprint. In two volumes by Gale Research, Detroit, 1979. (Blue B 76)

Who's Who. An annual biographical dictionary. 126th Year of Issue, 1974-1975. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1974.

Who's Who. An annual biographical dictionary. 134th Year of Issue, 1982-1983. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982.

Who's Who. An annual biographical dictionary. 135th Year of Issue, 1983-1984. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983.

Who's Who. An annual biographical dictionary. 137th Year of Issue, 1985-1986. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985.

Who's Who. An annual biographical dictionary. 140th Year of Issue, 1988. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988.

Who's Who. An annual biographical dictionary. 142nd Year of Issue, 1990. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990.

Duffus, Herbert George 1908-

Who's Who in the World. Second edition, 1974-1975. Wilmette, IL: Marquis Who's Who, 1973.

Duffus, Herbert (George Holwell) 1908-

Who's Who. An annual biographical dictionary. 146th Year of Issue, 1994. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994.

Who's Who. An annual biographical dictionary. 150th Year of Issue, 1998. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998.

Who's Who. 151st Year of Issue, 1999. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.

Who's Who in the World. Third edition, 1976-1977. Wilmette, IL: Marquis Who's Who, 1976.

Duffus, Herbert George Holwell, Sir 1908-

The International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who. 1978 edition. West Sussex, England: Kelly's Directories, 1978. Biographies are found in Part 3.

The International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who. 1979 edition. West Sussex, England: Kelly's Directories, 1979. Biographies are found in Part 3.

The International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who. 1980 edition. West Sussex, England: Kelly's Directories, 1980. Biographies are found in Part 3.

The International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who. 1981 edition. West Sussex, England: Kelly's Directories, 1981. Biographies are found in Part 3.

The International Yearbook and Statesmen's Who's Who. 1982 edition. West Sussex, England: Thomas Skinner Directories, 1982. Biographies are found in Part 3.

Duffus, Louis George 1904-

The International Authors and Writers Who's Who. Eighth edition. Edited by Adrian Gaster. Cambridge: International Biographical Centre, 1977.

Duffus, R. L. 1888-1972

Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia of American Literature. First edition. Edited by George Perkins, Barbara Perkins, and Phillip Leininger. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991.

Contemporary Authors. A bio-bibliographical guide to current writers in fiction, general nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, motion pictures, television, and other fields. Volumes 37-40, 1st revision. Detroit: Gale Research, 1979.

Contemporary Authors. A bio-bibliographical guide to current writers in fiction, general nonfiction, poetry, journalism, drama, motion pictures, television, and other fields. Volume 101. Detroit: Gale Research, 1981.

The Lincoln Library of Language Arts. Third edition. Two volumes. Columbus, OH: Frontier Press Co., 1978. Biographies begin on page 345 of Volume 1 and are continued in Volume 2.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature. A checklist, 1700-1974. Volume 1. By R. Reginald. Detroit: Gale Research, 1979.

Duffus, Robert Luther 1888-1972
World Authors. "1900-1950." Four volumes. Edited by Martin Seymour-Smith and Andrew C. Kimmens. Wilson Authors Series. New York: H.W. Wilson Co., 1996.  Biography contains portrait.

Duffus, R.L. 1888-1972

Biography Index. A cumulative index to biographical material in books and magazines.Volume 22: September, 1996-August 1997. New York: H.W. Wilson Co., 1997.

Additional Databases Added


Brooklyn, New York Directories, 1888-1890

Charleston, South Carolina Directory, 1888-90

Danbury, Connecticut Directories, 1885-90

Detroit, Michigan Directory, 1890

Milwaukee, Wisconsin Directory, 1889-90

New Orleans, Louisiana Directories, 1890-1891

Oswego, New York Directories, 1888, 1890-93

Rochester, New York Directory, 1890

St. Paul, Minnesota City Directories, 1889-91


 Census Records

Delaware Census, 1790-1890 - 1

Illinois Census, 1810-90 - 3

Iowa Census, 1838-70 - 8

Kansas Census, 1850-90 - 1

Kingston District, Frontenac County, Ontario Census, 1901 - 1

Lindsay and Omemee, Ontario Census, 1901 - 5

Minnesota Census, 1835-90 - 3

New Jersey Census, 1772-1890 - 2

Pennsylvania 1910 Census Miracode Index - 6

South Carolina Census, 1790-1890 - 6

Wyoming Census, 1860-1910

 Click here to access!!


Subject: Duffus Family
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 23:43:55 +1030
From: "Graham & Perri Stokes" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>

Hi David,

My name is Perri Stokes (nee Duffus). I have written to you before but have had no result to my search. I have only recently discovered my father has no background on his fathers family at all. I am hoping that someone may be able to help me. the following info is all i have on the Duffus side of the family.

Eric Stanley Duffus Married Thelma Dolan
(Grandfather) (Grandmother)

3 children all still living: Barbara, Beverley and Brian 

Brian Stanley Duffus (b.1932) Married Muriel May Olds (b.1932)
(Father) (Mother)

1 natural child named Karen (died at 2 days)
2 adopted children Rohan Kym Duffus and Perri Joan Duffus

Perri Joan Duffus (b. 1965) Married Graham Stokes (b. 1953)
No children

Rohan Kym Duffus (b. 1963) Married Miranda Louise Blacker (b.1971)
1 child Stephanie May Duffus (b. 1993)

Grandfather lived in Broken Hill NSW Australia then moved to Cooma with his family to begin work on the Snowy Mountain Scheme. My dad was born and bred in Broken Hill and now resides in Adelaide. My husband and I as well as my brother and his family continue to live in Broken Hill.

Anyway, any information you could come by would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately I have given you very little information but it is all I have to go on at the moment. 

My dad was in Scotland just after the 2000 reunion. He missed it by about a fortnight. He was disappointed but doubtless will be there next reuinion if he can.


Perri Stokes.

Subject: Re: Duffus Family
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2001 17:40:05 -0500
From: davidduffus <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Organization: DUFFUS & YOUNCE
To: Graham & Perri Stokes <[email protected]>

Thanks Perri! 

If you can give me your grandfather's date of birth and place of birth I may be able to find more information for you. Since the Scots Register Office will not release anything after 1901 it's impossible for me to help you unless your grandfather was born before then. 

I'll post your inquiry on the upcoming Duffus Sunday News. 

Best wishes, 


Past Issues

March 14, 1999

April 11, 1999

May 16, 1999

July 5, 1999

August 8, 1999

September 12, 1999

October 31, 1999

November 28, 1999

December 19, 1999

January 30, 2000

March 5, 2000

April 2, 2000

May 14, 2000

June 11, 2000

July 28, 2000

September 2, 2000

October 22, 2000

December 3, 2000

January 14, 2001

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Aa richts is pitten by. Nae pairt o this darg shuid be doobelt, hained in onie kin o
seestem, or furthset in onie kythin or bi onie gate whitsomeiver, athoot haein leave
frae the writer afore-haund. 

Copyright 2001

All rights reserved - David Duffus